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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. I saw an interesting take on single-stage point to point routing. Because single stage is optimal for destinations close to it's 10,000k range (compared to conventional aircraft), you cant directly link antipodal sites the way you could with Superheavy PTP. But... you can chain destinations together, and with fast turnaround, go completely around the world in under 12 hours, even with boarding/refueling/bathroom breaks. In which case, it's less about hub and spoke, and more a subway model- get on at the nearest stop/starport, ride until you get close to your destination, and get off. Different "tracks" have connecting stations, but it's up to the passenger to get off at the right stop.
  2. Not quite. Going faster than light makes flow of time Complex. As in, the combined real numbers and imaginary numbers, Complex numbers. With the right manipulations, you can make this output a negative time flow. but it's not straightfoward negative numbers.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_wave Looks like none of the confirmed events were in the triangle, but it is a plausible explanation for "supernatural" missing ships.
  4. Science actually figured out what was going on in the triangle, you know. The way the coastlines are arranged, wave action would regularly have a nasty resonance, and make a wave three times the size of the regular swell. A ship that can handle a 10'swell doesn't do as great in a 30' swell, especially if they never saw it coming.
  5. This is a theoretical SSTO. I pointed out one which was designed. difficulty of construction is irrelevant.
  6. Muon catalized fusion works, but a steady supply of muons to keep up with catalist degradation is harder than just building a normal fusion tokamak. There has been one SSTO superrichet that really didn't have to worry about running out of fuel, actually designed. I'm sure you've heard of it. The Project Orion manned Saturn explorer was shaped like a squat bullet.
  7. And that is why goverments cannot be trusted to pursue space exploitation- there's nothing in it for them. Columbus wasn't commissioned to find new lands, he was commissioned to find a new route to old markets. Actual pioneering is entirely to speculative. But there's nothing to be gained from climbing Mount Everest, either, and they just had a lethal traffic jam on the highest slopes of the world. Build it, make it possible, and the world will beat a path to your door.
  8. Factories have the "Any color as long as it's Black" problem- that is, while they're really good at the one thing they're making, splitting into multiple product types adds massive complication. Making Sidedoor (crew), Chomper, Expendable and Tanker varients may be too much for one factory.
  9. The theory I heard is that Elon is managing expectations. The rebuttal to SSTO was in reply to something about starlink launches on starship. even if it can test SSTO (or close enough to SSTO to return to launch site) it's borderline enough that it wont be the miracle SSTO that SSTO fanatics hype up.
  10. I wonder if they suddenly realized the satelites were still programmed for the previous days deployment, and they couldn't update the systems on the launch pad.
  11. Mars is easier to get to, and is easier to make a non-closed life support system work. It has a lower than earth gravity, which makes it a step toward the stars, but no so little gravity that we will need to bring our own gravity. And it's far enough from earth that there's a natural 4-6 month quarantine in place, all but eliminating the possibility of a single cause of extinction hitting both places at once.
  12. Because he already ran the simulations at 9m. A simulation at the resolution needed for entry and landing is no joke. Also, less engines means the first rocket will launch sooner. the1st raptor was a test run and had combustion chamber problems. but the 39th raptor, assuming no further rejections, will finish the SH's N-web and get them ready for flight. That's their limiting factor here. Also a smaller first fully reusable rocket will undercut all the unreusable and semireusables in development, eating the lunch of smaller rockets.
  13. 2 km longThe ATO program Orbital Airship launched from Dark Sky Station basically a 2 km long blimp (the dark blue one) that never enters the lower or middle atmosphere, with enough DV to get up to orbital velocity despite the slight drag at that altitude. The station is even bigger, because that's where you transship from normal high altitude airships (light blue V)
  14. Brigstene will push this like a command from Kennedy, because he sees this as a chance to de-rust and de-cobweb NASA and NASA's supply chain. But the political and military-industrial grime will not slough off easily- I'll give it even odds to succed, and only if he's willing and able to use SpaceX and Blue to replace wholesale his existing architecture.
  15. Telepathy is easy. https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2002-04-13
  16. Clearly this calls for horizontal landing, then. :p
  17. Considering he replied to a GoT clip showing a Western Wyvern...
  18. What kind? Eastern, Western hexapod, Western Wyveren, Wingless, or something based on the Dragon space capsule?
  19. Might have to be reclassified once rockets capable of lifting SPARC and ARC to mars come online...
  20. Looking closer at the image... you see the larger crossbat on the payload attachment jig thingy, about 90 degrees from the center of the chomper's door? I think that's a pivot. Once in orbit, all the other crossbars either actuate or detach, pivoting the payload a few degrees so it clears the nose before launching it on it's way. He's resisted the idea of "wings in space" for quote awhile. If this happens, it's because the trades support it. Not the first time he's talked about a "Cyborg Dragon"...
  21. Perpetural motion only violates thermodynamics if you can get work out of it, because thermodynamics refers to energetic states, not actual motion. Time crystals are actually less energetic in their specific time-crystal motion, than they are stationary
  22. Boise einstine condensates (super cold matter) are also often cooled by using lasers to destructively interfere with their thermal vibration. Once a time crystal is... well, crystalized, it is an actual perpetural motion machine that breaks the moment you try to make it do anything useful.
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