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Justin Kerbice

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Everything posted by Justin Kerbice

  1. I know you've work a lot I guess to avoid conflicts or weird issues of many kind but should it not be better to have: Gamedata/ModStatistics/ModStatistics.dll which is a "global oversight" and: GameData/modA/ModStatistics.cfg GameData/modB/ GameData/modC/ModStatistics.cfg modB is not surveyed, A and C are, cfg file may contains specific items to each mod (include crash data or not, monitor parts if such option is added later, or anything which could be useful to mod author) As you have made it for now, it is a kind of dll invasion, and is not very clear, how much dll are loaded ? Does one load after another then disabled itself ? What if 3 latest versions are there ? All 3 will be executed ? Or only one (which one ?) of the 3 ?
  2. At least, release it like they have done allow to change way if: -community wants something that was not part of the initial plan, -SQUAD agreed to change its way The most dramatic thing for a game company would be to do something THEY want but almost no-one want at all ! (that may explain why many released games are crap full of bugs these days, just to avoid to waste too much money in a potential failure)
  3. There is also a WIP by BahamutoD and Vanguard plug-in, quite a collection .
  4. Of course, because standard engines are based on ground level chemistry (you know: oxygen is needed to create fire), unfortunately, other ways have not really been researched yet due to money consideration I guess, except those nuclear engines. But if thermite for example can be used to create explosion/kinetic energy, it may be used anywhere, even underwater, cause it provide its own oxygen ! "Busted !" It's already started, just need time to complete the model. It looks like the Dassault's Mirage F-1 intakes. Here is a pic (using new 3dsmax display style):
  5. I don't think it'll work so well, I have witnessed multiple time crash where in fact parts attached to a strong part will suffer as well (in fact the joint breaks first, the parts move all around and hit the ground then they are destroyed). Even if the such strong part survive alone ! Do your own experiments, create a super strong box (5000 m/s tolerance for example) or even take a part and play with it, attach it to a small rocket, attach things on it, have fun by crash a lot. And such things make sense when you think of it, remember old cars without all those modern safety devices, a hard impact on a wall lead people inside to suffer from major injuries even when no direct hit occurred. So you have to create a part which can absorb kinetic energy on impact (based on landing gears for example). I guess it could be possible to build a "landing leg" made by two big parts connected by a big shock absorber, kind of an "hydraulic press" in shape.
  6. Today's update: Just a few alignment and texture issues to fix and... another bonus part to complete. I have decided to split parts, so this will not include other mk2 parts (SAS, battery, decoupler and separator), which will get their own release, I have also a mk2 engine on the workbench, I have decide to make one not realistic at all, an engine which use liquid fuel only (because it's the most common propellant in common mk2 tanks without plug-in like RF/MFT), and which will be most efficient in high altitude/vacuum. If someone wants to help to make a good atmosphereCurve and maybe a velocityCurve, please let me know. Here it is (there is another pic in the album on 1st post): (it has almost the length of a mk2 fuselage, and the usual bell is made by the fuselage itself. The only issue is the fuel consumption which is too high for now, ~5-6 LF unit for a max thrust of 280 kN, need fine-tuning)
  7. Good work , thanks. Have you look deeper into how KSP really work vs real life ? ISP on wiki seems to be generic formula, not that's used in game as engines are defined by one or both of these two tables (TurboJet Engine example): 1st is ISP at a given altitude and 2nd is thrust at a given speed. velocityCurve is used for jet/air breathing engines only. Some explanations are here
  8. I guess you've got your answer, but you'd better wait the release before potentially waste your time for nothing.
  9. It may be even impossible if author didn't take time to add version to the library . (md5/other ? + reference like pluginchecksumA =, pluginchecksumB = 1.0.2 sounds like a real pain somewhere to maintain) 0.0.3, this particular report (report-1.json) has been removed, so I guess it has been uploaded, confirmed by: And it's do the same again for second report: Looks like your plug-in is some kind of psycho-spaceball , first time it crash, second time, it is ok.
  10. @Majiir: previous reports from yesterday have not been sent (maybe due to the exception below). I got:
  11. And what Frizzank think about this ? As the creator, what do you think about this ? Regarding Ven suggestion: I think optimization should be left aside as this is not the purpose of such contest (and optimizations are usually a "tiny" thing, boring and time/energy consuming, with a small visible result, not really good for someone who begin). And giving more freedom will make harder to define a true winner mostly because parts cannot be compared.
  12. and so what ? Better maybe to put really what is all about on top of your post . As usual, some kind of people say the stupid "no pic no click", here it could be "no summary no click". By the way, you're "back" MkSheppard, I have really enjoyed your tutorial series on making parts and the adapter you've made, it have helped me a lot when I began.
