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Everything posted by KamikazeF0X

  1. I wonder a Kerbin Re-entry with wingsuit and parachute !!!
  2. Soo ... I think that the admins have blocked ID server ... I have the 861 version, I thought KSP 1.0.5 came out ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/356-Announcing-Kerbal-Space-Program-1-0-5 ), nevermind ... Thanks a lot !
  3. Hi ! I'm looking for a way to update KSP wihout Steam because i'm using the student network of my residence and Steam is (Obliviously) blocked I don't have a patcher.exe because i have the Steam version Thanks for helping !
  4. @Red Iron Crown Unfortunately in France, internship are not the most important in a resume ... Studies are the most important (And centers of interests aer nearly useless) But a +8 Week internship MUST be payed at 3.60€ per hour in France
  5. Tactical "Get The F*ck Out" Manuver
  6. Hi Baha ! I'm following your mod since a long time now, and i think it lacks some WWII Style Bombs like this : A 250lb WWII-Style Bomb (This is the first thing I see when I hear "Bomb") Or this : M41 20-lb fragmentation bombs When i was playing CFS3 I loved to take the P47 (or P51 ... I don't remember ...) And use those small bombs In CFS3 you drop bombs one by one
  7. WHAT, It's possible ! My most used touch is "Alt" It's so useful in VAB/SPH for placing parts or duplicate them ... You can move the camera around with the 3rd button of the mouse ( This button is so useful in other programs like Firefox, you can easily close tabs with it or open links in other tabs) The new SAS Autopilot is very useful when you loose control of your plane/vessel, activate the Prograde button, wait and ... Voilà! or crash
  8. Here comes my FAR Flight ! I can go at 750 m/s with this : But it's easily feasible to go over 800 m/s
  9. I was just wondering, bad things could happend ! ^^ I have never took the problem like that, it's interesting !
  10. I will be afraid to be inside a station with HUGE SRBs to structure the habitation ring ... Whatever ...
  11. I reallt don't know ... The only word who cames to my mouth is : Persillade (According to Google Translate it's means parsley ...) Maybe the "Type-25 "Spirit"", Like in Halo http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Type-25_Troop_Carrier
  12. This TV series has always scared me, really! The head of a guy on the front of a train ... It's always reminded me of that French series: Téléchat It's for kids, s***!
  13. @MaLuS : It's not to the B9 Team who is in charge of the TouhouTorpedo Mod ... The MK4 Belongs to TT, That's all ... In the HX fusilage system, do we have Cargo doors ? And are you make specialy over-sized wings for the HX ?
  14. Make a SSTO plane with ONLY 0.625M Parts (Exept Atmospheric engines, NCS Adapter, Wings, Structural stuff and intakes ...) The plane should be controlled by a External Comand Seat ! So the mission is Simple : - Take Off - Get out of Atmosphere - Make Orbital Stuff - Go back in Kerbin The winner is the guy who acheve the higer orbit and land the plane Without killing the pilot !
  15. Ca a interet de peter fort pour ca, tu parles de dévier quelque chose de la masse de 7,3477×10^22 kg, soit 73 477 000 000 000 000 000 000 kg Je pense qu'une bouteille d'oxygene peut peter la bas sans problemes, c'est comme si tu essayes de dévier l'orbite de la terre en sautant a cloche-pieds
  16. Year 4310.1: First Kerbal to land on the sun ! To achieve that without burning on the surface, they go up there the night ...
  17. We can control a rover with Telemachus ? And about the cameras, is it possible to have a little screen like 320×200 at 4 fps to simulate a poor quality cam and take less bandwidth when using camera stream
  18. Red Iron Crown why not use FAR ? You have better aerodynamics and a Mach meter and you can put the FAR window at the bottom of your screen
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