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Everything posted by MAFman

  1. I've been wanting to make a quadcopter, and while I can make one that I can control using the pilot inputs, it's twitchy and I wish I could use SAS. Can I set it up to use SAS?
  2. Are my two vessels simply too far apart? I can attach one end of the line just fine but it refuses to let me attach the other end. What I'm trying to do is connect my mining truck to my refinery using a fuel line.
  3. Spamming reaction wheels would be unrealistic...Is there a way to tweak the motors or control scheme that would make it not spin?
  4. I've been trying to make a stable helicopter with a single main rotor and a single tail rotor, but the angular momentum of the rotors adds in a way that causes the thing to spin wildly around an axis that itself spins wildly. How do I fix this?
  5. It seems to me, based on intuition alone, that a 1:2:4 resonance like what's found in the Jovian system would be unstable because you have the three moons tugging on each other at the same times in each orbit. How is this stable, if it is?
  6. TUFX is in fact not installed, because that's caused severe blurring that's been nearly impossible to remove short of uninstalling and reinstalling the game. I'll try turning off AA.
  7. Sometimes the flight scene randomly becomes blurry and stays that way until I restart the game. Mod list: EVE Distant Object Enhancement kOS PlanetShine RCSBuildAid RocketSoundEnhancement SCANSat Scatterer Waterfall Trajectories
  8. I just built a Parker Solar Probe replica and managed to get it within a million km of the sun! The radiators I put on it are maxed out at perihelion, with a temperature of almost 2000K! I'll post pictures later.
  9. Why is it that last time I installed TUFX, it would occasionally make the scene blurry and shaky until I restarted the game?
  10. I just realized that was a silly question since you said to un-rotate the image when I'm done editing.
  11. Which axis do I rotate it along, horizontal or vertical, or both?
  12. How do I edit an existing texture (.dds format) as a PNG? Do I have to rotate the image in GIMP?
  13. I noticed that when I change any settings, the entire scene becomes really blurry as soon as I hit Apply.
  14. I noticed that with this mod installed, the stock "silver" fairing texture looks broken; it looks like dull plain steel instead of shiny silver.
  15. I'm still very confused about the different frames of reference. In which frame of reference would a Sun-Kerbin L2 halo orbit look like an ellipse around the Lagrange point that moves with Kerbin? Like this picture:
  16. Maybe something that'd be less confusing than a full n-body simulation is a three-body simulation where the only bodies that exert gravity on your ship are the one you're orbiting, and the one that it's orbiting, for example if you were in orbit around the moon, the simulation would only take into consideration the gravity of the moon and Earth.
  17. I'm really confused about the interface. I'm just trying to get something into the Kerbin-Sun L2 Lagrange point, and I have no clue what I'm doing.
  18. Ok, I'm getting reflections of Kerbin now. What was weird was it wasn't reflecting the sun. It's also not reflecting the skybox, which is why it appears totally black.
  19. Actually, it's still happening, even with reflections set to maximum.
  20. I noticed that using TU, the telescope is only reflective in the VAB. It turns black in flight, though. Why?
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