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Everything posted by SV-ESK

  1. "module = CommandPod" -AFAIK, it's a legacy thing from pre 0.20 Replace it with "module = Part"
  2. @klesh nice work, interested. If you are going to share it, can you also make green version? (Final Frontier ribbon for scientists is green). Use , not just
  3. Hi. I'd like to see in this plugin function "Destruct only attached part" or "Destruct parts within specific radius". So I tried to make it. How it works and looks see under spoiler. "Destruct Entire Vessel" - does what it says. "Destruct In Radius" - destruct parts that have center of mass within "Blast Radius", and parts that are attached to the bomb directly. I have no idea how to determine actual distance between parts. If you set "Blast Radius" to 0 - only bomb and directly attached to it parts will explode. "Blast Radius" is set to 3 (meters) on screenshot. Capsule and battery are within blast radius, so they will explode. SRB and radial engine will not explode, because their center of masses are outside of blast radius. Big orange tank's center of mass is outside of blast radius, but it will explode anyway because bomb attached to it directly. RCS thing is outside of blast radius but will explode. It seems since it is physicsless part, it cannot survive its host-part exploding. Its Game feature. Jebediah Kerman is standing on the bomb, but he will survive, because he is not part of this vessel. After explosion: Download source and compiled Dll from Mediafire Use at your own risk. No guarantees. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Exception: TaranisElsu, you free to do with code whatever you want
  4. Modified save file, so the biggest asteroid from FASA asteroids pack appeared in Jool's atmosphere stucked at 0 level. In splashed down state. Met it with Interstellar HooliganLabs airship and threw KAS anchor into it. If you threw anchor into splashed down, landed or pre-lanch object - your craft will also become "landed". And you can save (it was 0.22-0.23 - no saving while flying in atmosphere yet) and timewarp (it still impossible). In Kerbin's atmosphere throwing anchors (and ordinary landing) to stucked in air asteroid works fine. With savefile editing asteroid (any object) may be at kilometer above ground. In "landed" state. It will not fall. But in Jool's atmosphere if you use timewarp or quickload while landed on stucked object - your craft will also become stucked (inoperable). And a lot of null reference exceptions will appear.
  5. /2014_01_Bill-Jeb-90001.zip It is CC BY NC SA as always. It is dishycourier's work. I am just redistribute it since there is no official download links avaible. It seems to work fine on 0.90.0. Except part's cost. Its too high.
  6. Taurec, may be Planet Factory is not compatible with stock Science Archiv? ----------------- It seems resources incompability with Interstellar caused by flightGlobalsIndex parameter. It Must be consecutive. Stock planets are 0-16. So Urania and its moons must be 17,18,19.....33 If you want Interstellar resources and antimatter collectors work, change it manually or download Urania interstellar fix and unpack to GameData\PlanetFactory\PluginData\PlanetFactory\Urania\ (Overwrite). Backup savefile. So lets make resource configs. Urania - atmosphere copied from Neptune 79%H2 19%He 1.5%CH4 Ares atmosphere and ocean copied from Laythe Vulcania copied from Venus 96.5% CO2, 3.5% N2 Rhea atmo and ocean copied from Titan 95% N2, 4% CH4 1% H2; ocean is Ethane/Methane. Its extremally cold on Rhea(Titan). Themis copied from Mars 95% CO2 3%N2 1.6%Ar Hermes Hestia ~Laythe. More O2 Erato - less O2, more N2 Hecate ~ icy laythe. Less O2 more salt in oceans Hyperion not sure. CO2/N2? And minor gases. He-3 on Urania, Ar on almost all planets, etc atmo and ocean resources - this is atmo and water cfgs(ORS and Interstellar MM) for Urania. Unpack to GameData\OpenResourceSystem\PlanetResourceData\ Rhea: 31-03 Edit: fixed planets order
  7. Yes, flightGlobalsIndex! Must be consecutive! Stock planets are 0-16. Urania must be 17. I have tried to change- resources and antimatter collectors works! It seems MM does not work on it. @PFBody[urania] { @flightGlobalsIndex=17 }
  8. On planetfactory planets magnetometer does not return 0. I think, it does not return anything at all. Use HyperEdit - teleport self on Kerbin orbit, then teleport to Urania. Magnetometer will not update its value. Open Alt-F2 and you will see spam [Exception]: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index ORS also does not work. You can write configs, but game will ignore it. I have tried. It seems ORS does not know that planetfactory planets exists.
