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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. Only for civilian/NASA launches, I thought.
  2. No, autopilot is a LOT smoother than I am. SO mant times I've gotten the landing legs to pogo, then crashed because I let go of the thrust a moment too late.
  3. I landed it 3 times! Twice in a row, then a third time after a lot more work Edit: made it 3 more times, individually.
  4. A Lunar-Lagrange cable, yes, not an earth-geosynch one. It's longer but the stresses are lower. 100 tons is probably light if your including the whole space elevator assembily, but if you get extra capacity from not having to go interplanetary and land it on mars, I think a lunar space elevtor as described by wikipedia is a reasonable MCT Superlifter payload.
  5. So I just ran a few numbers based on that 100 tonne capacity, and it looks to me like the MCT Super Heavy Lifter could put an entire 80 thousand KM cable through the Earth Moon L1 for that much capacity. It's only 24000km past the lagrange, so it would probably need a separate counterweight launch, but that's the sort of infrastructure that would open uo the moon to cheap space-based exploitation. Not Earth based exploitation, of course, but cheap water and metal for spacecraft that doesnt need to be hauled out of earth's gravity well/
  6. Eh.. microwaves were chasen because of how easy there are to convert t electricity and back. While photovoltaics may get more bulk-discount, I still dont see them being cheaper than a microwave recever array.
  7. A number I find interesting... If we take the 100 tons to mars surface number as gospel, then the MCT could rebuild the entire ISS, on the SURFACE of MARS, in 4 launches. That's a different enviroment, alright...
  8. When you get right down to it, the MCT is going to have to BE a space colony, if it's going to be a fully reusable craft capable of transporting 100 people at a time. A bit on the small side, but loft 10+ MCT Habitats and dock them together and you start geting a decen sized habitat. The question is, why go to a space station where everything is imported and one place is pretty much like all the others? MCT says "To get to Mars, where only 90% of everything is imported, and we're working on making that percentage lower."
  9. Il'l point out that Low Earth Orbit gets a decent network connection. A buisnessman at the ISS can conduct the same buisness there that he can in the middle of the Caribbean.
  10. More than that, it's designed to 2 stage to orbit, then be on-orbit refueled in 3 rapid launches, before setting out for mars.
  11. Elon Musk wants to change that about mars...
  12. I'm pretty sure the Tea companies wernt making a profit for quite a few years either. It takes time to set up a plantation, even with indentured workers... I mean robots,
  13. That's up to marketing. Once they've paid and the ship's left, there's no getting off till mars. (and I suspect that 737 cabin is going to be 4/5 inflatable sections, making it far larger a space habitat than it is at launch.) I wouldn't be surprised to see some random musician/artist hit it big, get stuck in a rut, and decide to blow all the money for a "martian sabbatical." It wont be many, and he/she isnt contributing to the colony, (aside from morale) but as an artist he's getting an experience he would never have had on earth.
  14. Economy of scale. Tourist is paying russia to put himself and a small capsule into space. Versus tourist paying a share of the price to put him, 99 other people and a large capsule into space. It's a larget overall price, but it isnt 99 times as expensive to do the same thing. How much less expensive I dont know.
  15. Considering the ticket price for a cruz to mars will be less than what russia is charging to go to the ISS, I think there will be a market for round trips that can subsidize people going there to stay.
  16. So then, perhaps 1/5 of that airplane earlier is lander seating, 3/5 is a compressed Bigalo Space Habitat (they've got a contract with bigalo, right?) and 1/5 is additional support equipment to feed and aerate 100 highly paid specialists.
  17. Well, consider that the BFR is suposed to bring 100 passangers to mars, inside that 100 tons of capacity to mars surface. The same model aircraft configured for passangers has carried 450 to 550 seats. Giving each passanger the volume equivilant to 6 coach aircraft seats to live in for a 6 month trip to mars seems a little small- it seems likely that the BFR's cabin is even larger than that plane.
  18. According to Wolfram Alpha, comparisons to 100 metric tons nclude the cargo capacity of a 747-200f aircraft. (105 short tons) Googling that designation gives this as the first image:
  19. This theory simply requires a statitical impossibility to happen in truely infinite time. It doesnt matter how unlikely the universe's creation was, it happend eventually.
  20. Realistically, it's an inverted pyramid scheme. Having promoted a season of giving, Santa outsources both the "sleeping/waking/bad/good" spycraft and the actual gift placement to agents placed close to the target. These agents are maintained in turn by gift delivery by other agents, and so on up. Santa himsef only gives gifts to his elves, the elves maintain the second tier of gift givers, all over the world, and the second tier on down is entirely human. By this point, knowingly or otherwise, most of the adult population of regions that celebrate Christmas have been co-opted by Santa's scheme.
  21. If an article title ends in a question mark, the answer is probably no.
  22. They had their chance to change it, they're stuck with it now, so yes, they do pronounce it close enough to this way to be understood.
  23. It is how everyone IN NATO NATIONS pronounces it, which is the actual source of the phonetic alphabet- it's a product of an international committee.
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