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Everything posted by arkie87

  1. Use module manager to reduce it's mass. Problem solved.
  2. I was thinking more like: (1) get list of orbited or explored contracts (probably orbited is better since sometimes i miss being offered explore contracts) (2) select one randomly (remove it from the list after selecting it) (3) pick a random number to select either orbit experiment or suface (biome) experiment (4) if orbit experiment: (4a) go through list of orbit experiments available. If at least one is available, offer contract (if more than one is available, offer separate money for each). If none are available, go to 4b. (4b) go through biome list; select a biome randomly (and then remove it from the list). Get list of experiments; if at least one is available, offer a contract (if more than one is available and researched, offer separate money for each experiment). If none are available, select a different biome and repeat. If biome list is empty, then go back to step 2 (selecting a planet). (5) offer contract Thanks for your effort, by the way! EDIT: actually, instead of step 3: randomly picking between orbit and biome, i think its better to first start with orbit, and all of those experiments have been done, THEN select biome. (or for the first version, we can start only with biome/surface experiments)
  3. For some reason, when i am less than 1000 km from Jool, I am unable to do on the rails warp. The game always says my craft is under-acceleration even though it is not... I tried disabling all reaction wheels etc... but it doesnt seem to fix the problem until i physics warp far enough away, then on-the-rails warp works. Any ideas?
  4. Oh, i checked your mod's page, but confused the KSP version with your mod version I see now it has been released. Thanks for working on it! Do you have a gameplan for what methods/functions are needed for Contract Configurator to be able to make these types of contracts?
  5. Any progress? Since 1.0.3 hasnt been released, i assume that means you havent had a chance to try to work on this idea?
  6. What version of KSP is that? Doesnt look like 1.0? Also, was that all one craft? Didnt look like it...?
  7. A while. I had to slow down... a lot... Luckily, kerbals have no bones, so they are amorphous It's very difficult to bleed off 5 km/s in atmosphere. When you go that fast, you descend rapidly, and then ascend rapidly, so you need a very steep trajectory. The high density of are means you will be pulling a lot of g's (though regardless, just to bleed off 5 km/s in such a short distance will require a very high g load) Not necessarily. I just returned from another mission. This intercept profile was less steep-- hit Kerbin at only 5 km/s which is much more manageable. And one heat shield survived capture. It's relatively easy though, to get a steep intercept at Kerbin (resulting in 8 km/s) though if you use a moon slingshot, so be careful...
  8. Nice... how many SoI's did you cross? I'm starting to really like Jool. It's pretty easy to get an encounter with something. Out of curiosity, how do you manage to return from Jool? Is it always 8 km/s re-entry, or is it more manageable if you choose a less steep return?
  9. How does one see the required deltaV for each maneuver if one has more than one?
  10. I didnt notice that! Ha! - - - Updated - - - Hehe. I would be too at 8 km/s.... re-entry lasted less than a minute...
  11. What's the most XP/Science you've gained in one mission? I just finished an epic mission to Jool, making fly-bys of Jool, Pol, and Laythe. I earned over 3000 science and each of the original four (Jeb, Bob, Bill, and Val) gained 32 XP each. It was quite the rush. I perpetually thought i'd run out of fuel and had to wing it, decoupling extra fuel tanks, and then figuring out the most efficient way back to Kerbin was a gravity assist from Laythe. That, unfortunately, sent me on a pretty steep encounter with Kerbin, and i slammed into the atmosphere at 8 km/s with 28 km Pe. I pulled over 17g's on the descent, and my heat shield even exploded due to overheating... I say, if your heat shield doesnt explode due to overheating, then you arent playing KSP right
  12. Thanks for the code! I have a little experience with C#, but very beginner level. I can sort of see what your code does, but yeah, it is missing some of the more difficult tasks (as you said). Did you have a chance to review the source code I linked? Does it do what needs to be done to search which biomes have experimental science available? How easy would it be to integrate some of that source code into your contract configurator to give extra functionality (at least as a starting point for this mod)?
  13. A ship manifest to allow you to control every right clickable item without having to physically click on it. Useful if your ship is spinning out of control or part is partially occluded and hard to click on.
  14. I have zero experience with modding and contract configurator. However, the maker of [x]-Science recommneded i look through his code to find similar functions to understand how to search science archives... Link to Source Code
  15. I usually place one set on either side of the CoM for orientation control and one set as close as possible to the CoM for translation, thus, three sets total.
  16. If you put the lab on wheels, you could drive to another biome... But i suppose with the science/data limit, there is no point since you can fill it up in one biome even...
  17. I meant more from Squad's perspective in balancing the game. They could always increase funds (even in hard mode) to make it worth your while not to have to recover stages. IMO, unless you use a mod to automatically recover stages that enter Kerbin's atmosphere, the problem is unmanageable if you actually want to simulate it (since it will most likely require physics bubble much larger than 22.5 km, which could easily break your system).
  18. Why cant you just lose control of the satellite (i.e. deliver into the hands of the organization that funded you in the first place) that way you cannot do this. Something like this will be needed when multiplayer is implemented to prevent you from controlling other players' crafts.
  19. Can someone explain to me all the fuss about stage recovery? The game can just pay you more to account for the fact that you cannot recover your ship. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the parts are very cheap...
  20. Drag coefficient increases sharply as objects approach the sound barrier making it very hard to push through it. For this reason, before supersonic flight was achieved in aeroplanes, some aerospace engineers thought that controlled supersonic flight was impossible (it's obviously not). After Mach 1, drag coefficient drops
  21. thanks! Ive struggled with this for sooo long!
  22. That doesnt do what I have suggested? EDIT: changed title to make my mod idea more clear. I see now how it was vague...
  23. Thanks a lot for the tips and encouragement. Yes, I am completely new to modding, but low-moderate experience programming in real languages (since Matlab doesnt count). - - - Updated - - - Basically, yeah. Maybe i could even use [x] Science's source... or perhaps, i could ask the maker of x-science if he is interested in making my mod?
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