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Everything posted by blackrack

  1. Yep, it was a pain to fix but it works everywhere and at all orientations now. Although there is a small performance hit I'm working on. But yeah, this is awesome, I don't need the fake postprocessing ocean and it's flickering and z-fighting anymore.
  2. I came here to see if the mod does something like this.
  3. I was thinking about this but thought it would be problematic to find out where the terminator starts with the scatterer atmosphere. Not sure how the lighting on the clouds is handled but I thought perhaps it could be manually "biased" to make it match the terminator, rbray would know better about this. For the ambient lighting color I thought about this a while back but never tried it, I guess that now I'm attempting to add planetshine and playing with lights I could also give it a try, the color may have to be set manually and if you're really higher up in the atmosphere it may look weird if it only evaluates the camera's distance to the sunset and not the distance of every individual point. Another solution could be to create a shader that evaluates the light color as filtered through the atmosphere for every point in view and apply that color to the terrain, using the same exinction mechanism used for the sun color, but applying it for every point in the terrain instead of sunlight received by the camera. This would give correct results and color everywhere and automatically depending on the atmosphere properties. The cost for the far camera would be quite small, It would however need to be applied to the near camera also which may necessitate rendering an additional depth buffer, so there's a lot to explore here Edited: Btw I'm trying to fix the ocean disappearing when rotating the camera or being in orbit now, if I can do that I'll get rid of the ocean faked in postprocessing (which causes z-fighting), and then I could probably get away with rendering a huge depth buffer for the whole scene at once and not just the far camera.
  4. Awesome, but judging from the filesize he had to everything by hand, still, I'm checking it out. Btw one interesting but not well-known fact about space-engine is that it's atmospheres are also based on proland. But since it only has to support GLSL (OpenGL), the code is probably cleaner and closer to the original proland shaders and the configs are generated on the fly in-game. However, the extinction seems to be handled as one gray channel instead of RGB, so no sunset/sunrise color changes and there is dimming but no tinting of landmasses through the atmosphere.
  5. That looks gorgeous honestly. Anyway I noticed that RSS so much better even without any setting tweaks because the earth texture feels so natural and has so much detail in it. The mun never shows as pitch black, even when the sun is not lighting it, that's stock lighting for you, and yes that first pic is an eclipse
  6. I'm working on it but haven't released anything yet http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103963-wip-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-v0022-31012016/&do=findComment&comment=2391349 When it's ready.
  7. There isn't a way now but I'll add it. Keep in mind however it won't look right as it won't change color during sunsets/sunrises. To get around this I'm making my own sun flare shader.
  8. The thing is the the shadows completely ignore the scatterer ocean because it's geometry doesn't really exist outside of the shader, it's basically the concept of the projected grid, so that should,n't be an issue, however there is an other problem somewhere.
  9. Well since the cloud shadows are relatively uniform and smooth you can just cast these shadows on an invisible, completely flat plane at sea level and no one will notice the difference. This is more or less how the cloud shadows used to work on water, but they didn't work for everyone.
  10. This still happens randomly because the stock ocean isn't cmpletely disabled but hidden. Rbray sent me a snippet that appears to fix this and also gives a small performance bump. It seems pretty stable so far, I will release it with next version.
  11. I will take a look at it. Has this been happening for a while or only with the new version? They're disabled there, loading effects on all planets at once is very memory-heavy and takes a while.
  12. I'm afraid there isn't much we can do about this unless someone re-does the terrain and planet shaders or figures out how to make shaders that work in the same way, then we can build all sort of custom lighting into them without messing up anything else. For now I guess your spotlight method is the best way.
  13. I see, though I would personally leave it up to the user to finetune the actual color and set it to what they find visually pleasing, regardless of what the average color is. Especially since the scatterer atmosphere doesn't cooperate with additional cameras for now. Do you also render this hidden camera every frame so you can also account for sunsets and dimming realistically? Anyway, unless I missed something, in my last round of testing I saw that the stock sky doesn't work with additional lights. I will take a look at what you already have. My main goal is to add atmospheric scattering from light sources other than the sun but I figured it needed some kind of terrain lighting also. I haven't decided what I want to do yet but I will keep you updated.
  14. Can you post some screens? Preferably before/after. Most likely not, the planetshine mod has been doing this for a while and looks like it does a very good job at it, besides, all the visual packs already include configs for it and everything. I'm suspecting however he didn't add planetshine effects to planets because the stock sky/atmo doesn't take them into account.
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