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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. Model a stairway/handicap access ramp on every door? or have one be procedurally added if slope=/= 0?
  2. "Mark 4" spaceplane parts, with a cargo bay that can fit 2.5m parts A 2.5m -> 2x Mk 2 converter A Mk 3 -> 3x 1.25m converter. EDIT: Mk2 decoupler Mk2 inline docking port
  3. My first successful cargo SSTO, second flight. Payload is 3 ion probes. (add your own science gear) Has reserve fuel in the inline intakes and the foreward hull, but that affects the vessels stability. Cargo by is large enough for a NERVA + FLT-200 + Mk1 pod. Presumably it will also fit a NERVA +FLT-400+ 1.5m docking collar. Either is useful for assembling a larger vessel in orbit. There is also a inline Clampatron on the belly at the center of mass, and concealed monoprop tanks accessable through a clip through the hanger bay:
  4. Your score is how many kerb Bucks you have at the end of the time limit.
  5. To be fair, the "loophole" of FTL has been known for decades. We know several "theortically possible" FTL/time travel methods, in fact. The big news is finding a variation of the loophole that doesnt require more energy than an antimatter-jupiter could produce. The MHD quantum thruster has fairly clear operating principles, even if they basically amount to "push off the aether." We know what should happen, and we can test if it works. The Canne Drive has no such theoretical framework (or rather, it did and was proven to not be valid). We still need to prove or disprove the currently- unmodeled result, which could result in new science if real.
  6. Unless you use your solar sail vehical as a mirror anf focusing array, to use the launch laser energy to perform precice burnoffs of cometary mass at apoapse. Not as efficent as the ion drive, but reusable- it can stay in the oort cloud sending comets to venus whenever one comes within range.
  7. Would you? put a robotic ion thruster on Hally's comet, and have it make a course change over a few years at apoapse, and I'm pretty sure you can get it to hit venus at periapse on it's next orbit. With as much eccentricity as we see out of comets, course changes can be pretty cheap, delta V wise. As for raising the planetary temperature, I believe the effect would be neligable. if we're adding a sunshade anyway, it might delay the drop in tempertures, but that's all.
  8. A truely reactionless drive does not need to be mounted at the "back" of a spaceship- you can stack thrusters like cordwood, as long as the center of thrust lines up with the center of mass. A ship's Thrust to weight ratio, therefore, becomes measured in drive efficency and the mass of the ship devoted to propulsion.
  9. While it's arguable that Canne Drive may be a form of Quantum Thruster, Quantum thrusters themselves are not scientific parias the way the Canne drive is.
  10. Heavy spaceplane releases ayload in orbit, and lands where it can. Mostly intact.
  11. Update: Payload released and circularized on it's own, while the spaeplane is brought down intact. Well, mostly intact. Those green plains are more deadly than they look.
  12. Steam frontloads the hassle of DRM, and offers a juicy carrot if you make it through the proccess. Sure, the first time you install Steam, get an account, log your card, it's a whole bunch of paperwork and you're wondering when you're going to get to play a game. But then you set it to launch on startup, so whenever you want to play a game, you open the window, start your game and play. And once you're past those hurdles, Steam becomes your Games Folder, offering cheaper games (if you buy it *now* on sale) for the click of a button.
  13. (Note: is actually a Nintendo fanboy but PC is my second console.)
  14. It's not THAT hard... just need a bigger rocket. Look Ma! Serial Staging! Challange: Fly a rocket-plane on Eve. (preferably using Mk 2 parts) (return not nessisary or expected)
  15. All this here, makes me think the first "brain uploads" will be Alzheimer patients. With their biological brain slowly decaying, there is plenty of time to adapt to synthetic replacement parts, to shift which parts contain the self -naturally- over years of use, rather than a sudden, artificial "transfer" process. And when theim minds finally fail completely, the inorganic component will be all of them that will remain... which is more than they would have had otherwise.
  16. If Mars is sending out a mission to retrieve the stuff they need, dont they already have a transfer stage? They might need to refuel it, but at the very least there should be an earth return transfer stage and a earth reentry vehical.
  17. Integrate Kerbal piloting skill with Stock Mechjeb. The more skilled the kerbal, the more he can do without you perched over his shoulder.
  18. A simple challange to test your piloting skills: Put as large a rocket as you can safely down on the VAB Helipad, without destroying the VAB. (destroying the launch pad is fine) Destructable buildings must be on. Any part mod is allowed. (no hyperedit, of course) Scorred by the mass of the vessel on top of the VAB with throttle off. Scoreboard: 1) Rakaydos- 50.9 tons.
  19. The "waypoint" system in Fine Print looks like something that cold shake up resource collection...
  20. If im not, I guess I just blew this turning test. Machines are an example of inteligent design- they dont have anything we didnt give them. But if we built a computer with those mental states, you would likely argue that it doesnt REALLY feel. Which is solphisim at its finest- it is not you and so is not real. I reject that premice- anything exibiting a mental state of anger is angry, be it organic or machine inteligence.
  21. Are you? Just because you are unable to see past your own subjective definition s does not make an objective definition any less valid. Emotions evolved as processing shortcuts, to allow our ancestors to survive a cutthroat world of eat or be eaten. Wiithout that evolution, there is no need to program aggressive mental shortcuts like "anger" and therefore they have no corosponding physical responces for them to "feel" - - - Updated - - - Are you? Just because you are unable to see past your own subjective definition s does not make an objective definition any less valid. Emotions evolved as processing shortcuts, to allow our ancestors to survive a cutthroat world of eat or be eaten. Wiithout that evolution, there is no need to program aggressive mental shortcuts like "anger" and therefore they have no corosponding physical responces for them to "feel"
  22. Yet they always caviat it- they arnt saying FTL is impossible. They're saying "General Relativity, FTL, Global Causality... pick 2" and then pointing out how much evidence we have for General Relativity. But as accurate and predictive as general relativity is, we KNOW it has blind spots- that's the reason Quantum mechanics exists. Hypothetically just as neutonian physics was valid and predictive short of near-lightspeed, there could be errors in General Relativity that require tachionic relative velocities to resolve. Particularly as a warp drive brings it's frame of reference with it, includig warping it's lightwall in a narrow area to permit it. But even if general relativity is perfectly true, it is still possible for FTL to exist. All you need to throw out is global causality. Local causality + predestination is just as valid as global causality.
  23. Not to mention that the typical noble habitation is intended to survive a mob pounting at the gates for months at a time, feeding all the locals and their livestock until their neibors can come rescue them or the attackers die of disease. So it really depeds on how "Immortal" a zombie is in that universe.
  24. A Mental state is a set of parameters withing a mental neural netwerk that is optimised for a specific set of behavure, usually in organics set by evolution.
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