  9. First, put craft to 70Km Kerbin orbit and warp time to Kerbin-Eve launch window. Plot Eve intercept and look how it can change your Sun orbit, PreciseNode(numpad adjusting maneuvers, conics mode and samples) helps a lot. You can not set Kerbin as target, when you are in Kerbin SOI, so put probe to Sun orbit near Kerbin and set it as target instead. Thus you can determine can Eve thow you back to Kerbin or not without performing maneuvers, it saves a lot of time. F5. Go to quicksave.sfs and search "UT = " . This is universe time, in seconds. Change it, and go F9. It acts as an timewarping but costs less real time. Determine again, can Eve thow you back to Kerbin or not. F5 - editing UT - F9. F5 - editing UT - F9. F5 - editing UT - F9, untill you found desired window. So you found Kerbin->Eve->Kerbin->[apoapsis near Dres orbit] maneuver. Look to the orbital period: Kerbin's orbital period is 106 d 12 h. Your ship's orbital period after first Kerbin gravity assist must be exactly three times more. So ship will make one turn around Sun. Kerbin will make three. And they will meet again for gravity assist, that will throw apoapsis very high for Jool intercept. Jool position relative to other planets does not matter. Learn it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54294-Gravity-Assists?highlight=gravity+assist
  10. Produce it in the lab. Jettison or undock(KAS winch refueller) lab before launch.
  11. Hi. What do you thinking about Infernal Robotics? 0.1 for KSP Anwin. Also I calculated dv required to rescue Kercott(at furnace Sun orbit). Put periapsis here is not a problem - use gravity assists - it will be 1400-2200 m/s total, depends on how much you're a masochist. Or just 5600 m/s retrograde from LKO without any gravity assists. Problem is apoapsis. You need 22-23 thousand(!) m/s to circularize(even if your apoapsis near Eve orbit) and unfortunately aerobraking at Sun impossible. And 22-23 thousand(!) m/s will be required for intersect Kerbin orbit from low Sun orbit.
  12. Done! Kethane only. No FAR. Because I can not yet build a far-compatible aircrafts. 8740Kg at Eve surface. 5m landing elevation(gears come off the surface at altitude 5m). Final orbit 780x776 Km. Thus, 3995+676*5 = 7375 points. 30KN small engines much better than aerospikes, despite its lesser ISP. At least for small ships. I flied off Eve vertically, till 30Km altitude, then began turn. Kethane and wings jettisoned on 41Km, when KintakeAir deprived. Maybe I needed to jettison the wings immediately after taking off from Eve
  13. What do you think about interstellar antimatter or microwave-network powered engines?
  14. Thanks to all. I hope, it was interesting and useful. TextureReplacer allows you to assign specific head/suit to specific kerbal. But I didn't know about it three weeks ago, and used Universe-Replacer. And swapped heads manually by renaming files. Sometimes. Start at low equatorial orbit. Use suicide burn technique, some F5-F9, to determine the right moment. Lithrobraking. Kerbal can survive over 20m/s collision. High-altitude, near equator landing site. On ascent use Sun, Jool, Flag, main ship, Milky Way as landmarks. Make EVA orbit very close to mainship orbit. Very carefully, with small burns plot intersect orbit. On intersect look on the main ship, imagine where it moves relative EVAed kerbal. Kill relative velocity and carefully, with small burns, return to it. My landing/ascent on Bop is not ideal. It is possible to return with much more fuel.
  15. Finally, it's done. Jeb level. Stock parts. 8 Kerbals(two containers). Two kerbals on each landing. 20889 total science gained(only Jool and its moons science). A lot of gravity assist, EVA and spaceplane masochism. Sorry for my bad English. I'm trying to learn it, but it's a little bit harder than flying on Jool. Mods used: EditorExtensions, SelectRoot, KER, KAC, EnhancedNavBall, NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator, MultipleSavesDA, AlternateResourcePanel, Toolbar, UniverseReplacer, Chatterer, FinalFrontier(but have not shown results, because it is 0.3.1 bugged version, that forgot almost all). TacFuelBalancer(only for fast pump and balance. No dumping, no pumping when engines throttled up,no cheaty refuelling) KAS installed on 1156 day to fix jammed docking port.(Unable to undock). ModuleManager(made 1.25 port grabable to fix bug, added KER and blue sas indicator to command pods, added Hitch-hiker's internals to lab): @PART[dockingPort2] { MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.20) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 50 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = False attachOnStatic = False attachSendMsgOnly = False } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { @module = CommandPod %stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD MODULE { name = BuildEngineer } MODULE { name = FlightEngineer } } @PART[Large_Crewed_Lab] { INTERNAL { name = crewCabinInternals } } Only stock parts. 6 launches from runway with 4 docking on it. No refueling missions after leaving Kerbin low orbit. No orbital debris, including deep space probe-debris Science plan: Low orbit, high orbit Jool and all its moons All surfaces, of course. Ocean and low atmosphere on Laythe. High atmosphere on Laythe and Jool(Failed. It seems periapsis must be less than 0, to do it). Double all science. I usually bring two experiments (two surface samples, two surface goo observe, etc) on my scientific missions. dV/Route: Kerbin low orbit -> Eve gravity assist -> Kerbin gravity assist -> Kerbin gravity assist again -> Jool aerobraking = 1255 m/s (1120 m/s to get Eve(three burns on Kerbin periapsis), 110 to raise sun apoapsis on first Kerbin gravity assist, some small 0.6-12 m/s correction burns) After Jool aerobraking 6 m/s correction to Laythe aerobraking. On Laythe 1.6 m/s burn to put apoapsis inside Laythe SOI and 10 m/s to raise periapsis above atmosphere. --[spaceplane: landing and return to orbit(no dV data). 