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Justin Kerbice

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Everything posted by Justin Kerbice

  1. New WIP (see album on first post) Texture is just a dummy one for now so please ignore it. A (very) bigger launch pad, initially made because KSC2 launchpad is for "pocket rockets", but trying some huge rovers thing shows also that KSC launchpad is quite "small" or not big enough for crazy huge asparagus things. With it, you'll never have to worry anymore that parts of your rockets may fall from the launchpad ! length/width: 200m height: 10m (9.7m for the inside square) inside square: 80m sides access ramp: 60m long I'll put one in KSC2, south of main building, and another one like on new pics: on "top" of default launchpad.
  2. Good idea, but I'm not a fan of panels myself and I always found both ugly and ridiculous using tons of them to try to make shape which look like something else (like fairing). The best might be to put tex on one side and flat/low-res on the one which stand for interior/invisible side. Also, take a look at "sci-fi texture" (an also sci-fi box/crate and warhammer 40k) results on a search engine, you'll find plenty of great idea for your panels. some links as inspiration: link1 link2
  3. Great !! Finally I'll not take pieces of the thing I build when trying to remove tiny part or the ones with bad/weird collider (like the stock structural pylon) which is a big annoyance of the stock editor.
  4. if it can give you inspiration (to go back in time), I believe your anim plug-in and your "sniper" thrusters are promising. TOO fast ! So fast, complainers can't even think of having complaint ! But I have one, your snap back is too fast, it looks are very annoying in fact as it is in your video, I remember a game or two doing that, it's a great pain in something on our back, maybe delay and/or on/off key make it perfect ! (Imagine you drive a rover and put camera in a given angle for whatever reason, and each time you just release the mouse... the camera goes back where it was, and yes, this mode is not for plane only, right ?).
  5. BahamutoD strike again ! nice plug-in. Does it also magically fix camera weird behaviour under/in building ? Like under the two hangars on the island runway. Nothke looks quite sad regarding his Kerbin City further development because of that.
  6. Funny, kerbals are smaller than human, but this Iron Man is bigger than them, and it shouldn't go too "fart" (hotrocketFX mod can be very fun there)
  7. Hi, does someone know if a plug-in or anything else exists to fix the issue with connections nodes ? (If you don't know what I mean, try connection two or more Rockomax Hubmax multi point connector together with any nodes, good luck). The biggest annoyance in this is it prevent two parts to connect together even with help of some stock structural parts like modular girders as this: part1 girder ----- ---------- | ------ [ part2 ----- ---------- connection shows by [ character doesn't work at all :/. Tanks.
  8. Right ! I forgot those "good" old inconsistencies between binaries and libraries. (it's more a trouble when data/sub entries are located in different place) For the last 0.23 compatible release and this one (6.3), the extracted folder gives: FirespitterPre 6.3/ Example Craft Example Craft FAR Fan Submitted Craft Firespitterpartsguide_december21_2013.pdf Flags Parts PluginData Plugins Props readme.txt Resources Sounds Source Spaces textures in bold: files which have no business in a proper working install there is no GameData which allow an easy drag & drop to a KSP install and if people are unaware of it, they install all into the main KSP dir, not GameData which is wrong. And your long document states: which will not make things works as expected (outdated doc ?) For the craft you can use: optionnal crafts/Ships/SPH /VAB and in doc "if you want to use the crafts provided, copy the Ships directory into your GameData folder..." The electric one (with yellow blades, designed for planes) and the second VTOL propeller (the smallest I guess). Try a simple craft: the smallest probe core, one z1k battery, the propeller on top, start engine, throttle up => your craft will immediately goes up very fast (ok it is very light) before even the blades rotate at some speed. (I know, I know, it's not a plane, it's not suppose to be used like that but... even on a plane, like the electric mustang, the craft may start moving forward a while before blades spin fast enough to really create the thrust). I may be interesting to compare with KAX propellers. funny, you have to add buoyancy to make it sink ! KSP world is very fun . (I just though simple: buoyancy = don't sink, I was wrong)
  9. @snjo: don't want to bother you (too much ) with a few comments about the last (? not sure, 6.3) pre-release: - you've miss the compatibility version requirement in readme (what's the point of making compatibility check which seems useless right now without adding this data ?), it works wells in 0.23 despite the warning. I didn't do intensive testing, but at least, the propellers I tried... "propells" - it will be great if files are better sorted inside the archives, as archiveroot/ GameData/ Firespitter/ all dirs and files which are needed ONLY others stuffes like crafts, doc, source (crafts could even be in Ships/SPH or VAB) Less people will complaint about troubles, more people will use it, more people will be happy - there is still the "magic propellers issue" (max thrust, without being at max speed) by the way it's strange that some propellers loose thrust very fast with altitude. And air intake seems useless with electric propeller (closing it don't change anything, the propeller still works well). - I see you have add buoyancy on the landing pad, is it made of hollow plastic (or filled with hot hydrogen ?), it is not suppose to float at all. Hope this will not let you think I don't like FireSpitter, I really love it and in fact just start to create crazy things again with it
  10. another nice product from ASET ! Looks great for now. AFAIK, in every single sci-fi movie and novel, base modules are usually send compact/compacted and drop as-is on the ground, then deploy/build by people on the ground already there or coming after. Too bad animated part lame so much yet in KSP (I mean we can't create "drop water to expand" things right now :/ ) 2G seems a bit low, unless they're not properly attached, it will create kerbals porridge (good food for other colonists). By the way there is quite an issue with kerbals as they're supposed to have a mass of 94 kgs (according to some tools like Mechjeb), 94 kgs !!! it means almost a ton on Kerbin, for smaller than human being creatures. Are they made of ununoctium (the heaviest element, yet unknown) ?
