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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. I revised the Munar Lander and launcher, still tweaking this thing, not even sure if I will be able to land it as is. Stay tuned for future postings my goal is to land at least the largest core of this Mun Base, it may get down sized as the challenge continues!
  2. Still plan to share the file, just been having trouble with my file share setup
  3. The designs that you people do on here keep me dumb founded! so many of you are doing spectacular builds, please keep on sharing the work I love to see them!
  4. Whenever you are in flight there is no F5 there is only the return to the Building Center or the Launch Pad, 9 out of 10 that's where you will want to go anyway if things haven't gone too good
  5. Wow this is a really cool idea! as for ideas, maybe you could have a rover inside with the brake applied and when cruising over the Mun you could release the brakes and let it roll out the back then land the rover with small engines on each corner. This could be very challenging I'm sure......now to get that much weight to the Mun!
  6. I have the file, how do I share it? Do I need a file sharing app or can it be done on here?
  7. Overjay, I am getting into this rocketry head first and wide open! Still new at this stuff, I would need some coaching on how to share this craft file. As soon as I get a chance I will research it and get it to you, and yes wobble and a few other things...lol I've seen myself shutting down and activating engines to steer these, sometimes making loops at 100m...lol. I was able to control the wobble by reducing my throttle.
  8. no this is not my norm but I have done a straight shot with one of these launchers then put a small station into orbit
  9. I am one that likes my crafts to look realistic, for one reason a realistic looking craft will have less problems, but when I started building the launcher I decided go with it even though the fuel tanks were merging together. I know from past experiences this can cause problems with staging. I started to roll this one to a 45 degree when I reached about 31,000m then rolled again to about 80 when at 70,000m at this point things were getting to chancy late in the mission to do any further staging so I let the empty tanks ride until all the tanks were used up. I was on the last four engines with only a quarter tank of fuel left in each of the tanks and something went terribly wrong! (Picture 2) These large craft take hours to achieve orbit and at this time it was not too funny when this happened! I do admit though it is all in the fun of playing KSP.
  10. Here's one of our buddies taking a stroll, it sure takes some practice using these jet packs!
  11. Early in Career Mode not many parts available yet, named it Communication Station. I do like realism but also like my work to look sophisticated too so you may see many useless parts in my work I just think it looks neat when there's a bunch to look at.
  12. This is so cool, thanks for sharing that information, this game just amazed me again! ...Luv KSP!
  13. When the payload was on it's own, it started spinning out of control, the design didn't work very well.
  14. Yes all rocket powered, not getting any distance, I also used some parachutes and decouples for the snow skies, not sure if I can land it in the snow because it's not reaching yet
  15. I like your launchers and plan to use them in the future, thanks for sharing them
  16. Here is where I am on heavy lifting, keep in mind that this is early stages of career mode without many parts available. I've spent very little time in the sandbox because I like the challenges and designing. I also have many screen shots on Steam, I am using the same user name castille7 Part Count: 1067 Total Mass at the Launch Pad: 1431.44t
  17. Here is the largest craft I've landed with a similar launcher
  18. I'll buy Bill Kerman some night vision goggles just in case!.....lol
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