  13. @gpisic: I agree with you. And to answer the original question: yes I believe one, or more, civilization(s) have existed before and may be even still very alive (the one we called "extraterrestrial" or a part of them). 1st: simple maths, oldest human being like remains have been dated back to 4.5 millions years old, it's quite old, considering "our" current civilization could be back dated to cave-men (a few 100 000 years ONLY). It's not so crazy to believe some human beings have already evolve long time ago (even after 1 million years), in only 100000 years, they could reach some technologies, then for one reason or another, they "died", so in more than 3 millions years under various climates changes, geological and cosmic events and natural erosion, many or all of theirs creations and legacy have disappeared for good. 2nd: various testimonies from a remote past still exists but they can't be strictly dated (C-14 dating can only be use of organisms and only for those younger than ~ 50 000 years, other methods are also not precise), and many of them shows very strange and unexplained design and purpose like Central and South America's pyramids and others. Even more strange is the fact no known technologies today can either be use to built such kind of constructions ! (except the undisclosed method use by the builder of Coral Castle, Edward Leedskalnin). Also, we tend to forgot how our civilization has evolve due to some critical choices "made" during its history, think about it: fire, language, gun powder, wheels, religion, money and stupidity in random order , have forged all civilization. Modern trains and cars width have been set according to the old roman's pavestone road width made for horse powered chariot ! And basically: fire + powder + some geometry and physics lead to current rocket science. What if the powder has never been invented ? Or not use the same way ? I also watch the show (mysterious cities of gold) long ago and it looks like it is based upon old accounts from indian epic Mahâbhârata which also talk about things some people have interpreted to be nuclear weapons. For interested people, I recommend Ancient Aliens, some conclusions are a bit too easy and too fast, but facts can't be denied (ancient texts and buildings for example).
  14. @Greys: this is just another skills modders have to learn, after that, it's kind of a personal matter and focus. I myself learn a lot since I make KSP parts regarding textures, but it still takes me n times more than modelling most of the time. For the challenge, I heard there is a shortage on plane's nosecones (in Prokjet's spaceplane plus dev thread) so...
  15. I could be wrong but Unity editor (4.3.3 for this matter) and Mu script (from last parttools) does nothing to the mesh itself regarding shading/smoothing. I have made unsmooth models and get unsmooth parts, the same with smoothed ones.
  16. I have had the same* issue the first time I launch KSP (0.23), but the first exception comes from Active Texture Management mod., Second run was ok. * except it is ModuleManager.ConfigManager.OnGUI () in my case.
  17. Is there any keyboard with many 'Z' keys ? Many modders like this keys (maybe because of the cartoonish 'zzzZZZ' means sleeping), a bit of user's customisation will be welcome. Nice idea by the way, dunno why there is the 'no thrust' feature without a full thust counterpart.
  18. If any one think so, try some low-poly modelling, EVERYTHING there is about texture (~80-90% of details), you can make a car with only 100 polys, and make everything with texture, even without bump map, it add "life" to the model. Good examples can be found on turbosquid 3D models sharing/selling website, many models are free, look for some low-poly/game ready, it's amazing what can be done with mostly textures. Here an example (~ 1200 polys), or this one (144 polys)
  19. I just think of a good use to this plug-in Majiir and others, as people talks about necro here, stats allow modders to know some people still have a real interest in their work and may push them to keep their mods alive and updated. As I guess anyone will be more please to spend time on something people actually use than on something on one even know about it. But for such purpose, again, your plug-in needs to know exactly parts use, and how much they are used, not just a subdir of GameData dir is there. Which also allow modder to know which part to take care of in a big set (example: if one engine in KWRocketry or NovaPunch is very appreciated, and one is almost never use, if both have issues, priorities comes by themselves)
  20. There is two ways: - the bureaucratic/legal way, they can prevent people for modding their own game (and shoot themselves in both feet), some companies have done this before, mostly by messing so much with internal data formats used and of course not relasing any documentation at all (ex: Bugbear with Flatout series), - the "friendly" way, they decide a new standard like they set up curse hosting, no voting, no debate, no democracy there, kind of "follow us or die", KSP will not load any content without some files first. It's close to how dynamic library works in fact, if the code is made specifically to load version X of lib A, using a custom lib A' of version X.01 will failed.
  21. I know it's more a texture contest this time but Ven, your nodes are wrong (0 and 2.92 whereas your part is centered), looks like almost everyone add some glitches to be just below perfection . Darkside: amazing work on tex, nice look and quite balanced with all those "lego-ish" bright colors , "plastic look" isn't so if we think of some standard gaz tank which have similar specular paint job. In fact, it's more semi-gloss finish. Just the nuts are bad here. Chossing rivet or domed head screws would have been better IMHO. You got my vote. starvision: the sphere would have been better without bump map. Robotengineer: your tex make it looks like plastidip finish (especially near the welding zones) Ven advice on tex is great, just a little more lighting create great looking object. Looking at how it goes, chaining contests one after another like a relay seems to be not a so good idea IMHO, as it become an habits and habits are boring and less and less fun with time. Giving a little break could helps.
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