550 m/s total from sub-orbital to rendezvous and docking with main ship.] 12 m/s to Vall intercept, 368 m/s burn to put apoapsis inside Vall SOI. --[Vall lander: 1258 m/s to land from high-eccentricity orbit. 881 m/s ascent to 8x12Km orbit. 320 m/s from low orbit to rendezvous and docking with main ship.] 3 m/s to Tylo intercept, 35 m/s burn to put apoapsis inside Tylo SOI. --[Tylo lander: approximately 3800 m/s to land from hihg-eccentricity orbit. 2400 m/s ascent to 11x12Km orbit. 782 m/s to try rendezvous with main ship. EVA rendezvous and returning to main ship] 3 m/s to Jool orbit, 20 m/s to Pol intercept. 312 m/s burn to put apoapsis inside Pol SOI. --[Pol landing ~200 m/s, EVA return from surface to main ship] --[second Extreme EVA: landing and return to main ship.] 1 m/s to Jool orbit, 110 m/s to Bop intercept. 200 m/s to 23x21Km orbit. --[bop landing ~300, m/s EVA return from surface to main ship] Spoiler. --[second Extreme EVA: landing and return to main ship.] 70 m/s to Jool orbit. 115 m/s to Tylo and Laythe gravity assist that throws ship on Jool high-eccentricity orbit. 11 m/s to Tylo gravity assist and 31 m/s burn on Tylo periapsis to intercept Kerbin.(Not so good gravity assist. But I'm so tired of this mission, and performed the first got maneuver to finish mission, finally.) 0.1 m/s to finetune Kebin aerobraking periapsis. Mission could end on this, but I have no parachutes. 350 m/s to rendezvous with spaceplane on Kerbin low orbit, docking to it, landing on runway. Thus, 1255m/s total to get Jool 1152 m/s total for cruising main ship around Jool 157 m/s total to return from Jool to Kerbin aerobraking. Assembling: From Kerbin low orbit to Jool aerobrake Laythe Vall Tylo Pol Bop Return Should I replace albums with links to them to reduce post lenght?
  16. Thanks for replies. I have tried to edit savefile to fix docking ports, but my problem is a little bit different. Both ports have correct state and dockUId. And both have not DOCKEDVESSEL module. And both root parts was lost. Tylo lander's root was T800 tank, that have been decoupled and docked to core separately, and then this tank was undocked and burned in kerbin's atmosphere. Core ship's root is orbiting Kerbin now. Tylo/Vall/Laythe crew cabin's root part was left on Vall surface. I have tried to look to unbugged ports and copy DOCKEDVESSEL from it. And have tried to burn bugged port on lab, then redock Tylo lander to another port and copy DOCKEDVESSEL from this configuration. but it failed too. Finally I have installed KAS, made this MM config: @PART[dockingPort2] { MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.20) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 50 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = False attachOnStatic = False attachSendMsgOnly = False } } And then grab and reattach back bugged port. Thus it Tylo lander finally has been decoupled from core without cheating and savefile shamanism.
  17. Quitting and reloading save does not help. Loading previous saves on Vall orbit does not help. Undocking other ports before try to undock this also does not help. Controlling from another point and removing Jeb from chair does not help. 2.5m docking ports between core and LV-N engines module also jammed. And both T800(long 1.25m) tanks. Two other T800 tanks had undocked on Sun orbit a long time ago without problems.
  18. I have a problem. Tylo lander was docked to the lab at the low Kerbin orbit without any problems. But 1156 days later when it's time to use it I cant undock it. May I use whack-a-kerbal for explosive undocking? I guess kerbals have some instruments, sledgehammer or so, to strike jammed docking port. Or may be anyone know how to deal with this bug without any cheats?
  19. Eeloo apoapsis 113,5Gm. 7500Gm - it is very very far from kerbol It is in 550 times farther than kerbin orbit
  20. Nooo please! I am planning masochist jeb level entry. It will be posted tomorrow.(Edit)It is impossible to start in one piece. Weak computer. Will be multiple launches. I thought that it is simplest part - put ship to kerbin orbit. But after I planned and tested everything else(including launch similar mass ship with significantly reduced part count)i realized that i cannot start with SSTO-one-launch-craft even with TimeControl mod. So now major reconfiguring the mission. Again. I have performed similar Kerbin-Eve-Kerbin-Kerbin gravity assist to get to jool(Eve burn in UT=27400000()). And will use Tylo magic to fly back. P.S. Nice job
  21. Please add this to first post. It seems my mission fail on it. Need to restart with reconfigured ship. 2)Is Extreme Eva allowed to jeb level? (Land scientific instruments normally, collect data, go back to orbit in eva)
  22. it is unneccessary to put wheels in wide.
  23. MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 10 explosiveNodeID = top } This MODULE causes NaN orbit when you try to attach something to the top node. After removing this MODULE Dragon Trunk works normally. Well at least does not cause major bugs
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