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Everything posted by blackrack

  1. So I just realized the extinction shader seems to be bugged in OpenGL, in that it attenuates colors but doesn't tint them, anyone else notice this?
  2. That's a comment, that line doesn't matter and is provided for users to understand what's going on. The lines you want to change are: flareSettings = 0.45,1,0.85 spikesSettings = 0.6,1,1 Am I being trolled here?
  3. The inverse of the sunflare scale and not whatever scaling mod you are using. Basically if you want the sunflare to be bigger you decrease the value and if youw ant it smaller you increase the value.
  4. That is known as "shadow acne" and happens with shadow mapping techniques, all I can suggest is to try bumping up your shadow quality (via bumping up the renderin quality slider of KSP) or playing with the shadow cascades setting. You can also try decreasing the shadow distance from the planetsList.cfg file in scatterer. This could be fixable but I'm not sure. Yeah, the last value, I don't know really, could be something else wrong, just play with the values and see if anything changes at all. See posts above or in previous page about rescaling sun flare with RSS, it's the same idea. These are scattering coefficients and can go all the way to infinity. Values close to 1 will result in a pretty thick and foggy atmosphere (maybe good for Eve?), just use the default values as a guideline and go from there. Just gorgeous!
  5. Can you try the file I posted in the last page? They're editable only through the config file but if you revert flight or change scenes it'll load the new settings. Great!
  6. Previous versions don't have the lens flare. I'll just give it a whirl in RSS and see if I can find any problems or configure it.
  7. Yeah if it's the one I'm thinking about it would mean the lens flare shader isn't working. Try with this file https://mega.nz/#!HZBFjLJY!EuT9OXeCb9WnsakQ_CVu3_EsNUezGEGvsNFZ0GGqiZA replace the one in your shaders folder
  8. I don't know really, could be that the sunflare shader isn't working at all with linux, which is weird as I tested with OpenGL and it works. @Svm420 Do you get a static pink square on the runway or the launchpad when you launch something? . @Tenebrae could you test if the lens flare shader works without RSS?
  9. All you need to do is take the first two lines and scale them up (or in this case scale them down because the value is the inverse of the scale). If I had to take a guess I'd try to scale them up five times, so basically: //sunFlare.png flareSettings = 0.45,1,0.17 //sunSpikes.png spikesSettings = 0.6,1,0.2 I haven't tested this though so adjust accordingly.
  10. Alright everyone, since the newest .dll seems to fix the blue screen and tilted KSC issues, I've posted an updated, fixed version. In the newest version you don't have to fiddle with mapviewscale anymore. I guess I haven't updated that in a while, I'll probably make some standalone RSS configs soon.
  11. Great, might want to tweak that sunflare scale though. Was the performance 5 fps before or was there a performance hit with the new .dll? Try this one https://mega.nz/#!vNRkgChA!bnfL8d__gx46cbS4MfLvZ1Z2sR_0ji3yVNqsHykuIIo @Nhawks17 also try it Anyway, godrays visible from LKO are silly but that's just how tiny Kerbin is.
  12. Hmm, I really didn't change anything that would mess with city lights, let me check. Edited: @Nhawks17 does this happen all the time or only when you load a craft from orbit? Does it happen when you zoom out from low orbit? And once you get your config in the game don't forget to tweak the ingame settings like postprocessing depth, they can have a big impact on the look.
  13. @Nhawks17 @stratvox @Baleine I think I got it, try this: https://mega.nz/#!edxnATxL!XCRKn7s-wec96LIifZGV1llB5rIg1P18JFuaRSLMPR4 Ah yes, the mod no longer uses .xml files I just haven't updated the config tool in a long time. Open the .xml file then open config/Kerbin/Settings.cfg and manually copy the settings over. Things will look a bit different ingame than they do in the config tool
  14. Even in that really foggy Eve pic above you still see the curvature, really the planets are just absolutely tiny,and the moment you get 5-10 kms high you'll still see the curvature no matter what.
  15. Try playing with the postprocessing depth value. If that isn't evenough, assuming you're using the latest version of the mod, go in the config tool (link in OP) and multiply each of the BetaR factors by x2, x3 or even more, find what makes the horizon fade to white, I did something like this when testing configs for Eve http://i.imgur.com/1mBKcb2.png then play with the depth and extinction values until you can see what's in front of you but the horizon fades to white. It might look very different though, it's a really small planet and I'm afraid there isn't a way to do this without making things feel foggy. I'm on it, seems to sometimes happen in KSC view also.
  16. I tweaked the sunflare for the scale of the Kerbol system, in a way that it will appear decently sized when seen from Kerbin. In RSS the sun is much farther away, and appears much much smaller in the sky (also noticed this in space engine) so you'll need to go into the sunflare config file and scale it up. I noticed a lot more z-fighting in the postprocessing shader, but the ocean z-fighting seems fixed so I don't know.
  17. Alright, try disabling features one by one and see if one of them does it, if nothing works mess with the different settings in the GUI (alt-f10) and see if anything works. If I had to take a guess I'd say something has messed up the extinction, pick the highest config point and mess with extinction multiplier, rimfade and tint. And yeah, do upload your log file. Edited: btw what's that duplicate UI element in the top-right corner? Edited again: Managed to reproduce it, I'll see what it is.
  18. I really have no idea. I didn't even know such a thing was possible. Does it also brick your install french-for-whale guy? Edited: Nothing in the debug log?
  19. Could you try with just scatterer and no other mods? Alright I'll check it out. The config tool in the OP, just generate new ones and use BetaR from an existing config if you want to replicatean existing one, don't change Rg use the default radius and it will rescale automatically ingame.
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