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Everything posted by CardBoardBoxProcessor

  1. Thanks to a few revelations of techniques UV mapping the RD-58SS engine should UV mapped super quick. It is always nice when your brain goes. "Hey wait you know... if you did it this way.. it would be so much less work" Which is good because i am starting form scratch texture wise where as before it shared components. so in the end the net time saving will be zero hahaah. In othernews the Dual Axial gimbals system was successful integrated (thank to SNJO) and modeled so a that ball joint is gone and it uses a more realistic RD-58 gimbal system. I based it off the RD-58 prototype's Gimbal system since the real RD-58 has no gimbal system lol. I might possibly stick it onto the RD-275K. The real RD-275K has only one axis to gimbal on in between to thick metal beams. But I would not do that.
  2. yes, as i previously stated. the model{} instancing is not optimized yet and thus all URm parts (which are all instanced) are going to cause lag. hopefully 0.22 will fix this. It is a catch-22. you all complained about memory. In order to end this complaint for my users/fans I used instancing (model{}) to add many many parts while only increasing the mod size a few megabytes by taking advantage of shared resources between parts. The trade off is using the optimized inefficient instancing. It is a dev issue. there is little I can do. and I really hate it :/ you do you that first is a free for all in this case. as there is no one set side to start from and call first.
  3. Well thank to snjo engines can now have separately gimbals for each axis so the new gimbal blocks will look a lot nicer that that corny ball joint that is used currently. be sure to thank snjo also, what engine nozzle looks better :/
  4. like all things KSP the devs probably made it and left it half finished. so it is probably not optimized at all... So I am sure it is something only they can fix. look at plantary annilations. 1000s of units on screen and no FPS lag at all. KSp. 10 URm 1 length tanks and lags like hell. It jsut needs to be optimized code wise i am sure.
  5. they are not linear they are beizer curves. So you need a seocund point right next to that point graphically to balanc it out.
  6. mmm... RD-58SS. What a complex mess of pipes... the real RD-58 is pretty hard to make heads or tails of. luckily I found hi res images of it's prototypes with out all the restart stuff. The boost pumps are usually in the tanks. but I just added my own kind in the main engine.
  7. well whatever the case tgas can be downsized by the user lol. thusly the kosmos lite package.
  8. intresting find form KWs Kyle CardBoardBoxprocessor: what do you mean? Kickasskyle: you're putting about 4-5x as much into RAM by using TGA than an MBM equivilant Kickasskyle: and no, thats not overstatement. Kickasskyle: it really is that bad. CardBoardBoxprocessor: good god why so 0_O Kickasskyle: because unity, because KSP. Kickasskyle: who can say.
  9. with crew manifest mod you shuld beable to move them. but there is no stock way to do such at this time. I think you cna load them up into it during VAb but.. otherwise no lol.
  10. lol yeah sharing a drop box is annoying.. that was the main reason things got over written and lost for TKS....
  11. if you are crashing because of memory isue please patch with http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmoslite/ it is already reduced textures for you.
  12. That's kind of what i meant. I know Normak has a huge essay written up with it and all the mathematics.
  13. 64% is based off the assumption that the stock pot is the apollo capsule. Thus the outside is more accurate scale wise 80% is based off the Volume the Kerbals take up inside an IVA scene and thusly an apolo capsule. Thus the intior IVA scnee is more accurate. I jsut thinking having more IVA roOm will come in the most handy when i make IVA scenes. where as the extirors size hardly matters at all as long as it is balanced correctly.
  14. Please don't delete parts. Resize textures instead. Here I have done it for you even. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmoslite/
  15. if you are having memory issues resize the texture files. a small texture optional patch will be abalible soon.
  16. 2.5m is possible but next size up for that is 3m. or jsut do 3 and 2.75... but those are far away. URm 125 is perfectly capable for launches. as for nuclears. there are several types. Not sur which to do yet.
  17. it is easy to make your own adapters. check the salyut launchers. it will have to do for now. Updated with some of the recommended changes... thta being outdated plugin and missing internals.
  18. ;p; I have no idea what size the RD-210 would be. I do have a RD-210 looking engine that ws originally called the RD-210 tyhat was turned into the RD-275K lol. any estimate on size?
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