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Everything posted by KamikazeF0X

  1. Mmh two flying wings! Neat ^^ I'm the one with the most front-swept wings! ^^ There is some huge beasts! The down-left one, the double-beam plane, the center one and this huge flying wing on the right I wonder how the CoL and CoM are for those flying wings! Those engines on the back must be very heavy!
  2. @DoctorDavinci You should use Adjustable Landing Gears for this one, you will not have those awful pylons ! And you can rescale the gear in the Adjustments options - Smaller gear = Smaller weight !
  3. Is it possible to have a bare bone ball turret ? A turret where we can stick any kind of guns on it !
  4. The wing is in three parts in the back : Roll | Brake Rudder | Pitch | Pitch | Brake Rudder | Roll And there is some little (~0.500m) tails upwards and downward the wing The split spoiler already acts as break rudders up and down the wing
  5. I'm getting a huge fleet of aircraft ... I can't get ONE good plane, they all have defaults There's my five favorites !
  6. My plane uses some 4 * 0.5m x 0.5m B9 spoilers for example, it's waaay more smaller than the Stuka's air brakes ! Can we use small portions of B9 All-Moving Wings ? (I'm starting my plane over for the 3rd time, I'm not satisfied by my actual one !)
  7. Ooh didn't see that post, and it's a good news ! ^^ I have tested turrets and it's a 360° of cheating freedom !!! EDIT : It's in the first page ... I go look for an optician!
  8. I just realise, this means that we can have only one type of weapon or We can have different weapons ( Like 2x12.7mm and a 1x23mm ) but we need to stay in the points limit, of course ! And can we use a ball turret ? and does a ball turret counts for 25.4 points (Two times a 12.7mm MG)
  9. Dev notes are not visible enough ... I will love to see much more activity on the Dev Blog (You know, the right panel in the forum homepage, the thing updated every month)
  10. That's exactly what I want to say ! I've tried one time to make my own cockpit with Notepad++ ... It's way too abstract ! For example, in X-Plane 7, when you want to setup a PFD you take a empty screen then you put the functionalities inside
  11. Ooh Ok, Your plane is much more sophisticated than the mine! ^^ I've put a pair of wing on a reverse-mounted engine, for me the most important part of the conception of a vehicle is the luck !
  12. My solution can be helpful for the lack of proper instruments and low graphics issue (With the proper modelling) For the visibility we could use external cameras and RPM
  13. When I was younger I was playing a lot with X-plane 7 Why ? The editors ! I've spent hours to try to make a plane and the most important feature for me was the Cockpit Editor I loved how I can put gauges everywhere ! ^^ This could be nice in KSP ! We have advanced features thanks to the mods like ASET Props Pack, RasterPropMonitor or even B9 Aerospace But we have nothing to put those screens, gauges, etc... (When i say "Nothing" I'm thinking about a Easy way to place things) The main idea would be to have a CLB, Cockpit Layout Building Inside this building you choose a empty cockpit then you put your assets like in the SPH or VAB with the same tools and interface Every instruments would have a cost, making empty cockpit cheaper (But without Navball, Resource indicators and timer in exterior view) But a full equipped cockpit will be giving a full range of informations but it will be very expensive ! Like the actual game there will have a standard layout for cockpits, like this someone inexperienced can still play the game without huge modifications to the gameplay How to use a customised cockpit ? Once your cockpit saved there is two solutions : Solution 1 : Your cockpit becomes a sub-assemblies or appear in the Cockpit tab of the part selector Solution 2 : Take the standard cockpit from the part selector Put it on the vessel Right-Click on the cockpit Click on the "Custom Cockpit" button Load your cockpit via the same interface than the vessel loader with a Thumbnail of the interior of the cockpit So, I hope you appreciate my idea and -most important- I hope you understand me, because my English is ... terrible ... Thanks for your attention !
  14. In fact, 20 units of fuel lasts for something like 20 minutes, I am someone who likes to have a lots of things Lots of ammo, lots of guns, lots of fuel and -the most important- a lots of snaks ! ^^
  15. @tetryds It's fixed ! @TangerineSedge I prefer the 23mm cannon, HE bullets from the hell ! Yeah !!!
  16. This is my light fighter ! Can someone find a cool name for this thing ? I have : 4x 13mm guns with 5100 rounds of ammo in the wings 96 Units of fuel And lots of G ! ^^
  17. I love making planes with those mods ! This competition is going to be awsome ! ^^
  18. Maybe the next tournament will have the Juno and the Argus As 014 (Pagan Industries mod)
  19. In fact, every time i try to prounonce sukaree in french i'm saying "sukar" or "sugar" !
  20. Chestnut Spread ? It's perfect with yogurt and it's sealed in tubes like toothpaste !
  21. That picture is maybe 90° on the side ... I've found this useful pics if you want ! When you will be happy with your creation, you could make a 0.650m and a 1.250m version ! Like this we could have planes with an intergated pulse jet !!!
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