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Dark Junior

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Everything posted by Dark Junior

  1. I summon Veronica to combat you! I USE LOL HACKS ON THE NEXT POSTER
  2. Banned for nya nya nya nya nya nya nya!
  3. I'd use my god powers to remember! Would you rather eat bacon, or go to the moon?
  4. Fly anyway. Jeb meets Chuck Norris. What would Jeb Do?
  5. it now orbits close enough for 35 degrees celsius year round.
  6. Be able to fly. Would you rather do something with your life, or be allowed to spend your life playing videogames?
  7. I finish the particle shield (Sorry I was away so long) An Idea of how it works: (Sorry if this is unscientific but seriously, It's the war of insanity.) The particles move so fast they shred solid objects into nothing, and they absorb energy and redistribute it across the entire shield. It requires it's own fusion reactor to run. it's practically invincible. Also, explosives meet the same fate as solid objects.
  8. We need to make sure everyone is safe. Also, I apolagive for threatening you with incapacitation before, Vinster - - - Updated - - - Sorry errors - - - Updated - - - Okay. I gotta go get some sleep. Be back in 12 hours.
  9. I'm here to help! I wedge the black hole open with my nearly invincible particle shield (Which will remain classified) and arrange a final evac operation. We have until 120 to evacuate! The black hole may be unstoppable sooner than that! worst-case, we have until 116!
  10. Vinster's black hole colony is collapsing. I slowed down the reaction with time-slowing bacon. My particle shield is finally ready. I send it to the bl;ack hole. Due there in one post. The bacon will only last until 115 - - - Updated - - - Just an update Xannari
  11. I bet you're making these jokes porpoisefully?
  12. 7up Would you rather eat raisins or fall into infinity?
  13. I'd want invisibility, super strength, super jumping, super knowledge, etc
  14. The kerbals discover bananas
  15. Jeb would simply walk out their mouths. Jeb dies. What would he do?
  16. Granted, it kills even antibiotic resistant superbugs! I want star wars 7, XCOM 2, and mockingjay 2 to be released soon.
  17. I honestly don't know Would you rather fly a jet, would you rather be a vet?
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