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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Sure it is all open source, so you are free to fork the repo and make a pull request.
  2. No that is not possible, the moment their mass gets processed they influence the CoM, sorry.
  3. If you check the option the parts will be added but their mass will be ignored and the part should get the perfect balance as it is designed by you. Internals are by Default set to 0,0,0 as Position, which will not fit to the weldment. that is the reason it was completly disabled.
  4. @Dr Farnsworth Try again to weld the Station part in the VAB. I just did it there, and then the Position of the parts is correct, it seems that the welding gets there a lot of confusion because the base orientation of the SPH is different from the VAB. @Fwiffo Masslessparts only get calculated into the weldment when you enable the option in the settings. No there was so far no imporvement implemented. Code additions are always welcome. Yes adapters tend to have this problem because the colliders do not get all properties set correctly at weldments. The INTERLAS are deactivated on inention as the parts can only have one single INTERNAL unless this was changed in 1.1.
  5. There is RectTransform.setLastSibbling() which should according to Unity Tutorial pull an UI element in the first position so that it is drawn above all others.
  6. @sarbian I missed the last one that was the reason I asked. but you still use prefabs. prefabs are, different to the old system to say at least.
  7. @sarbian do you also get crazy with unitys new UI, which is so totally insane to create by source, or did you find a way to handle the things?
  8. That is something I need in welding. Do you know something about the DefaultController.CreatePanel/Dropdown and so on?
  9. This little source already shows we why the assetbundles are now integrated. The old system was so bad but never looked like soooo much work to just create a few basic windows.
  10. So far Welding did not cause problems of the size that I had to look the Output.log up.
  11. Ok now with KSP 1.1 in PreRelease, I work on getting Welding back to work with the game. SpaceYParts are not that easy as NecroBones is updating them pretty often. Let me get it working with 1.1 and then we see further.
  12. @TriggerAuAh you are right. the Output.log contains all that, I normally just look at the ksp.log as that provides normally all the info that is required. Thank you also.
  13. @TriggerAu Nope it is not in the first line of the ksp.log. Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) Steam That is my first line of the log. @stupid_chris Thanks that helped.
  14. Maybe it is too early in the morning for me, but is the actual used Unity version told anywhere for 1.1? so far I was not able to find it clearly written or logged anywhere, can someone help?
  15. Ok maybe something with the CoM? I never made any weldments as floating devices
  16. Great that I could help nice carrier. There is no need to have the Mk3 fueltanks separate from the deck.
  17. Try KJR, it might reduce the bounciness. Otherwise more struts
  18. 1. Good that you found it, it should solve the intital problem. 2. Pfew that is more difficult, Do you use Kerbel Joint Reinforcement? It sounds more like a problem of the physics calculation.
  19. Yep something, because when the deck just spins into the sky it sounds like something like that.. That is the reason I asked for the partfile.
  20. Bob Fitch has a youtube tutorial, but that is also a little more advanced. Bob also made a little tool to edit attachnodes on the fly, it also helps to locate the correct one which shall get deleted permanently from the part.
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