So I did some config changes to the centrifuge and added science lab capabilities. I mainly did it for myself because I wanted a cool science lab, and makes space stations a lot cooler. I really like 1m station parts with the ksp style. It's changed for career mode and does everything the same as the science lab. Here's the config text. PART { name = sciencecentrifuge module = Part author = Porkjet, Snowy Duck mesh = rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 CrewCapacity = 4 TechRequired = spaceExploration entryCost = 10000 cost = 10000 category = Science subcategory = 0 title = Small Science Centrifugium manufacturer = Porky's Snacks & Inflatable Living Spaces description = Recent studies show that long-time exposure to micro gravity has negative effects on the health of kerbals. This feasible solution, inspired by a hamster wheel, is a spinning habitat that generates artificial gravity through centripetal force. EVA-activity around the spinning wheel is classified as 'semi-lethal'. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 mass = 3.5 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 20 breakingForce = 500 breakingTorque = 500 maxTemp = 2900 vesselType = Ship INTERNAL { name = centrifuge1internal } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Data storeActionName = Store Experiments collectActionName = Take Data evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 2 allowRepeatedSubjects = True } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceLab containerModuleIndex = 0 dataTransmissionBoost = 2.5 crewsRequired = 2 canResetConnectedModules = True canResetNearbyModules = True interactionRange = 5 RESOURCE_PROCESS { name = ElectricCharge amount = 10 } } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = deploy startEventGUIName = inflate endEventGUIName = deflate } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = rotation startEventGUIName = rotate endEventGUIName = stop } //MODULE //{ // name = deployableHabRestrictor // animationName = deploy // crewCapacityDeployed = 4 // crewCapacityRetracted = 0 } } With that and the TAC Life Support with Crew Degredation I have a space station that can process all that delicious science.