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Everything posted by SmashBrown

  1. I'm currently playing around with astronomers visual and ATM only to see whats going on, it's definately that mod that is taking the most memory. Doesn't seem like getting more RAM for my pc would make a difference as it maxes out at 4GB anyway... oh the joys of modding your games lol. I'm determined to find a solution, AVP looks gorgeous!!!
  2. I have tried those, they don't seem to do a huge amount, once i get into the game the RAM usage will increase and crash even with those running.
  3. Oh im getting memory crashes now... boo. Tried opengl and ATM but still get it. I'll have to wait for the game to be better optimized. These forums are an oasis in a sea of horrid forums.
  4. Hello Kerbonaughts, as the title says, is it possible to make the game use more RAM? I have 8gb, but it seems to max out at around 3-4gb of RAM, can i make the game use more?
  5. Ok i have just finished modding the crap out of my KSP, however, it crashes on start up, in my log it is telling me it is using 71% memory, i have 8gb of Ram, i have tried the force opengl work around, but it gives me awful AA, so im guessing im going to have to either buy more RAM, or wait for the game to become more optimized? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. - - - Updated - - - Just to add, i was using Antenna Range, Astronomer's Visual Pack, SCANsat, Chatterer, Com Tech Tree, Contract Config, Contract Window, Crowd sourced science, Dmagic Orbital, E.V.E, Karbonite, KAS, Kerbal Alarm Clock, kerbal Engineer, Near Future, Mission Controller, Proc Fairings, Raster Prop Monitor, inline cockpit IVA, Snacks, Snacks Parts, Tech Manager, Toolbar, Universal Storage. Thanks in advance.
  6. Jool seems to have white clouds.... how do i get rid of them? Im using distant objects as well if thats any use.
  7. I just modded the crap out of my game, and my god the quality is brilliant, spent the entire day finding ones i liked, but it was worth it, Engineer, KAS, Antenna Range, Astronomers Visual Pack, Scansat, Chatterer, orbital science, distant objects, Karbonite, Near future, snacks, new inline cockpit IVA, US, Proc Fairings, snack parts, and a toolbar, SQUEEEEEEE!!! Now as soon as i have finished i shall start a new career... omg all these parts.... :D:D
  8. Yeah i have sansat too. OMG IM NERDGASMING AT ALL THE NEW STUFF!!!!!!!!! I'll check out that contract config then. Thanks.
  9. Ok i have Antenna Range, Astronomers Visual Pack, KAS, Orbital Science, Karbonite, Near Future, Snacks, and Universal storage. Is there any contract mod that will give me contracts to use these mods???
  10. Downlaoding and installing this now. Here have some rep. Where do i put the source folder?
  11. Of course, Engineer, Astronemrs visual, and KAS are "stock" for me now
  12. I might do Near future + interstellar + antenna range, then when im more experienced use interstellar and remote tech.
  13. Hello kerbonaughts! I'm going to have a go at a modded version if my ksp, must have's are KAS, kerbal Engineer, astronomers visual pack, antenna range, or remote tech, i think remote tech may be a bit much for me however, and then its going to be orbital science & near future, or interstellar. Before I make a decision, I would like the opinion of my fellow spacemen, advice please! - - - Updated - - - Oh and scansat, life support and universal storage.
  14. I would like to see axial tilt and environmental hazards and happenings. Other than that, I'm fine with it. Oh, aerodynamics I suppose.
  15. I tend to convert a lot of my science into rep and money because of this. - - - Updated - - - +1 to this idea also.
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