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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. Niven's Theory of Time Travel: "In an infinite universe where changing the past is possible, the net result of all changes will be a universe where changing the past never happens." For instance, in an infinite universe, someone might get the idea to prevent the invention of the time machine. The result is a universe where the time machine, while possible, is never invented. Or where the attempt results in the invention of the time machine in the first place. In the event of a causual loop (I killed my grandfather, so I was never born to go back and kill my grandfather), quantum uncertianty is "rerolled" on each cycle, until you reach a consistant universe by sheer coinciddence. (As I go to kill my grandfather, the gun in Schrodinger cat-box in the next room goes off and sends me into a coma until after my father is born)
  2. Anger: A mental state that biases behavure toward aggressive and hostile actions. Often bypasses higher thought to improve reaction time and psychologcal limits. Fear: A mental state that biases behavure toward self preservation. May bypass higher thought, resulting in faster responce but sometimes seemingly illogical "self preservation" that does nothing of the sort. Love: A mental state of an individual that becomes associated with another entity. Biases behavure so as to maintain and strengthen the mental state, often by seeking to elicit a complementaty "love" responce in the associated entity. Originlly evolved to support procreation drives, but easily mistargeted. Any emotion is simply a mental shortcut, a macro that can be programmed into a sufficently complex machine.
  3. http://www.betabatt.com/ It's totally happening.
  4. If you're only accelerating at 3G, it shouldnt really be an issue. Boyancy will bring the body's AVERAGE weight to 0, so your bones will want to fall while your fat will want to float- but that will only be a fraction of the actual acceleration subjected to you. Another idea is to uplift a species with a higher G capability. If we can make, say, an octopus sapient and keep them in a native aquatic enviroment, their lower density differential (lacking high density bones and large lungs full of low densidy air), they should be able to handle 3Gs indefinately, if not higher.
  5. WTF I dont even... Was in Mun orbit, and reveted to launchpad. as it loaded I got reenty effects, and it loaded at this odd angle, and began to fall apart.
  6. I dont even. Apparently "revert to launchpad" from the mun orbit gives reentry effects, followed by wacky launch stabilizer placement.
  7. You could say that "Free will" is a construct of irrationality within decisionmaking loops. When you "decide" to do something, a highly evolved analitical device weighs the current situation against it's database of life experience, instincts, and personal disposition and emotional state, taking shortcuts to improve reaction time. (as ancesters who thought evertything through completely tended to get eaten by any "New Data" with fangs) Given how many of those shortcuts people share, this can create the "people are sheep" illusion, and bypassing those shortcuts to make a decision (good or bad) can be thought of as excercising free will.
  8. An evil corportation will never build an Artificial General Inteligence, as more specialized automation is cheaper and better for most tasks. However, if an Artificial General Inteligence is possible, it WILL be built... by research teams, to prove it can be done. Doesnt matter if it's as useful as a blind kid with downs syndrome- they'll find a "lighthouse for the blind" type program to keep it going, to study it.
  9. IIRC, it's because it's built as a combination Lunar single stage down-and-up reusable lander, and Mars Ascent Stage on top of a new decent stage. Making a multi-use design is supposed to save costs down the line.
  10. Except now that it's launching from Statolaunch, the entire Stratolaunch/Dreamchaser assembily is technically a multistage spaceplane.
  11. Why is the production plant on the ground? the ground is deeper in the gravity well, it's unspeakably hot, and it's far from the acid you're converting. Better to hve the plant suspended by oxygen balloon in the cloud layer where it can still receve some solar power for cracking the acid, and the temperature is cool enough to manage.
  12. When you deploy the whole roocket, all the fuel, and so on in one launch.... Does it all have to reach kerbin orbit? Or can you leave tanks on the runway, and dock with tham after the first landing to refuel?
  13. Cons, lacks an active attitude control system, (it relyes on passive attitude control from permanant magnets in earth's magnetic field) At 2 mN of thrust, a 4.5 KG cubesat (they say 5KG, so perhaps there's some leeway), it is an order of magnatude too weak to be a phobos landing thruster.
  14. Hydrogen from breaking down the acid, oxygen from breaking down the Co2.
  15. A human habitable batheosphere large enough to be neutrally buoyant up to the 50 KM level- then weighed down with science and heat management systems (all ejectable as ballast) to be neutrally buoyant at the 0 KM level. Abort would be to dump the ballast and return to the more survivable 50 KM level, rendevous with an atmospheric ascent stage (baloon-lifted thermal turbojet with a circularizing NERVA), which would rendevous with the earth return stage in orbit. (which may double as a beamed-power saterlite for the duration of the visit)
  16. A solar powered self inflating Nitrogen balloon with a Radar target and an unspecified science payload (bonus points if we can make the radar target variable reflective and use it as a low power passive transmission method) in a 25kg mass sounds like a strong proposal. Making one with independant robotic steering (like the Tandem Airship) that can survive reentry as a 75 KG mass is also interesting, as it can actually rendivous with other rovers and give close air support. (put an anchor hook on it, for instance, to lift a -small- stuck rover)
  17. I wonder if you can fly a blimp of sensors using 75kg of matierial.
  18. And so it comes down to either getting as much science done as possible in a single once-in-forever event, or building a cheaper, easier to design robotic craft and hope you stuffed it with everything it needs.
  19. As long as the company is assuring a standard of living to go with that pay, iit isnt as much of an issue. In the military, I didnt get paid much, but housing was free, Gym was free, Free food 3 times a day, free utilities (except cable/internet), and the commute was a brisk jog.
  20. The concept of "Post Scarcity" isnt actually infinite production. The point is that after a point, the economic model of infinite wants breaks down... as shown by the failure of "Trickle Down Economics." (Which was a policy that if the rich get richer, they'll spend more, and the economy will get moe vibrant as a result. In practice, though, aside from people like Elon Musk, rich people could get anything they wnted and still put money in the bank- their wants were demonstratably NOT infinite.) What this means for "Post scarcity" is that if fairly rationed resources go beyond a "affluent standard of living" threshold, then everyone can have an affluent standard of living.
  21. Well, lets consider an Apollo 13 type situation- something unstable was loaded in the vaccum trunk below the capsule, damaging the solar cells and scraping the heatshield slightly, near one edge. In apollo, their only option was to pray the heat shield would hold. By coincidence, (and a lack of moon rocks) they also ended up in the shallowest flight path "allowed", resulting in the longest comm blackout in the apollo program- Im not sure if this had any heat-related benifits. Assuming Dragon wasnt in a good inclination to visit a space station, what would be their options?
  22. My question is, in the event of a known heat shield failure, can the Dragonrider use propulsive breaking to limit atmosphereic heating until it's low enough to use parachutes?
  23. The debugging process, on the other hand, is likely going to be something AI Psych textbooks are written about.
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