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Everything posted by EpicRootHairCell

  1. While Nicholander i understand you point about not being able to fund anything further, i see that we have 1 chance to launch a cube sat so lets fulfil that human instinct to go out and explore.?
  2. I think there is sufficient body of knowledge in building cube sats that the high altitude test can be dropped. I support and immediate attempt at Phobos for 2 reasons, while i understand that having done a cube sat would give us credibility, people get bored of ideas very quickly so i don't think we could fund the Phobos attempt afterwards. And secondly it is unkerbal and from a PR point of view, i think that we need that kerbal image after all who does not like a small ambitious bunch who tries hard to do something nobody has ever done, know they have a high chance of failure but still try.
  3. I think a Phobos landing would be a appropriate target for a ksp forums mission. Yes it might (probably)fail, but that is the spirit of KSP and thus the spirit our mission should be in. Anyway a failed mission would be more spectacular than a successful one any day. Yes it is plagued by technical difficulties but so is a Eve or Tylo return mission. Yes it will be expensive, but we have one of the best communities to be found anywhere, bright, intellectual, engaged and helpful, we will certainly contribute, NASA is already involved in KSP (23.5) and i'm sure they would do a free launch if we were going to Phobos. So to misquote Kennedy, "We choice to go to Phobos and do the other things with a cube sat not because they are easy but because they are hard"
  4. All we need is to get an astronaut to approach squad about doing it, squad would happily have a plush toy made for the purpose, just think of the publicity they would get.
  5. The idea of this thread is that i start off by writting the first line of a Sci-Fi story and then each person contributes the next line. Rules, only comment one line, keep profanity etc. to where it is really need, and continue the story in a logical fashion. My first line: Sitting on the launch pad, watching the count down tick away, John begins to ponder the mysteries of the universe but is but off by routine radio traffic.
  6. For my Eve lander i had a inverted decoupler, a structural beam, a parachute on each side of the beam and a LES on top of the structural beam. When i landed i decoupled the decoupler and fired the LES and thus got rid of the mass of the parachutes.
  7. Using a falcon 9 and my "estimated" revenue of $400 million it should be "possible" to do that titan quadcopter mission IMHO
  8. phenomenon like this have been reported irl but have always been the result of a optical illusion making the downwards sloop look like it is actually going up. In this case i would presume it is a result of a bug in the terrain.
  9. As for capturing peoples imagination http://sploid.gizmodo.com/nasa-wants-to-send-a-quadcopter-drone-to-titan-along-wi-1593024773 would be the perfect mission. Having Carl Sagan 2 might help a bit as well.
  10. Lets take the assumption above that only 1% care about space. Lets assume only 2 billion of the 7 billion people on earth are in a position to aid a kick starter project. That means there is 20 million people who would fund the mission. If we then assume that each person gives $20 that then the total raised is $400 million, enough for 3-4 falcon 9 launches. In conclusion something could certainly be achieved but it would not be the new NASA.
  11. Has any one or could anyone run a general circulation model (large scale weather simulation) for kerbin to see what the weather would be like? If so what are the results like? Could a general circulation model be used in conjunction with EVE to create real kerbin weather?
  12. Firstly toxicity, the exhaust gasses would be highly toxic. Secondly the corrosiveness of fluorine. Thirdly the safety of large quantities of lithium and fluorine in close proximity (makes LH2/LOX look like baking powder and vinegar). Fourthly the engineering challenge of having 3 propellants instead of 2. Fifthly the challenge of having hydrogen at -253 and the lithium at 180.
  13. Land on every solid body in the kerbol system, plant a flag and return the kerbals back to kerbin. Already done: Minmus Mun Dres Moho Half done: Eve(currently in orbit having returned from the surface, haven't had time to go to gilly then return home yet(hope to do so soon)) Not Done Duna The jovian moons Eello
  14. I think we are being to narrow minded i personally believe that suggests that the challenge will not be a challenge to do something in kerbal space program but something else. Either way I think developing a real world skill set as well as purely kerbal one is the way forward.P.S. if anyone is interested i am aspiring to be a theoretical physicist, consider myself to be good at maths and science and would like to compete for the forum.
  15. No expert on modding but would it not be possible to create a mod that added other solar systems ?
  16. While it might have technically have beaten the Turing test it was only because the computer was impersonating a 13 year old boy with English as a second language. The day I will be impressed is when a computer can have a conversation at the level of an adult who is a native english speaker, without preset topic lists and pass the Turing test.
  17. Perhaps we should kickstart a not for profit organisation to land people on Mars. The $60 billion or so for a return mission would certainly break some records.
  18. Try this it should give you a new challenge in the same vein as ksp. Haven't played it myself yet but i beleive it is fun to "play". http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/
  19. Would it be possible to fit a powerful electromagnet to the iss in such away that it generates a force in the prograde direction large enough to counter the aerodynamic drag it experiences from the upper atmosphere? If it is possible it would greatly reduce the cost of maintaining the iss as propellant would not be needed to maintain the orbit.
  20. Which one of the two EVE packs listed in the title is the best? What would happen if i tried to run the two of them at the same time?
  21. Only it takes about 9.5 Km/s to reach LEO, with a roockoon you might get that down to 8 Km/s if your lucky still a hell of a lot especially on £999.
  22. I know its been up for along time but i just discovered this http://www.n-prize.com/ It sounds so kerbal, so awsome and very difficult. I love it. Do you think it will every be done and if so how?
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