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Justin Kerbice

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Everything posted by Justin Kerbice

  1. One feature which will be very great is camera freedom (being on the ground, or sometime under, is not very helpful) and use various coordinates system, as X,Y,Z position is not very common in-game. Kerbtown gives lat./long. already, I guess it might not be too hard to do this way. For the camera, the plug-in doc show a view from above (in house manipulation), but there is no info about any available keys in it.
  2. I think there is a balance issue with stock toroidal aerospike engine: mass 1.5t, space 4.0, I think it might be better to increase it's space requirement (just due to shipment protection for example) And this is the Mechjeb case config (with it, each kerbal can have his own super-gps system):
  3. Those parts looks good, especially fuel balls you've got some at least (easy joke I know ) But I don't understand what exactly is your TweakScale plugin and how it could be used to do something else, it seems to be a bit under-sold here. More explanation will be nice, thanks.
  4. @Giggleplex777: congratulations, your R-2 is very nice and I'm glad to get a SSTO with RAPIER engine which is so good to fly with. One only lack: no action group to close air intakes (it may create unwanted drag in upper atmosphere). Thanks also to Xeldrak and all contributors for this challenge, I can only imagine how time and energy are needed to keep track of everything and organize it.
  5. Already discussed before here and here And, I also advertize my ads => look at this.
  6. A little feature request: when two ships are linked together, give the ability to cut the link (emergency unlink) just in case it is needed. Today, I tried to do a refuelling, ships was steady, I connect them but... for no reason, they start to play yoyo together, waste almost all monop of a kerbals to dry to reach a ladder or to unlink ships without any success then they finally explode. If with the ship selected, I was just able to select the link and have a "release/unlink" control, it may have been less dramatic. Unless one day this issue (crazy ships when connected) was fixed once and for all.
  7. Of course !!! 1000 docking ports will kill performance ! Maybe here is the truth. I cannot believe this thread since the first post.
  8. Lovely . Great job so far. What about a similar track like the Hunter Killer from Terminator: a video of a 3D rendering here (embedding disabled by author)
  9. Ok guys, thanks and I think I'll hang myself on one of the evil winch for a while as a punishment to haven't take time to read just a few posts above. This should be added to the doc (not there, just checked).
  10. Don't want to kill your momemtum Cpt. Kipard, AlchemyTechnologies parts set have already small cylinder, 0.625 diameter, ballasts (from a few kgs to 5 t), with decoupling feature.
  11. Hi, here are settings to ad some parts from my advertizing parts IMPORTANT NOTICE: don't grab and attach the two adpanels, for now, there are placed perpendicular to the tangent of the surface, inside the part like a sword , unless you want to kill the kraken if you find it. AFAIK with the current KAS version, there is no fix for that. UPDATE: you can use Left-Alt/Right-Alt with b/n keys to rotate part along any of the three axis.
  12. I had a little feature request for the KASModuleGrab module: we have dropPartPos and dropPartRot (I don't even know if these two it makes any sense as who cares how part will be drop ?), could attachPartPos and attachPartRot be added ? For some non symetric parts, angle is completely wrong and the b/n only allow rotate on y axis (rotate on two other axis could be added too)
  13. @HoneyFox: as I understand, it looks like as complicated for modders as for users to create a building with this spawnpoint thing with "mark as launchsite", or your explanation is not clear enough. Maybe a straigtht and simple working example could help.
  14. You're welcome. Could you just please slow down a bit , you speak a little bit too fast (have you an appointment soon after ? )
  15. Nice video, I just watch a few snippets for now so I just hope you'll cover all existing "holes"/dark areas of modding (lights and wheels for example), it would be great. And don't forget to think like someone who don't know what you know (avoiding the "do this is very simple, trust me", maybe by trying to do what you say from scratch again by strictly following what you said).
  16. so there is something weird around, why fps drop so much when more than x "things" (=vessels, rovers, living debris, landers, ...) are in the vicinity ? Or the "close to them" is too big (>= 500m) ? It's looks like there is a threshold and when parts count/vessels count is over it, boom,game became almost unplayable (try to dock manually at less than 8 FPS).
  17. Today I just have an idea regarding situation and abnormal frame drop due to a few (about 10) vehicles in the vicinity (one alone don't have so much parts, they work great and frame rate was ok): as physics need to be "stabilized" when switching to something, I can't understand why there is so much frame drop due to physics only in such case, so why not just ignore all vehicle farer than x meters (x is a settings parameter), such ignored vehicles might be seen as a mere "box" with a mass and a basic colider if really needed, especially when they are not in sight (behind for example). I mean 3D objects can be as they are, full of nice looking parts, but regarding physics, it just be like KSC buildings = "nothing" (just a box stuck on the ground), as there is not frame drop at all with buildings displayed and they still have a collider. It's worth a shot (by Squad) I think, so we could definitely consider this as an optimization or a dead-end. All of this is regarding no improvement in Unity layer.
  18. targa format it's better than many other supported format (Squad don't do always the best, so using MBM is not a so good idea). If you prefer The Gimp export, just replace the Unity bad file by the one from Gimp, that's it.
  19. Is there any pic of what blue camo would look like on your plane ? pics may help to vote, even I quite like the original color scheme. "flat" maybe because your normal/bump map seems to be quite "soft". Compare your parts with stock in your vindicator (I think it is, the one with two canards in front), stock parts bump is stronger. EDIT: why not also offer a single color all around the fuselage like IRL (and maybe many color scheme with help of FS texchanger module) ?
  20. I'll try your work camlost, as I don't like how stock engine use more fuel when our plane is higher (AFAIK, real life plane need to go higher to suffer less from drag AND save fuel, in KSP, we should better fly at sea level ). I just wonder why HotRockets! FX plugin is a requirement (it's just "cosmetic", isn't it ?)
  21. I got a weird issue today but not sure what cause it, the craft, stage are not displayed after craft loaded and of course, I can do nothing, and funny thing, speed displayed is 174.6 m/s (very precise value is this the kerbal 42 ?) There is this soemwhere in log then: finally, a lot's of Fortunately, no kerbals die on this test . If anyone can try the craft and tell is there is the same issue, it may help. I don't know at all which cause this, but as I use mostly DoPToOT parts here + stock, I don't believe some mod interfere remotely but who knows... (what a shame, I call the craft "superfast" but it doesn't move at all ! Cruel irony )
  22. I really don't understand why so much people who've known & worked with old unity version always complain with anim It's works with KSP, there are some UI changes, but if you've learned only where to click without knowing what you really do, you'll be stuck with 4.2.2 forever. Unity have a (too) light documentation which may help.
  23. @snjo: it may be time to create a new thread with it, with updated links, don't you think so ? Have you a link for the betatester content ? (dead in 1st page)
  24. I'm speechless Cargo bay is very good and passenger seats looks great, all those kerbals are fun. You've go farer than I first imagine, great. The only thing I see would be glass transparency from outside and take care of tex size and memory (I think you've already gather textures). Then, we just need airports and runways .
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