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Everything posted by arkie87

  1. Also really useful if your spaceship is rotating out of control and are trying to right-click something... I've always thought there should be a GUI to allow you to control/monitor every component on your ship without having to click on it (since if its rotating really fast, its impossible), and this idea integrates it into the current interface. However, this would mean that science equipment and fuel tanks etc... need to be included in the staging list.
  2. Speed of sound isnt 0 m/s, its infinity m/s. Mach number is zero; not speed of sound.
  3. A bit confused by your wording: are you saying you never accepted and/or completed any contract requiring you to explore any anything other than kerbin. In doing so you eventually--after acquiring lots of science through means other than experiments outside kerbin-- were offered contracts with large science rewards for testing parts in/on kerbin? If so, that does seem silly, but how did you acquire so much science without leaving kerbin? Did you just test the crap out of parts?
  4. I used to think it was either aerodynamics (FAR/NEAR) or environmental visual enhancements. However, i remember squad being impressed with the mechanics of the multiplayer mod, and they announced they wanted to include multiplayer. Incorporating multiplayer into the current game would require a massive overhaul of the entire game, and so, i think this is what was mentioned, particularly, here: https://twitter.com/Maxmaps/status/501497691818307585
  5. You could use the same argument to do away with sandbox mode (since real space programs have to worry about funding and R&D). Besides, i dont think realism takes precedence over fun.
  6. I like! Maybe call it "scenario mode", since each mission is a scenario (i'm thinking along the lines of the scenarios presented in the Civilization franchise). Also, it might be a good idea that for each scenario, there is a limited budget (not funds) and available parts (tech tree) as well as other requirements to restrict how the player can accomplish the objectives. However, players do not lose money if they fail, and the ships cost nothing to launch, they just have to accomplish the scenario within budget and using the available parts. The budget/available tech tree/parts could be tweaked to a desired difficulty setting (which i think the game should also have).
  7. I think you misunderstand what i was saying. You wouldnt be able to build any size fuel tank, but rather, it would simply reduce the number of parts appearing in the parts list. The tweakables would allow you to select discrete values of 1/2m, 1m, 2m, 3m etc... but not define the diameter yourself continuously. Thus, it would be a way of arranging/organizing parts, rather than an actual change to gameplay...
  8. If it's just fairings you want, then you should get procedural fairings mod (which i use). It's better than the fairings from KW or any other part pack because it will automatically fit your device. I dont have KW rocketry, since i want to play the game as close to stock as possible (otherwise, there are hundreds of part packs i could get... and how do i decide which ones i use???)
  9. I'm pretty sure the new bar on the top right of the screen in 0.24 is effectively a toolbar (like blizzy's)? Thats where FAR and KER icons appear at least...
  10. Did not mean to come off rude. I meant is there something i was missing--as in, is it already in the stock KSP (no matter how much rep i get, i still only get rescue missions for kerbals in orbit around kerbin...) Does that imply that you will eventually implement it, once you have time, of course?
  11. Arsonide AKA Mr. Dev: Any interest in adding in rescue missions from random (previously visited) planets and moons, possibly with a crashed/landed craft with kerbals that needs to be repaired/refueled and returned to Kerbin? Am I missing something? Is there a reason why this hasnt been added already?
  12. I wasnt suggesting they should only have one fuel tank, but rather, that only one fuel tank appears in the part list, and you can modify it to become any of the available fuel tanks via tweakables.
  13. Any possibility to add in your orbital path, in order to make it easier to navigate sub-orbital hops?
  14. Looks awesome! Will definately download. What about new rescue missions from orbits/surface of other planets/moons?
  15. Thanks. Diazos landing height sounds like exactly the functionality i wanted. Thanks for letting me know about this mod. But it still should be included in stock :-)
  16. Yes, i assume it wouldnt work the way it is now, but i was wondering i the dev would consider modifying it based on what i am saying, since i think it will improve the overall intuitiveness and symmetry of the game. I realize stretching it in two dimensions separately will causing texture problems. Maybe it would be best if the part is merely a placeholder for the other stock parts i.e. you select which part you want in tweakable, and the part becomes the corresponding stock part? This will allow for the reduction of the number of parts in the part list. What do you think?
