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    *Squeezing* the *Juice*

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  1. I just skip those missions. You're right. For the trouble you take to do this mission at this stage of the game, you're far better off just flying to Dres or something. I honestly thought 200 tons was a typo the first time I saw it.
  2. "When in any time warp state other than 1x, the UI does not adequately communicate the state change. The tendency to interpret an under-warp failed control input as a bug has caught out quite a few members of our own team, and is likely responsible for quite a few bug reports" I'm not sure what an "under-warp failed control input" is, but it is difficult to tell what level of warp you are in. I mean, if you go by the gauge, then something else is wrong, because there are times when I appear to be in 1X and I can't stage, or I try to reduce warp and it pauses the game at 10x or something. It just doesn't seem to work right on a couple of levels. I'd like to vote here for "Pause" NOT being the lowest level of warp. 1X should be the lowest, and pause should be separate. "Rearranging the staging stack order when selecting the bottom-most stage is difficult" I find rearranging staging difficult and unreliable no matter which stage I'm trying to drag. Sometimes I can't get it to work at all.
  3. I've got a save file I can send if it helps.
  4. No, just interplanetary maneuvers. I found a workaround though. I time-warped for a couple of hundred days, because the maneuver was going to be way in the future. Then I tried again, and it worked. Seems like it may not handle nodes that are (or need to be) very far in the future.
  5. I'm having problems with this mod. the nodes it creates are just... wrong. The resulting manuever is entirely wrong, sometimes almost 180 degrees out of phase. It's updated and all my mods are updated in CKAN.
  6. Yeah, that's what I figured, but I thought I'd cover my bases. Otherwise, someone would surely step forward and say that it updated just before I posted.
  7. Just a bit of help for some of you, maybe. I just installed this mod with Ckan, with its dependencies, in 1.11.2. At first it didn't work, and I tried a couple of things, to no avail. It was reporting Kopernicus as the problem mod. The game would load, but the stock Kerbal system would load. Anyway, at some point I used the "refresh" function in Ckan, and it showed that Kopernicus had an update available. So, either Kopernicus uploaded a new version in the last 15 minutes, or something weird was going on. Anyway, give that a try.
  8. Me too. The procedural fairings they introduced just never work right, to me. You have to click in some weird, odd place to get it to build. You can still get that old procedural mod, though. I still use it.
  9. Meh... now that you mention it, I probably won't. A big part of KSP is the craft creation experience, so I'll probably want to do it all again anyway.
  10. If it's that good, I'll be glad to do it. but I'll miss my old crafts....
  11. See? I told you! Hehe, I thought of that post when I heard KSP 2 was coming out.
  12. FYI, I cleared out all my other mods and reinstalled RSS from CKAN, and installed the texture pack manually. It all works, amazingly. I'm running RSS on 1.7.3. And the engine ISP values are normal again. I did not, FYI, install any "recommended" mods.
  13. I think the biggest problem with mod development is that they keep updating the game, honestly. Mod developers get sick of having to constantly work on making their mods work with the latest version. I appreciate that they are fixing bugs and all, but there have been so many versions of this game that mod developers just give up. I think Kerbal Engineering is on its third dev team. RSS is several versions behind because the mod developers keep stopping and waiting for the next release. There is a limit to the patience of people who code mods for free.
  14. I'm sorry, I didn't see where KSP 2 would auto-delete all KSP installs.
  15. I don't agree. The original will still be there. I still play Civilization 5 from time to time. A lot of people do. I'm cautiously optimistic that KSP 2 will be better anyway. And KSP does have structural flaws. A lot of the game just doesn't work well together. You really need mods to make it an interesting game any more, although the latest DLC did a lot to fix the game's problems. Anyway, if you don't like KSP 2, play KSP. It's not going anywhere.
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