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Everything posted by CardBoardBoxProcessor

  1. All is well You know I don;t mean to brag but I loaded up dragon in KSP jsut now and I totally forgot how amazing it is.. I impressed myself 0___o while flying it i realized I needed to preform some surgery to it to make the pilot seat align with the controls alittle more. after my current project I hope to finally get an IVA scene worthy of the outside installed into it
  2. eh, sort of working on something else. hopefully once 0.23 is out the NTR engine will come quickly but... URm 1.25 tanks were alot of work and I feel I didn't get enough visual reward form them... (AKA I don't really enjoy them myself) lol. after a while making cylinders over and over gets bland. asfor the capsules and heat shield i have no idea of these things.
  3. There is possibly a way to fix that issuewith out a major re working... I have plans to make he inside nice but right now i am focusing on getting a career... unfortunately for this mod. but yes mentally I have plans for the interior.
  4. perhaps. There might be some small things inbetween. like that tech tree... but that NTR engine really needs to have a nice looking way of turning the ship. and the whole thing flopping about just looks weird. but the engine is quite spiffy looking and very advanced but to be honest i am totally disappointed that I made those URM 125 tanks and they just fall apart since the latest updates lol.
  5. yeah nomrbond did a tech tree but I have been to lazy to upload it :/ i guess that is kind of jerk ish of me umm. I am sort of waiting for something that is in 0.23 to come about. but the NTR engine was mostly modeled when i stopped. The weakest link was the gimbaling system for it. I found out something cool is in 0.23 plans so I am waiting.
  6. oh that. I think ignoring it shows how interested I am in it. but let me explain. I already offer TGAs for people to resize. all images get transformed into .dds regardless. .mbms degrade the quality when exported into them. Kyle from KW has done plenty of experiments and I decided I am fine with .tgas. 6 months ago people wanted TGAs cause everything was .mbm. Now they want .mbm again. ideally we would want .pngs. or straight .dds.
  7. it's just texture and normal maps. most of the detail is not there poly wise.
  8. well I was going to make launch vehicles using the RD-58SS but they all fall apart in 0.22 so... maybe I will jsut release the engine. and say screw tech trees since I cannot even use model{} module.... doubt anyone will even really use URm because of shaking.
  9. So. Not working on it but at work I dwell on the future. The NTR/RD-0410 decendant/NERVA style engine.... it is going to be pretty long. and rather heavy but amazing Isp of course. but because it is so long it could look strange when it gimbals. so a few options. The whole engine gimbals and it looks like a huge fish tail swinging around. Gimbals in the center but the plumping stretches a little weird. The engine doesn't gimbal at all. The end of the nozzle has flaps like the X-31 thrust vectoring engine. the engine nozzle has a thrust vectoring Coweling at the end. obviously the last two options would look odd.
  10. well powerful gimbals are only a problem when the rocket is long and flexes. but yes ASAS works with it jsut fine thanks to firepsitter plugin.
  11. Welp RD-58SS only needs some emissives now A mute point but I even added spinners so the exposed turbine shafts spin haha. I really like the unique gimbal block ^^ It is snazzy.
  12. With R&D I have have major thoughts arise However they are now all super top seeekurt. anyway. how many people dislike the current base setup of the RD-33NK? would you prefer the gimbal block be a tad different or is it's current shape fine?
  13. any recommendations upon how yall would like the current stuff to fit tech tree wise? obviously RD-33Nk is the start of all other engines for KOSMOS but we also need thoughts on SSPP stuff and the like.
  14. you know an easy fix would be to simply put Kosmos strut connectors between the clamps and the rocket before launch. you would only need one or two.
  15. sigh. why must things that are nice and working be broken by updates. It is Gmod all over again. sorry guys there is not much we can do. It is yet another dev only issue.
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