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  1. Actually you should have downloaded a zip named "AnyCPU-EVE.zip", this file contains 2 zip files. One is named "AnyCPU-EVE-Release.zip" and the other one "AnyCPU-Configs-Release.zip". The one named "AnyCPU-Configs-Release.zip" contains the BoulderCO folder with the config and texture files.
  2. Ok nevermind, I managed to ad an additional thick layer of clouds on a little higher altitude by editing the clouds.cfg and using one of the kerbin cloud texture files from the better atmospheres mod. It looks exactly the way I wanted it now.
  3. For some reason my Kerbin only has very little clouds. I just started playing KSP again now after haven't played for a long time, and I remember clouds to be like in the video from the first post in this thread, with lots of clouds. I have KSP version 1.1 beta and the latest EVE files for the 1.1 version. I have no other mods installed and run KSP on max settings in 64 bit. Is this normal, see my screenshot, or is something not working right with the clouds for me? I also tried "better atmospheres", but it seems to be completely outdated and doesn't change anything.
  4. Yeah thats what I always do, I did the exact same thing and used the exact same parts for my first mission. Anyway, seems to work now.
  5. Ok I just started a new savegame and got a contract to test a part right after the 5000m mission. I guess for whatever reason the other savegame is bugged then.
  6. Well I got over 500 reputation. I also used the debug command to refresh the contracts but it will always only load the same 3 or 4 kind of contracts, only offered from different agencies. I guess I will keep sending cheap probes into space for now to gather as much science and get money as possible and see if more contracts will unlock. Otherwise I don't know. The logs doesn't show any unusual and mods also shouldn't effect the contracts, even "Fineprint" shouldn't temper with the stock contracts. Well I'll see how it goes, at least I have finally a purpose to use cheap probes for missions.
  7. I haven't played KSP since in a few months. I am not sure if it is a bug caused by a mod or if it is intended this way, but so far in my career save I haven't gotten any contracts yet to test any kind of part. The only contracts I got were the ones with launching a vessel, reaching X height, reaching space, sending data from around Kerbin space, rescuing a Kerbal and the Mun mission. I run a lot of addons, but all of them are up to date. So when do you usually get contracts for testing various parts in certain situations? I play on the hardest difficulty and hitting a wall right now, I can't get enough funds to run expensive missions or to unlock all parts in the various science nodes because I simply don't get any missions except rescure kerbal X from around Kerbin or send science data from around Kerbin and the mentinoed Mun mission. I also fast forwarded the time. So should I have gotten contracts already for testing parts or any kind of other contract? If yes, then I guess I need to check which mod causes this issue. Otherwise I might have to send 20 more inexpensive probes into space to send date and get a bit of money.
  8. I play only career since it has the most features and I can do pretty much anything I could do in Sandbox and Science as well. For me there is nothing more exciting than starting a new career save in hard mode and working my way up and managing a space program. I never touch Sandbox unless I just want to test out a few parts. But I usually integrate testing into career mode, otherwise I feel like I am cheating.
  9. Didn't work for me without mods. Game loads fine and no crashes, but ATM simply won't work and the game loads as if ATM isn't there. Might be the same issue it had when .24 came out and ATM had problems with the new agency files and didn't work at first.
  10. Well regarding the money spending I don't know. But for an increased challenge (you didn't mention you do it), you can fly in IVA and use the mod rasterprop monitor for it, which makes your IVA interactive and you can use cameras to see the outside, show your orbit, vessel information etc. on the monitors inside the vessel. So you basically fly IVA only (no map, no maneuver nodes) and try landing on the mun and get back and stuff like that. This compared with the other realism mods plus no F5 or revert will make for a nice challenge I guess. If thats not hard enough, try going to Duna in IVA without map, now that should keep you occupied
  11. For the right click bug, I just hit F5 and then F9 to reload and then the bug is gone, at least for a while
  12. Still waiting for Remote Tech 2 update for 0.24 or are the prices of the parts balanced and everything working? But to the topic, I spend my funds on pretty much anything. From sending rovers somewhere for fun, building space stations or planetary stations on moons and planets, sattelites, probes etc. So much to spend funds on and big expensive rocket designs can cost up to a few hundred thousands of Kerbolia Kraken Koin Kredits.
  13. I am happy the way the game is and don't think that's needed for KSP. However I would like to see the options you currently have in the debug menu (no kerbal respawn, no revert to, no quicksave) to add them at the beginning as options when you start a new savegame. And that once you have started a new career, those options will be permanent for this particular savegame and can't be reversed.
  14. For me the 64 bit version is just great. I have a 6 year old potato laptop and with 32 bit KSP was running at around 5 fps during ascend with bigger rockets than tiny size and overall the performance was never really good. Now with 64 bit the game runs smooth as hell even during ascend no frame drops, loading times also seem better than before and I run about 40 mods. Thanks to 64 bit I can finally play it with decent fps.
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