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Everything posted by BadRocketsCo.

  1. Nope, I haven´t deleted anything. What do you mean "For earth or for Kerbin"? If you mean, that do I have the resized version, then it is for Earth...I guess.
  2. Before I had an older version, where Kerbin still looked like Kerbin. So now I FINALLY installed the new version and then THIS happened. It is quite hilarious, but the space center is more useful on the ground .
  3. So today I was messing with the RSS, when I discovered, that something awful has happened in Cape Canaveral HOW? WHY? WHAT? HOW AM I SUPPOST TO LAND PLANES?! OR START GRAVITY TURNS?! (To the forum staff: This thread isn´t made to seek support! It is just to show the hilarity of this problem )
  4. There they are I already saw the toolbar settings in the wrong place, I moved them out of the way.
  5. Wow, you want to work on ANOTHER mod? WHEN DO YOU SLEEP????? I´m sorry, but that is kinda funny
  6. Either that or Cape Canaveral has been rebuilt in this universe although I haven´t heard any news on that... Imagine landing a plane there
  7. Eeeeeeeh....I dont think, it´s suppost to look like this... Help?
  8. I once had a dream at around the 3-rd class, where my P.E teacher shot me from a revolver, while I was running laps on my schools stadium. After I get shot I groan for some time in pain and then wake up. What kind of a dream is THAT?
  9. "Why has it done THAT?" After my command module sank into the launch vechicle, thus killing the crew and lithobreaking the rocket.
  10. So after some research, I understand, that I will need the Universe Replacer mod to get other textures for planets. But after a whole lot of googling and searching, I couldn't find the texture pack, what makes the planets look like our solar system planets. Could anyone help?
  11. Oh, things have been happening here! Anyways, I set my Periapsis at 30 000 meters and I landed without a problem, atleast reentry wise, my poor rover crashed into the ground because I made the parachutes to open too fast, thus ripping everything apart... :'(
  12. Oehhh...the neverending fight. Some people like to use it, some people don't. The end
  13. Oh well, I will try somewhere around 40 000 meters and hope for the best. I hope my cute rover won't fly off into deep space
  14. But what Periapsis hight would be good with the RSS atmosphere scale? Around 30 000 meters?
  15. Oh, my bad, the page didn't refresh to show the new post
  16. But as I understand, I wouldn't need to worry about how low the periapsis is? Even with RSS?
  17. No no, I men't to aerobreak to slow myself down straight from interplanetary speeds to speeds, that are slow enough to not enter orbit again and land., kinda like Curiousity did.
  18. So I have a question related to using Duna's atmosphere to go straight for a landing when using DRE and RSS. Let's say, that I have an unmanned craft going to Duna and I would like to go straight for the landing without any orbit insertion. How high should my Periapsis be, so that I could land without burning up and G-forces ripping my craft apart?
  19. And I am so sorry, I tried looking for a thread, that would give me an answer, but wasn't able to find it. I feel kinda stupid now !
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