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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. Contracts and strategies. Only accept ones that pay out a lot more than they cost to do. Also, SRBs are cheap - use and abuse them (a lot of my early tech 0.25 launchers were pretty much entirely solid fuelled).
  2. Upgrade the Tracking Station and Mission Control to level 2 to see orbit lines and use manoeuvre nodes
  3. I tried to surface attach an engine today.. took me a while before I remembered.. plz come back EE I do think that the stock SPH/VAB symmetry switching is easier, but there's still some things stock doesn't have that EE gives such handy hotkeys for.. higher/odd symmetries, increased angle snap angles, part clipping of the attach node style, toggle/force surface attachment, reset editor camera.. EE doesn't need to come back as it left, but having those options on hotkeys (or even accessible) made building so much easier.
  4. No luck fixing that zeromass/physically significant bug I posted? Thanks for the update anyhow, still very useful
  5. Yeah that's normal behaviour for KK. Something about PQS, I think. It was like that in 0.25 at least.
  6. Not only has FS been hotfixed, it's been officially updated by Snjo. Grab the updated plugin from his github.
  7. Going to echo the post above yours - parts that don't depend on plugins are pretty resilient. I can't confirm it, but I'd be surprised if they didn't work as they use the same code as the stock lights.
  8. That should be saved as whateveryouwant.cfg (make a new txt file in Notepad, copypaste those contents into it and save it as a cfg) in the Gamedata folder and ModuleManager will catch it. Obviously you'll need B9 installed (or at least the Spaces folder in B9) though that patch should only work if you have B9 already. You don't need to muck around with any other files or IVAs, just that block of text as a cfg file. I haven't tested it mind you, but it should work.
  9. 1, RPM is currently broken in 0.90, last I heard. This means the B9 cockpit won't be fully functional. It'll exist but the RPM screens won't work as intended. 2, @PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]:NEEDS[B9_Aerospace] { @INTERNAL { name = B9_Cockpit_HL_Internal } } That should make the Mk3 cockpit use B9's HL IVA.
  10. Just checking, you have ModuleManager installed as well, right?
  11. I made this in Paint.net, using erona's hi res version of the logo. A small version of this is in my signature. (obscenely large 7200x3000 version) This sums up KSP perfectly for me (though, I appreciate some people prefer stock).
  12. I disagree. Squad needs honest feedback, not a bunch of yes-men. EDIT: I've said it before, I'll say it again. Shabby buildings, I don't mind. Bring it on, show me the early days of KSC. But what drew the ire were the bad models and textures. They should be well-textured and look worn-down - you don't make something look shabby by texturing it poorly.
  13. There's a difference between shabby buildings and shabbily-textured buildings. The barns were the latter. They would be the first thing a new player to career would see and, if I'm honest, an embarrassment. Yeah, they might not have been final textures, but if so, they should be kept from game until they were the final version. Just put them in an update and say 'we originally planned to have these ages ago, but we decided the textures weren't up to scratch so they weren't included then'. It's pretty obvious that Squad were willing to put those in game and leave them unfinished until a later polishing update. Considering the popularity of KSP (and the fact calling it early access alpha is very generous), it would, as I said, be an embarrassment. Also, I love the fact that someone here thought it was the vocal minority. To quote TVTropes, "Stigmatizing them as a Vocal Minority instantly proves they are wrong and make it look like everything is alright and everyone agrees with you on this". Unless you can show some numbers, saying things were the product of a vocal minority is baseless at best and wrong at worst. Yeah, loads of people complained about the models - could it be that the models were complain-worthy? No, of course not, a small amount people just wanted to complain loudly! [/sarc]
  14. The difference is that in the stock game, you can make bases and capture asteroids. You cannot do ISRU contracts in the stock game because it doesn't provide you with the necessary parts. Granted, it'd be fine and good if they automatically activated if a resource mod was installed (what's the word.. reflective support?), but they shouldn't default on as they make no sense in the stock game.
  15. Fair enough, I can respect that (though I can't rep it yet, dang). Would be a shame to lose your contributions to KK.
  16. Because some people don't use them, myself included? Doesn't make sense creating contracts about them when you don't them installed.
  17. Yeesh dude, sorry about real life suckiness! But thanks for the update for sure, hope you find a better job soon.
  18. Well, that's annoying. Would be a real shame to lose launch site ability and with it, the direction you were going with KK and everything, but it'd still be nice to keep the 'spawn static objects' bit around. Kerbin (and KSC) just feel and look so bare without it :/
  19. N, it means that Pad has given cybutek some code that fixes it. What cybutek needs to do is add it in to his own code, recompile and release an update. At the moment, we can just wait
  20. You can help with that yourself - download and run the PartMapper to teach KX about the Mk3 parts.
  21. Yup, those are still pretty handy and needed. I use the surface attach toggle so often, it's nice to have a quick hotkey for noclipping and the various angles for angle snap is so useful for building planes. The vertical lock function would be so nice to have back, it's a shame Squad removed that ability.
  22. That's not what they meant by part clipping. If you read any notices of devs enabling part clipping, you'd see the disclaimer that said something along the lines of 'you still can't attach two things to one node though'. The noclipping Squad enabled is like as long as you're attaching a part to another part, no matter how many pixels the collision boxes overlap, it's a valid connection.
  23. OK I'll post a feedback thingy on the bugtracker. In the mean time, I highly recommend the music of Mr Suicide Sheep - one of the best chillstep labels around with a whole bunch of chilled out dubstep/tech/melodic house.
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