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Everything posted by Hammersamatom

  1. Yes, I have a working system, orbiting somewhat farther than the original orbit of Sirona, I was able to fly my ship there and back.
  2. I hope you noticed, I greatly reduced Sirona's orbit. If it had gone any farther, NaN Kraken would've taken hold and it would've interfered with other stars.
  3. We have not started on anything, AFAIK.I have a couple of personal things I need to take care of before I can continue development.
  4. Yea, I like it too. Word of advice, despite how good a Titan or Terra texture from Space Engine may look, don't use them for planets without oceans, they just don't look good without the oceans. - - - Updated - - - Yea, it was kinda warranted though, you can't see a planet of 100m from the map or tracking views.
  5. You can't use a radius lower than 1K, despite what the Kopernicus forum thread says. Upped it to 2K, then to 10K. Gilly needed a younger stepbrother, if ya know what I mean. Fixed and Optimized DL (NKO) New Texture and Realistic Orbit (KBO)
  6. Planet Pack Download Link to the Textures Here you go!
  7. Go for it, I can adjust the orbit later if anything isn't right.
  8. Well, replace the ones that Sirona already has, the new Height would replace the old one, etc, etc.
  9. If you want to fix the Texture issues of Sirona. Hold Alt+E+P, and type Sirona in the top empty space. Click export and replace Sirona's textures with the ones in the Kopernicus PluginData folder. (The folder within the folder 'Cache') Don't bother renaming the textures, they'll work, capitals and all.
  10. I managed to get it down to only 516 dV to achieve escape. Progress!
  11. Actually, I've found that we have PLENTY of room, now it's just adjusting everything so that SOI's of large moons are minimal, while keeping dV costs low. People may need to utilize gravity assists to escape Mysterio...
  12. I don't know when or how to fix it with our versions, but I swapped Kopernicus versions, grab the one in OPM and use that instead. It fixed everything. As for how to make the planet Oblate, you really can't without major heightmap editing, something I'm not fully capable of, or a PQS mod that I don't believe exists. Also, I did some testing by moving Laythe around Mysterio, Laythe's SOI is too large. I need to enlarge Mysterio again. Apologies. This time, I might actually need to move it.
  13. Yea, going to submit a bug report to Thomas P. - - - Updated - - - I think we should work on finishing up what we already have, and wait for a response from Thomas.
  14. Yea, I saw that. I can't get any planets to properly load anymore, well, most of them load. Some of the Kopernicus Examples fail to load as well, most notably, Nemesis. Sirona's orbit isn't showing up either, I also need to hit tab to find it. Orbit and markers aren't there. Edit1: Confirmed, it's anything past a certain point.
  15. I kinda had to do this, to keep it on the semi-realistic side, I have to quadruple the size of Mysterio. Mostly due to the size of Tryok. (It's gonna be larger then Laythe.)
  16. I was able to squeze Mysterio into its original orbit, at a price of halfed gravity.
  17. Astro, I hadn't noticed this before, but why are rings an option on the poll. I assumed we were adding them anyway. I'm also almost done with the reslistic changes to the Mysterio system. (Gravity and orbit changes so far.)
  18. Eventually we will release seperate packs that contain such celestial bodies, Waerth. Happy feel free to alter the stock-planet moons. I'd like to see some changes in them.
  19. I'll work on the semi realism, but I may need to alter Mysterio's orbit so it doesn't intersect any other SOI's. Happy! How do I change the planet on the main menu??? Found a bug with your plugin, Happy. If the game decides to pick a Kopernicus Sun as the displayed planet, it begins to throw exceptions. (My error checker clocked it at a maximum of 1944 throws.) My suggestion would to make a config file to exclude certain planets.
  20. Let's save those for later, finish Mysterio for now. Edit1: We also need to stop using Space Engine asteroids for planets, follow Happy's example. Use noise to crate the height, then apply the noise color. If we can do that, that is.
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