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Justin Kerbice

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Everything posted by Justin Kerbice

  1. But it needs some tweaking as default settings lead to unbelievable dry mass of the resized tank (a lot more than a JB64 !)
  2. Ah ok sorry, and you don't need to restart game every time for this, just "reload" in database/debug window. Rotation value as you say are irrelevant for this case, they are used for node vector location in space not part rotation along it's y axis as you suggest. I may give it a shot to find the right location. EDIT: here it is: node_stack_top = 0, 0.075, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1 (it looks like too the size is important, I get no snapping without it)
  3. Nice Why not adding icons in the buildings folder, with a fallback default. ex: building { pic = mylaunchmenuthumbnail icon = mylaunchsitemapicon (.png/whatever) } // default: a basic icon K or L in a square. And maybe a set of icons for runway, launchpad, fuel station (kind of building made with InfiniteDice stuff), anomaly. + different colors/background (used site, unknown/undiscovered) if they're not hidden first. default would be something like: icon = runway icon = launchpad icon = anomaly ... in asset config file.
  4. There is ONLY 6 numbers here, it miss the node's size (the 7th number), maybe looking at log can show something, or not. try this: node_stack_top = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 (.0 add nothing except 2 more bytes, or more if the file is saved in UTF-8 for ex, in the config file for each number)
  5. What do you mean exactly ? Can't make it more clearer than this, I guess :
  6. Khetane open particle emitter It would be great also to "parse" the " The official unoffical "help a fellow plugin developer" thread" and extract interesting recipes to make a good cookbook. Because as it is now, interesting & valuable knowledge is lost by being buried deep after a few pages and search engine didn't help to get it. (task could be easier if some people involved can gather some of the info). EDIT: some interesting posts: airlock/ladders http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94345-Solved-Airlock-collider-strangeness http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46606-SOLVED-Hatch-obstructed and this from Porkjet:
  7. crazy !!!! So we know now the next Squad parts: flying kactus and tekila powered engines ! And maybe some radial tako (science part maybe).
  8. Best to let user's choice (don't like Squad style to use as less configuration options as possible), if not too complicated. So default = stock value, if valid data provided => custom values.
  9. Finally ! Thanks Cpt. An update was definitely needed ! Links that's may be good to add: wing tutorial FX documentation (WIP)
  10. This may be useful to Squad if they want to improve their code: changing internal space (just the name used in part config, in INTERNAL{} block) of a vessel which is already launched, going to tracking station makes impossible to do any action (recover/dispose/go to) to a selected vessel and log files contains: (1st relevant exception)
  11. Whatever, it's an issue, or an evil feature. And it's not 2.2 but about 2.5 kms (if you drop something in atmosphere, you can see 2.3 and even 2.4 kms distance mark before it disappear). For the kerbals, the problem is they are quite "dumb", they fall and... ragdoll, it's fun when you launch them, crash them onto walls, try to blend them, etc but in "normal" play, they should not be so dumb and be able to keep moving after a jump, so not be considered "landed" like vessels, or either not be considered as a vessel at all by these "on-rail killer".
  12. Hi, I just launch something stay in low altitude (600m max), deploy chutes, eject a kerbal from the pod: 1. it doesn't die from the fall (> 300m) just in front of the VAB, 2. I see the vessel falling slowly at ~ 250m 3. use TW 2x speed => vessel is removed ! log shows: (with biza t1: the vessel from which Wilbur Kerman has been "ejected") Looks like the bug which make vessel disappearing when hey should not. Put in modded install cause I don't use a vanilla game for this but I bet it also occur in this case.
  13. Why not using one of the main screen layers like various messages (timewarp, board/grab, KJR stuff, etc) as the older plug-in, showfps, which do the same (it display the FPS in the top right corner of the screen) ? I don't think a window is a good idea on this (despite it easier to move).
  14. No. Unity step have to be done again with a new hierarchy of GameObjects. So unless you can get access to unity package of what you want to play with, or at least the model itself (but it would be worth, especially if there is any unity works like emissive anim). And as lo-fi wrote himself:
  15. Easy: 1 FPS, 2 if you're lucky ! I've tried 16 colliders on 1 single part => boom, even in VAB, it was not playable at all ! (these colliders were not very complex, some were just boxes, but as far as I remember, I haves used a convex colliders from meshes, not sure on this) Cpt, you'd better let your "accuracy frenzy" cool down, a cargo bay is good enough with 1 collider per side (5 for a box, + 2 for the 2 half-doors), don't waste your time in that path you'll be disappointed (or wait for a miracle from Unity !)
  16. I got a NRE too with something weird. After a while (not sure what are the steps to reproduce this 100% of the time), one building disappear from space center view, and: When going back from flight to editor. There is nothing more than that. The building is my bigger launch pad (see my sig if you want to try this one) made for Kerbtown. KK 0.2.1, KSP 0.24.2 32b, win 7 (don't forget our beloved friend Murphy, when it could failed, it will surely fail ! So expect everything to fail in your code)
  17. Hi everyone, this is a language file I've start a while ago and it may be good to share over and over while some people add new stuff and features to it and share it back. ==> download <== License: Whatever License 1.1 Installation: in notepad++, language -> define your language -> import . At least for now it support comments on multiple lines at once (one of the only feature I really need myself), syntax colours not defined, I don't use it and don't like it. I have also add some keywords but I'm not sure yet if it's actually useful or not, I've tried auto-completion but it doesn't work :/. Have fun.
  18. @medsouz: base orientation (E/W N/S) are mandatory I might say, for runways. What is the 0 angle ? If it' north, getting these would be easy. Unfortunately Kerbtown angle slider doesn't display any value . But a slider + a textfield is needed, slider is too "fuzzy" (due to mouse control only without <> button for more precision). For cleaning, look at the log, KSP check for garbage before launch, remove them if needed, see PreFlightTests.LaunchSiteClear. Finally, "click through" issue is also in the stock game, so it is either a bad use of layers, or it is not possible yet. Is there any plug-in which have a window really "opaque" ? This may be a solid lead. Using "information"/on-screen info is not welcome, the layer is bad (the same as UI hidden) so always annoying for taking screenshots.
  19. Looks interesting, may I suggest to use Github releases thing to add a full archive which contains everything needed, cause for now, we have to download each file one by one not sure people will like this.
  20. Maybe because you forgot one important fact: in KSP, universe is centered on the active vessel, so positions of everything else change as the active vessel move/rotate. (seen not a long ago in an Harvester explanation on floating point precision limitation).
  21. how can it be possible to miss this sticky thread !
  22. Hi, I've tried to adjust thrust of some engine and it's very unfortunate that 25 and 50% value are inaccessible; I can only get 24.5 and 25.5 or 49.5 and 50.5 but not 25 or 50. It would be great to have keys to adjust them precisely + snap to some standard values (multiple of 10 + 25, 50, 75). I play windowed in 1280x960 resolution, this is with 0.23.5 version, and it is the same with 0.24.2.
  23. A bit off-topic but still related: changing the 180° symmetry into a proper mirroring (SPH: true mirroring, VAB: no mirroring, keep simple rotation) cause making two separate parts for left and right side is also annoying. Unfortunately, it's not a "shiny super cute" feature, but mostly a redesign and bug fix, so it's not for tomorrow I guess .
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