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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. https://kerbalx.com/Yukon0009/SpaceX-Lunar-Starship-2021 Dude there are dozens of starships out there for KSP if they dont meet your needs use them as inspiration to make your own. Yukon009's I think has the best one. It's just Awesome worked first go.
  2. Kracken attack when visiting Eve station. All I wanted to do was send the crew home but when I arrived I found the Kracken had visited before me: Around 1Mil in lost funds plus replacement cost. I'm going to have to ferry a lot of kerbals to make the guys in accounting happy again
  3. Granted. its delivered to your house at astronomical speed now were all dead thanks. I wish for a briefcase of cash
  4. 0.90 Pre Aero changes that allowed open cockpits and stock robotics for SSTO's oh and intakes worked as flotation devices. I fondly remember the awesome'ness of my then Fav craft, a little SSTO complete with ejection seats, moving cargo platform lift, opening doors and docking port locks etc etc. And Non of it caused aero problems with flight or burn up on re-entry no cheats required. As for recent versions the landing gear was a probelm in 1.1x, terrain was an issue also untill recently and making/breaking DLC had real issues for me in the 1.12 till the hot fix (ring stations exploding)
  5. Landing tests on Laythe Always entretaining
  6. 1.10 is out and I finaly completed the BepiColombo mission to Moho. And with that over I am DONE with ION thrusters for at least 6 months.
  7. I got it to fit and learnt a bit Work no longer In Progress https://kerbalx.com/kandokris/Plane-Folding-Prop-Mk3 It surprisingly a lot of fun
  8. Finally got around to turning raw video into somthing watchable well at least for those of us that know KSP Its really sped up its like 20hrs woth of raw footage at approx 1fps due to the ancient potato i play on. Basic summery is 4 craft that together made a great aircraft carrier for laythe or anywhere on kerbin with lots of side craft inside itincluding and SSTO. Incase anyone else suffers from the same madness Link to craft
  9. I'm trying to make a folding prop plane thats small enough to go into the Mk2 bay. I'm not that small yet. Here is a look at what I got so far.; It currently fits in the long 2.5m round trunk. With the current wing profile its mostly ok to fly still having some torque inuced roll that I've can offset with a aileron adjustment, a drifting issue when trying to take off and a little issue with flapping. Question Is it possible to limit the amount of prop deployment angle linked to the throttle ???? and if so how ? my googlefu came up empty I keep changing the air flow direction mid flight by mistake and dislike flying with aero forces displayed.
  10. Thanks I thought my computer was having issues till I found this.
  11. It adds a bit of speed and brought forth an uncontrolled giggle after staring so hard trying to get how you did the belt. Certainly made me think of one bored kerbal in the truck in a hurry to make hes/her delivery. Can the truck unload at site ? the gate looks functional but dose it tilt? What I'm trying to say is I liked it.
  12. Finally finished tweaking and testing my laythe carrier now released for all
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