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Everything posted by KandoKris

  1. The closest to this I've seen and tried is a craft by metaphor with he's Eve Ion plane http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76153-Lightest-Eve-Lander/page8 I've used it and its nice to use and gets it's pilot to orbit but still not an Ion SSTO
  2. Arrh . Me thinks you need to go larger to include all sails and cannons. Have u taken that into the water ? if so dose it only go in reverse ? or are there more engins under the hood
  3. Can u thow up a comparison picture as I'm not entirly sure what that ment to be. I guessing a sail boat ? Edit; I'm an Aussie not american so that dosn't help either
  4. I have small missiles that I can get varly acurate in atmo Fired from pad still had 1/3 fuel to burn, missed by approx 20m ( I need more practice )
  5. Gentleman I wish membership to this fine club.. It appears I was wrong(as pointed out to me by ScriptKitt3h) 4 You do have a true Navy here To prove I have my sea legs I present my Navy High speed Runabout - max speed >150m/s on water. Don’t try to turn once over 90. Able to dock with all ChrisCorp Navy ships Frigate - 1 - A Short to medium range ship with a more Frigate -2 - The Beachcoamer Short range missile frigate with 2 rover's, missile range 10-20km VTOL Planes Mk I, Scout Mk II Fighter Mk III Adv. Fighter. All made to for carrier take-off’ / landings VTOL Sea-plane - A versatile craft able to tow loads from orbit to a safe water landing & capable or 3 way flight and speed on the water of <90m/s The add-on Lab unit ; Because what base is complete without one. Unit designed to be flown or dropped and then attached to the AC 2 Aircraft Carrier Mk1 - Nemmitz Wannabe ; As the name suggests this is your standard shaped aircraft carrier of all modern navy's with a short runway this vessel can handle some non-VTOL planes and comes with 3 VTOL's on board and a runabout Aircraft Carrier Mk2 - The pride of the Fleet, Built for Laythe exploration. Launch from the SPH or VAB this beauty will land anywhere with ease capable of an average 25m/s this beast will Drive / Swim into your heart. Basically this platform will fill every Laythe base wet dream. And yes it gets to laythe with its own 100% Stock lifter Download includes bonus - Rockets, missiles even an ICBM to attach to your fleet http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/222167-chriscorp-navy
  6. SSTO from Eve from sea level......... Surly u jest
  7. I made it my mission to plant a full base on each and every rock in KSP ( before 0.23.5 ) Now I do it just to be "badass" oh and by "full" I mean each has to have; Lab, hab, EP, 2 rovers and a station to supply them Think I'm kidding check out http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/220522-mun-base-and-more/images
  8. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/222167-chriscorp-navyOk I've like Been working on this one for almost a week. Originally thought it belonged in the "Gentlemans Navy" post but then realised that its not about boats. So becuase its all 100% stock I'll show it off here intead So without further delay I present the first complete look at the ChrisCorp Navy. Album show complete process from testing to deployment to on Laythe http://imgur.com/a/LNyIY Dam album wont load so you'll have to check the link but here is a sneak peak Laythe aircraft carrier as undergone extensive testing for; Sea/Stress test ( 4 test craft ) - Result; Avg safe Land speed 40-50m/s over ruff terrain, Avg speed on water 25m/s unbreakable on water small damage from excessive land speed, nothing major. Range - Water approx 100-150km depending on weight ontop ( planes ) Land... you'll get bored before you run out. Docking works for runabout boats at any fuel lvl (displacment varies between full & empty) 3 different docking angles for VTOL's of small and medium sized - all tested Launch and Landing & Transfer testing ( 6 test Craft ) - Result; Launch is as sturdy as a rock just need to turn late and carry a little dead wieght for 1 minute 1/2 way through launch or things become risky (staging changed to make it 100% safe) Transfer - if you go straight to laythe and air break but dont land you will have enough left over to modify your orbit to pic the best landing zone might even shed a tear as you drop 100lt's on your way down. Landing - totally safe... well almost use centre pod for guaranteed survival use landing rockets to reduce speed <100m/s at 2500m <50m/s at 500m & as close to zero as possible at water/ground level. 100% success rate during testing of powered landings minimal to no damage ( lost 1 air intake ) Download on Curse ChrisCorp-Navy
  9. No ones posted here for a while so I'll give it a go to keep it going Some really nice stuff guys too by the way. Below is My newest vessal The ChrisCorp Laythe Aircraft carrier Mk II Able to come down via water or land I just love the smoke on the water look. Removes excess parts to keep count low Comes complete with add-ons which all dock to carrier
  10. Really... Ok ... um whats an OP ? Download link below, sorry it's not the one craft as it's an evolving series. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/221534-chriscorps-random-stuff-pack
  11. Yes lets put it to rest ... but first this is what it takes to get off eve... And incase anyone is wordering thats >150tn on Eve and under 5 in orbit. Total DV approx 10 000 and no that wont make it from sea level for that you need an extra 1500 DV
  12. Thought I'd Add this one of my rescue craft for wayward kerbals. Able to get lost in space kerbals and return them to kerbin
  13. ok so Just spent approx >10hr's game time on this one, SSTO ion fighter plane goes up an SSTO but goes anywhere else as a mini Ion fighter
  14. Wow some nice craft in here. I have one to add that I hope you'll enjoy as well SSTO - Mk XI my small Ion fighter Able to make orbit dock etc as a standard SSTO, has 2 missiles but the best part is it can split in half and become a tiny go anywhere ion powered Fighter Also the Booster will work for almost anything up to 7tn turning into an SSTO
  15. Why not an T-50 to add to that club? or an F-35 , J-20. I'm yet to see anyone make an F-117A
  16. Wow you all astound me with your brilliance. So many creative ways to get off eve. It is certainly encouraging to see such variety. I'm trying to build a 3 man return pod for changing over base crew & this thread has been hands down the best resource on the net I've found. (better then Manley’s vid even) So Thankyou all you great KSP engineers
  17. Lol That is alot of DV Trooper I'm seriously impressed 1 for shear size and 2 for the lag induced patients you must have to work on somthing of that size. keep us posted if you manage to move Mun to Duna
  18. Faster then light video phone links, I mean if it takes like 26min to send intructions to couriosity on mars how can they expect us to believe that a starship on the other side of the galaxy/universe depending on movie can simply dial earth and have a 2 way convo with perfect reception I cant even call do that when calling locally
  19. After using things like KASA,Quick flight co, Kenterprize industries and many more I've recently settled for simply "ChrisCorp" Not very original I know but it seems to roll off the tounge with a certian ease. I dont have a page of my own but I do have a post in the stockexchange http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78625-ChrisCorp-Creation So far I've only added SSTO's but I plan to put in Base and station Pieces as well.
  20. Hi All Just wanted to share some of what I've made and could think of no better way to do so then here on the forum. So its with great pride I present Chris Corp and all its many designs ready to receive your critisim .. caugh ... i mean feedback Honestly I welcome all critic's so if you see a way I could maybe improve on a design feel free to let me know. First of the rack SSTO's Mk 1 MkII Mk III Mk IV MkV Mk VI & My newest... you guessed it... Mk VII If anyone wants to try these out for them selves heres the DL link http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ssto-sat-deployer/
  21. If I go a week without an attack I feel he's forgotten about me last one was a unmanded re-fueling probe for my base on Tylo so I could understand it. But the wierd part was it wasn't even at jool yet. When I switched to the craft for the fine tune approch BAM 666666 black screen again. Sometime you can restart the game and get back to it... not this time gave it 3 go's then got rid of it I'm yet to try again
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