  17. True, if it works in one dimension i.e. "scale" it will be limiting. Is it possible to make tweakscale work in two dimensions (diameter and aspect ratio) for fuel tanks, thereby, requiring only one part? Is it possible to investigate what will break/why if i delete redundant parts? I really like the idea of this mod, because it adds more options/creativity without adding too much options. In addition, it will also help collapse the part list, so that it is more manageable. Also, is it possible to have the available options for the tweakable parameters depend on whats unlocked in the tech tree?
  18. By "no-brainer" i didnt mean easy to implement (requiring no brain to implement), but rather, something that everyone will agree should be implemented
  19. Is it possible to only have one or two parts (in-line attach and radial attach) and allow the changing of size via tweakables? Right now, there are sheets and sheets of life support attachments, and this could be reduced to one or two parts by simply allowing the size and/or contents to be "tweakabled". In-line and radial attach mode could also be changed via tweakable, but there might be still two separate icons in the part list to eliminate one click). What do you think?
  20. Havent downloaded this mod yet. Does it eliminate the redundant part(s) from the part list? I think that is the biggest advantage of this mod -- it will reduce the number of parts in the parts list, so i wont have to sift through sheets and sheets of parts looking for the right size fuel tank or decoupler. I just select "fuel tank" or "decoupler" and can change its size or type with a tweakable.... What do you think?
  21. What about the fact that having tweakscale will significantly reduce the number of parts in the part list, and prevent you from having to sift through sheets and sheets of parts. I only need one fuel tank and one decoupler, and i can tweak their sizes later. Thus, you will only have one sheet (PER item type like propulsion, control etc..) and i wont have to sift through sheets and sheets looking for the right sized decoupler?
  22. I agree 100%. Something like KAS is necessary and even realistic. I should be able to refuel a spaceship in orbit without needing it to have a docking port... Maybe even this will enable building small spaceships meant for towing around large items for attachment if jeb's EVA suit isnt sufficient...
  23. I agree with you in part (pun intended--im not sorry). Procedural parts, like long SRB's, would be less realistic since they wouldnt wobble. However, this can be accounted for by making the mass of the SRB increase in order to make the SRB structurally sound, and this effect would not have to be linear. This can be implemented into procedural parts in order to balance it. Nevertheless, i think the overall game should encourage using fewer, bigger parts, rather than attaching 100's of smaller parts together for "realism" in order to simulate wobbling, since 100's of parts will always be inherently bad for fps/cpu usage. In my opinion, simulating wobbling is kinda pointless, since, all you have to do is add more struts, and struts are mass-less anyway... I do think that procedural wings are necessary, since wings, unlike other parts, are customized to exact specifications even in the real world... Perhaps one way to compromise is something like tweakscale, which will improve the intuition and symmetry of the game by reducing the number of parts you see in the partlist (which i am a big fan of-- already there are too many sheets, and i have to scroll through them even without any part pack mods!); instead of needing to select a short 1m, 2m, 3m, or 5m part, you simply select a short fuel tank, and can tweak it to be 1m, 2m, 3m, or 5m later. Thus, the part is variable diameter, but constant aspect ratio, and as you move through the tech tree, you get better aspect ratios, and unlock new tweakable options for larger diameter tanks). This can be applied to every part in the game, especially if you use TAC life support-- instead of having pages and pages of different life support canisters, just have one for each type, and allow tweakables to resize the items. I am going to revise my first post to include this idea.
  24. How does it destroy creativity? If anything, it increases it since it allows you to design ANY shape? Also, its pretty much the point -- its supposed to simplify the game by making the 100 different wing combinations from various part packs unnecessary, since you can just design your own?
  25. That's probably inevitable when you discuss anything on the internets...
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