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  1. I have the same Problem as you Fuel.. Tried landing on Pergas yesterday and on Faz today, on both there was no landing possible. (as the craft was standing still on the ground, and still counted as flying)
  2. I really like that mod. But I encountered a problem. If I switch the tanks to Liq.Fuel Only, it shows up correct in the VAB with double the LF and no Oxidiser. But as soon as I launch that thing, the tanks show double the LF and normal Oxidiser counts. Any Ideas? Im Running: Outer Planets, Some of the NEAR Packs, Karbonite and Remotetech.
  3. After a long time reading, i decided to post here too. Started my first attempt on getting any ship back to Kerbin after Orbitig another Planet. So, I launched my Artreus (Transport vessel, with dockable stages (Apargus Staging) with lots of dV (3 Stages with an overall dV of about 15000m/s) a huge dV overkill vor orbiting duna, ike and back to Kerbin. Anyway instead of a lander or Satelite i docked a Sience module containing a few Material Bay's, Goo containers and so forth. I intended to leave Artreus in LKO for refueling (and redocking, as I used up one of the stages) and deorbit the Sience Module. Back in Kerbin Orbit i recognized i forgot any propulsion on this module.. so I decided to try aerobrakeing with the artreus, so i can undock and circularize Artreus's orbit afterwards and let the module deorbit. With my balls of steel I forgot to quicksave, and crushed the artreus on Kerbin. (I thougt "I'm going fast, i need to aerobrake deep into the atmosphere" ) Luckily the module survived(parachutes ftw) with its 2k sience on board. Next Mission: do the same to Eve and Gilly.
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