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Everything posted by Treveli

  1. A week ago tomorrow for the full game, so 0.23. A week or two earlier for the demo.
  2. I started a new career (after one too many failures I get frustrated and restart to forget about them) and proceeded with my day one science spam on the launchpad. After recovery, I thought, what if I tipped the pod over and rolled it off the pad for the KSC biome? Worked quite well and got the CES (crew/eva/soil) reports for KSC, then spent a little time spinning and flipping the pod around to see how far I could get it to go. Then I thought, 'what if I attached a heat shield (or decoupler for stock games) to the top of the pod?'. And so, I made my first home built, day one rover. It runs out of power halfway to the shore, so I had to walk the rest of the way, but it's a new day one trick for me to remember.
  3. Be patient and think before you act. I've had too many times where I try some fancy orbital maneuver that I think will help me, then end up running out of fuel with my peri just outside atmo. Nothing worse than having a Mun or Minmus flyby mission come home with lots of tasty science on board, only to leave it out of reach in orbit. And GOAP doesn't always work, especially when you're impatient again and run out of EVA fuel before getting back in the capsule.
  4. Following Scott Manley's lead, started by developing and deploying a geostationary network of com sats. Got a little bored three sats in, so I did a Mun fly by (second in this career) and gained 200+ science. Returned to com sats with an improved model, thanks to the tech unlocked with the science. Changed models after three more sats cause I realized the 2nd model was a poor design. After deploying four of my third com sat design, modified the design to act as a kethane scanner and deployed one each to Mun, Kerbin, and Minmus (for my first ever trip there). Maybe tomorrow I'll try for my first Mun landing.
  5. Ok, that part. Found it now that I knew it was there. Got it, Jeb's working now. Suggestion: Put that you need the part in the first page usage instructions and the wiki. I looked at both and didn't see a part mentioned. Maybe I'm just blind.
  6. Got any links to info about that? My antivirus isn't giving any alerts about MechJeb or KSP. Sarbian: Which part? When I had MechJeb installed on a clean KSP install the only parts I saw were stock.
  7. Ok, I need help with this. I've installed MechJeb several different ways (on a clean KSP install, with other mods, manually installing, using mod admin) and every time I can't find the MechJeb controls. Neither in sandbox or career does the on screen box/buttons appear on the pad. Is there something else to install, or keys to press to bring it up? I've only been playing KSP for a couple days so I wouldn't be surprised if I've missed a simple step somewhere.
  8. Yep, already had that as my plan. And it worked, got my periapsis down to the 30km range and made reentry. Unfortunately, following the tradition of the mission, I got distracted during the last GOAP maneuver and used up all my EVA fuel before I could get close enough to grab the pod. But, in honor of kerbalnaut Splateredacrosstheterrain, I assembled an improved rocket and launched a second Mun flyby, which made a second successful flyby and landed safely in the Kerbin ocean.
  9. I had my first successful kerbaled mission to flyby the Mun. Managed a free return pass at around 80km periapsis. Then I ran out of fuel during my deorbit burn over Kerbin, 93km peri. Still working on how to get all that science I collected (and the pilot, I guess) on the ground. And I don't have RCS unlocked so sending a tug up is impossible for me right now.
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