  11. mmm.... do we really have to deal with such a thread on every single new articles post by Harvester in the news about incoming KSP update ? Seriously, what's the point ? Pure waste of time on speculations which end into the void.
  12. Can someone tell me from which mod these engines are (from the last pic on the bottom) ? Thanks. Also, what about the smoke effect nothke did here: It seems to have been lost along the posts.
  13. Just a quick compatibility note: this mode was made to work only with KSP >= 0.23.5 as it use the new STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW flow mode, it makes previous KSP release (0.23 at least) to hang forever on loading with
  14. Sounds great, hope modders will start to use it. Some more fields to add IMHO: type (plug-in/part/mixed=plug-in + part) depends (modX use plug-in from modY, if modY if upgraded, warning may be displayed)
  15. In order to break the bureaucratic repetitiveness of kerbal science, we could have at our disposal various science parts doing the same job, but with various parameters (efficiency, speed, quality, resolution, ...). Kind of chemical analysis of some matter/liquid: -you have cheap/solid/basic part which give you the acid/base value, -another part give you molecular analysis (x % of this, y % of that), -another give you presence of lifeforms (ex:bacteria detected here) or its absence, -and so on each level mean part price/research needed to get it, lifetime, resource consumption (a mass spectrometer should needs lot's of power for example), difficulty to use the part (this need kerbal skills), a random parameter also for analysis quality (sample tainted, kerbal mistake, sensor not calibrated right, ...). Just some ideas for a more interesting sicence as even doing the same experiment 3 times may give you 3 different results (= 3 different "score") in some case.
  16. ok (but it still be cool as I first use them despite they are deeply connected to the body, at least they surely don't be ripped off this way !)
  17. @Porkjet: This is the Elevon issue I told you about earlier in private: as you can see, the node_attach is located near the center of the elevon, not the side where it is supposed to be attached. Also, node size are not there in official doc on the KSP wiki, and it seems adding the size can seriously confuse KSP.
  18. Nvidia made such tool: nvdxt, it create DDS (Direct Draw Surface, created by Microsoft) file from most common picture format and it support all (I think) options offered by it. An by the way, this format is not odd, compared to the stock MBM one (which is very odd, no actual benefit but trouble to convert pic into it). Regarding memory management, Squad should seriously rework what was done in KSP, cause it's not acceptable a mere game needs so much for just a "few" textures. I never see before any single program of any kind so memory angry. (I don't take programs that need so much memory or more legitimately like very complex simulators in account.)
  19. Rovers (like many things) in KSP are seriously lacking so it's not a surprise many people have more or less similar idea. But as opposite to this hibernating (or dead ?) mod, I'm fully focused on rover bodies themselves, I let transportation feature to someone else (by transportation I mean everything which is use to carry or deliver a rover like cargo bay or skycrane). thanks.
  20. One feature which could make these tracks even nicer would be "length/wheels numbers" parameters, to make longer tracks instead of using 2 or more short tracks part together. Kind of procedural thing I guess. I know it may be hard and better for another release, another way could be a track making tutorial to let modders create more various models.
  21. oups sorry, just "waking up" by brain, forgot to remove secret state of the album. done now.
  22. No always true, you can dock without RCS (I'm not cupcake but I manage to do it with his Scythe mk2 by its front docking port). And your docking port looks nice, as other said, hope it can be extended a bit (Tiberion did this in one of his mod).
  23. Rover 'N' Others The rovers lives harder with a vengeance ! Set 1 - mini H series Hello to all rover fans, if you're tied of playing with stock structural parts to build rovers which looks like rover and not assembly of rusty parts found in the local dump, these sets will be for you. Rovers'N'Others is a set of rover bodies designed to build rover without a crazy structural parts amount in weird shapes with lot's of part clipping. The bodies comes in various shapes and sizes and hold a few resources to make them as useful as possible. This first set include three small flat H shaped bodies and a bonus body called "robottom" or Robot-Tom for its friend (I have had the bottom part of a rolling robot in mind when I've made it). Instead of releasing lately, or never, a very big set of parts which can potentially cause severe memory issues, I have chosen to release small packs in an almost regular basis, so you can pick the one which fit your needs at best without dealing with a lot's of parts you don't want. These rover bodies have not been designed to be cute but functional and they offer plenty of spaces to put everything you need for your missions. If you think this four pieces will not really help you to design crazy things ? Let me prove you're wrong, take a look at this album: (lots of examples made during my intensive testing time) 1.2 changes: colliders issue fixed, thanks to lo-fi for the hint, multiple colours added (Firespitter by snjo REQUIRED and NOT INCLUDED) set 1 1.2 - download templates and default textures - download More sets to come, stay tuned ! T series on its way, Y will follow and more after.
  24. Great . But using a simple part is strange, how do you put it on the static base ? Unless using hyperedit, it sounds like quite complicated. +use kerbtown for that is not really necessary, you could have include the base with the part itself. (or you use this base as spawn point and drop the part on it) Have you considering using snjo work for his gaz station ? It's really a kerbtown building.
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