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Everything posted by EpicRootHairCell

  1. Fan of http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ all the way. Probably wouldn't use it for Duna or Eve but all the others the inclination makes it to expensive to hit reliably otherwise.
  2. Generally ksp is a very addictive game for us nerdy people. almost 330 hours of play time come on
  3. Put a E Class asteroid into a low solar orbit. Then put another asteroid into a low solar orbit in the other direction before crashing them into each other at double orbital speed. If that does not tempt the Kraken nothing will.
  4. Get some followers and use them to help you kill that species
  5. I kill my Kerbals a lot. But I have this theory that what ever religion Kerbals have( we should presume they do) that dying in a massive rocket disaster is the best possible death and thus killing Kerbals is actually morally right.
  6. You have decided that when you get your first car you will replace the spedo with one that reads in m/s
  7. I use them to seperate my spent asparagus stages. I only do this with the new large tanks as the sepertrons are too weak. It is really quite effective.
  8. What are the relative advantages of a Orion style space craft and a Medusa style space craft? I understand the advantage of nuclear pulse propulsion over more conventional methods, namely both high thrust and specific impulse but I cannot find the comparative advantages and disadvantages between them.
  9. The LES as I am using it as a stack separator for the new large tanks in my asparagus staged rockets(I think I am catching WackJovians disease)
  10. Have kerbol as one of many stars each with plants orbit a black hole or other similarly massive object
  11. First enable infinite fuel. Then using infinite fuel put a class E asteroid into a solar escape orbit which intercepts kerbin. Disable infinite fuel and capture the asteroid. Rules; No mods except information mods. No Debug menu apart from to adjust the initial orbit of the asteroid. Scoring; 10000/ semi major axis (the average of periapsis and apoapsis) of the final orbit(it must be stable E.G outside the atmosphere)+ Velocity relative to kerbin just before transferring to kerbins SOI. Evidence; Screen shot of asteroid in the solar escape orbit, screen shot of just before kerbin intercept and screenshot of final orbit. Good luck
  12. When you post a thread on the science lab discussing the possibility for real life kraken drives.
  13. Assuming the universe is in fact a simulation would it be reasonable to assume there are physics bugs in the simulation E.G. floating point errors and that it would be at least in theory be possible to design a machine that is capable of exploiting these bugs for our own gains or is the simulation much like the kraken drive. Edit: i do not believe that we live inside a simulation but i thought it might be a interesting discussion.
  14. Step.1 develop a set of self replicating robots that can mine the surface of the moon and make copies of themselves. Step.2 deploy a few of these to the lunar surface Step.3 once the population has increased to a set level limit reproduction to maintaining the population and get them to start building the rocket on the moon. I would be politically acceptable to make a nuclear thermal rocket or nuclear powered electric engine on the moon from fuel gathered on the moon. As you have a free access to material, fuel and construction you can build a simple massive rocket with a very large amount of delta v allowing short transit times and a centrifuge type system to keep people happy. Step.4 launch the rocket from the moon and launch a series of rockets from the earth into lunar orbit carrying the food and crew to the rocket in orbit around the moon. Step.5 set off and have a short transit time Step.6 land using a chemical rocket Step.7 return to orbit. dock with the main craft and fly home on a chemical rocket for political reason Step.8 repeat a few times to get people happy with nuclear reactors in space and then for future missions use a nuclear rocket on the way home as well bobs your uncle
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