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  1. Thanks so much OHara. I've taken quite a thorough look at your craft and fiddled a bit with mine on Collide-o-scope, but am still not quite sure why yours doesn't spontaneously disassemble when disarming the grabbing unit after reloading into the session. I also tried replicating your rotor as the basis of my turret, but I am unable to translate things like the RCS port cage far enough away. Is there some trick I'm missing? Also, apologies that the craft file was modded. I thought I removed the Mechjeb unit, but apparently not. I've created a bare minimum Turret Test craft file that is definitely mod-free for you to look at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u947i804lhyt8aa/AABrxuIIYthtM4u1m4NsmFaxa?dl=0 It seems that whenever my rotor Krakens-out its the internal Cubic Octagonal Strut and lower Z-200 battery that go flying.
  2. Hey guys, I haven't been on this forum in ages, decided I would return to KSP to try fix a ship which I got stuck on years ago because of some kraken-like issues. Alas, I got stuck again! I'm not sure where else to turn so I hope you guys are able to help: I'm building a stock spaceship with a rotating turret. I've gotten the turret to work quite nicely, but whenever I leave and re-enter the session on the ship with the turret, the turret goes flying as soon as I undock it from the ship. The axle of the turret is created by two rings of Cubic Octagonal Struts around Z-200 Rechargeable Battery banks with an FL-T100 in between to stop the axle from sliding up or down (see screenshot below). It uses an Advanced Grabbing unit to dock the turret with the ship for flight and time-warping. The grabbing unit works perfectly if I don't dock the turret to the ship when leaving a session and load straight back in. The problem with this is the turret then drifts from the ship if I timewarp in another session. Docking the two together prior to leaving the session results in the aforementioned kraken-like disintegration. If you want to see what I'm talking about, you can get the craft file at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u947i804lhyt8aa/AABrxuIIYthtM4u1m4NsmFaxa?dl=0 You'll find the turret slot in the middle of the ship. There's a decoupler along the side of the turret (which is currently just Remote Guidance Unit) that initially connects it to the ship that you'll need to detach once in flight (you can see the decoupler on the right side of the screenshot below). You'll find the grabbing unit below the turret which you can arm to connect the turret to the ship. I then usually timewarp to get the decoupler to float out from inside the ship. You'll obviously need to cheat the ship to orbit to test this as I haven't included a launcher. I've also tried a variation with a Clamp-o-tron Shielded Docking Port instead of the grabbing unit, but with this I can only seem to dock and undock it once, then it refuses to reconnect the turret. Thanks for reading, looking very much forward to your responses!
  3. Hey guys, I haven't been on this forum in ages, decided I would return to KSP to try fix a ship which I got stuck on years ago because of some kraken-like issues. Alas, I got stuck again! I'm not sure where else to turn so I hope you guys are able to help: I'm building a stock spaceship with a rotating turret. I've gotten the turret to work quite nicely, but whenever I leave and re-enter the session on the ship with the turret, the turret goes flying as soon as I undock it from the ship. The axle of the turret is created by two rings of Cubic Octagonal Struts around Z-200 Rechargeable Battery banks with an FL-T100 in between to stop the axle from sliding up or down (see screenshot below). It uses an Advanced Grabbing unit to dock the turret with the ship for flight and time-warping. The grabbing unit works perfectly if I don't dock the turret to the ship when leaving a session and load straight back in. The problem with this is the turret then drifts from the ship if I timewarp in another session. Docking the two together prior to leaving the session results in the aforementioned kraken-like disintegration. If you want to see what I'm talking about, you can get the craft file at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u947i804lhyt8aa/AABrxuIIYthtM4u1m4NsmFaxa?dl=0 You'll find the turret slot in the middle of the ship. There's a decoupler along the side of the turret (which is currently just Remote Guidance Unit) that initially connects it to the ship that you'll need to detach once in flight (you can see the decoupler on the right side of the screenshot below). You'll find the grabbing unit below the turret which you can arm to connect the turret to the ship. I then usually timewarp to get the decoupler to float out from inside the ship. You'll obviously need to cheat the ship to orbit to test this as I haven't included a launcher. I've also tried a variation with a Clamp-o-tron Shielded Docking Port instead of the grabbing unit, but with this I can only seem to dock and undock it once, then it refuses to reconnect the turret. Thanks for reading, looking very much forward to your responses!
  4. Thanks for the support guys! BDArmory has a nifty flight formation feature and the AI can fly your wingmen for you.
  5. Thanks again Castille! You have hereby earned the number one fan award
  6. @castille7 Thanks a ton! Messages like these will ensure I make more
  7. If you enjoyed this please like and subscribe to force me to make more!
  8. Yep, that's what I'm getting at. Nice going! I think I will fiddle with the addModule config to get the seat to attach so the carried Kerbal is 'vertical'
  9. Would it be possible to get a Kerbal to carry another Kerbal on his back with this mod?
  10. Here's part 1 (just the launch) of my attempt at Level 3 of the challenge. Part 2 to follow.
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