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Everything posted by Comma_dose

  1. Had to do some science for research, and decided to make a fly-by of the mun. Have to say that despite some hicups in the overall performance, it went pretty well according to plan. A shame. On a further note: KSA's going on a hiatus until v0.24 comes out, and when it does I'll start a brand new thread, so this one will be pretty much dead. In any case, here's the vid: http://youtu.be/cFe77EGgKJs
  2. Hope Jeb likes his new home! http://youtu.be/xQXbJzsfPSs
  3. Added some boosters to get the SSTO from previous vid go higher and got it to go all the way to Mun (and beyond) This success(?) was not without sacrifices. Agency now has 3 KIA and 1 Stranded http://youtu.be/tq4Ni17KvQY
  4. It was a one way trip, though.
  5. Newest vids can be found towards the end I made probably the simplest SSTO possible, using only the initial parts of the career mode. http://youtu.be/-L8qqsl3EqM Unrelated to the vid, a sidenote/ad; feel free to skip: Once the v0.24 comes out, I'll be doing a sort of a let's play/challenge/quest/thing/idk -series, where I'll attempt to gather all the science in the Kerbal solar system, while doing stuff & following some rules. More rules/challenges may be added (but not removed) as time goes by.
  6. Sup guys, Comma here, and I'm a stock KSP enthusiast. I'm popping up here to meet with all kinds of people with a heart for science and KSP, and I'm (most likely) going to share my videos and streams on the appropriate sub-forum for some time after v0.24 rolls out. If you got questions for me, please ask them on this thread or on my tumblr -site
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