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Everything posted by Nachbar

  1. Can't wait to be able to play kerbal again
  2. I'm in the same boat but going by the bug tracker I'm hoping it won't be too long
  3. If you deploy the fairings on my test craft and then launch it it will ascend to roughly the same height as the one before except that it will tumble in the atmosphere once it runs out of propellant. My guess is that the fairings are not reducing drag at all but at least they are keeping the drag uniform.
  4. I just fresh installed KSP and I can confirm there is something really wrong with how much drag the fairings produce. I made an imgur album showing this: https://imgur.com/a/E49jC here are the 2 craft files I used: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rgqZnOxIuiXVC9fm0PUFAkZB8jSgcoLu and https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MCIuAVxSSUg6OewV04_zFVf9HcR2O_Hl What I did notice before I fresh installed is that my partdatabase.cfg did not update so I renamed it and had steam verify and redownload it. Later I compared it and a lot of the drag cubes had changed. I have added this to the bug tracker
  5. KSP Version: (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us What Happens: Fairings produce an exceedingly high amount of drag Mods / Add-Ons: none. Fresh install Steps to Replicate: Build 2 rockets of similar size/weight and have one of them use a nose cone and another use a fairing Result: The rocket with the fairing goes about 1/4 the distance compared to the one without Fixes/Workarounds: don't use fairings? Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files: Here are 2 example craft that I made to test with: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MCIuAVxSSUg6OewV04_zFVf9HcR2O_Hl and https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rgqZnOxIuiXVC9fm0PUFAkZB8jSgcoLu The example rocket without fairings (TEST) will go to about 520km straight up with sas enabled. the one with fairings (TEST 2) will only go to 130km Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/E49jC This is my first bug report let me know if there is anything else I should be providing. Edit: I figured out how to add this to the bug tracker.
  6. Anyone else notice the fairings have a lot lot lot more drag now? Like its better to just have a naked satellite on top.
  7. Is it just me or does having reset and transfer experiments with a scientist present result in the science not being acquired? Works fine with Jeb. With Bob it seems like he is throwing all the science out the window instead of storing it in the capsule.
  8. Yeah definitely Career mode only. I think you could even expand on it and have Planets appear as question marks until you have visited. Once you have entered a sphere of influence make the planet and its moons visible.
  9. My suggestion is that you have to use science modules to learn specific characteristics about the other planets/moons. For example if you set your focus to Duna in the orbit view you can click the info and parameter button on the right to learn about the celestial body. I think it would be neat if specific information like gravity, atmosphere, temperature, escape velocity, etc. had to be learned by sending a probe with the required modules to the planet and report its findings back to Kerbin. Basically things that Kerbals couldn't figure out from observations at Kerbin had to be learned this way. This could be tied into the career mode/contracts as well. I hope this hasn't been suggested before and if it was I apologize. I did a basic search and checked the stickies but couldn't find anything similar.
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