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Everything posted by KandoKris

  1. I have used MJ. More in old versions then the current I use standard monstrous 100tn to orbit launchers for everything even small probes even though I've made nice 3 stage little ones. I've left bob as a transfer marker at 1.400mil km Kerbin orbit for over 138yrs and counting.(sent him up very early on in the save) I um ... have used Alt F12.... more then once.... but only because I hate not finishing things I've accidentally time warped past a node and sent a kerbal from tylo off into the depths of space.... hes still going some 50+ yrs later... just because I don't want to have a death on my career save... I spend way to much time on KSP ( My kids think I have kerbals on the brain 24/7) Mmm lots more but thats enough for now Arrrh feels to to take that weight off
  2. This is So awesome. no longer will I spend years (KSP yrs) creating Jool stations or hours fine-tuning burns for multi launches. you sir are a genius
  3. Not me 100% Stock career. With stations around all planets & bases on each moon/ bar tylo noway I'm I starting over !!! Cant wait for kiddy bed time to download and get me some space rock. Mmm I wonder If I can turn one into a midway station ???
  4. Mmm what have I done in KSP today... Only created my first major Mun Base. Check it
  5. Downloading mod now .... Thanks and thank you Nereid
  6. Nice design. I'mreaaly looking forward to flying this little beuty
  7. I know, just today went through 4 pages for 3 craft that were posted a dozen times each !... Is is possible to add some text to the upload screen maybe under "Please be sure to fill out all of the fields so we can process your Add On correctly." Something like ; If you experience an error please refresh your add-on menu you, may only need to update your add-on rather then create it all over again. or ; due to the spaceports unfinished nature please be aware that add-on's that display error messages when uploading but don't highlight incomplete entry fields may not have a real error so refresh before re-submitting. Or better still If you find your self adding the same thing over and over please change all but 1 to private as the spaceport delete button is mostly for show and doesn't really work 100% !!
  8. Oh OH Oh Please please add a Kerbal pilot mission count so we can have Veterans and rookies
  9. This mods Rocks Loving the City Lights Cant wait to see if storms can be added ??????
  10. My First 5 designs. Would love hear some tips to make the next 5 better. I'm looking for advise on how to make really REALLY BIG SSTO's able to get to laythe without re-fueling, I've seen it done on youtube but haven't been unable to replicate yet mainly due to things like; sudden combustion, floppy wings and of course fuel depletion issues . ... Sorry I han't taken orbit pic for all .. what can I say , I'm lazy but trust me they all get there
  11. Ok First real post.. Wanted to share with everyone some pics from laythe adventure if you cant tell I loved the sub mod !! http://kandokris.imgur.com
  12. tanks for the info, I thought I was going blind
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