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Everything posted by TNTGODZZ

  1. all processors are gaming, so yes. but for a real answer: it is ok, but there are better intel alternatives for the same price (a 2500k for eg)
  2. i beg to differ: http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html
  3. Remind me to never do an animation again :b HOLY....FISH PASTE. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?
  4. go intel for gaming. get an i3 2100, and a h61 mobo. 8gb of ram, and your sorted. amd is very limited on performance at the moment. though if you can go for an i5 2300, or if you overclock, go for the 2500k, they blow amd out of the water. no question.


    im messing everybody around, i havent ever watched star treck. STARWARS FTW


    Happy star trek day everybody
  7. my radio is old, but great at making autotune bvious. it rules out almost everyone, apart from adele, a few rock bands and thos that are done deliberately(like the black eyed peas) i dont mind. unless it is total crap and done because the 'singer' didnt sing.
  8. i like nickleback, but they amount to a small tray off there own cremations compared to the Beatles. and they were right you know, all you need is love
  9. Well, just to put it out there..... OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!! lol joke\'s. id say about 150(ish)
  10. i wnt to the cape twice over the last 5/6 years, and im in England couldn\'t go up to the launch pads as both time\'s shuttles were on the pad. the last time i wet it was i think either the second or third to last time one would fly.
  11. nah, you can have it back. i don\'t have much time over the next few days/weeks. i did get to one intact, but up close i lost control due to low fps (darn large ships) and crashed. second time, they survived. unable to return if i change my mind, ill post later on about re booking. for now, im fine
  12. okay everybody. ive landed at the south pole, well, a crash landed. i ran out of fuel on my landing stage, and had to use the reurn stage to lad with. it fell apart upon touchdown, but they are with some fellow kerbals. added the file.
  13. sorry mate. guess it was monkthespy who was 10. ohh well. like when i first went on xbox 360 age 12 (now age 15) i was kicked from games/party\'s due to my voice. things will change both for better and for worse. but you can survive
  14. sounding nice ping. your 10, right? enjoy your voice while it last\'s mate.
  15. Does anybody on here know anything about dj mixing tables. info such as good quality makes, good bang for buck, and most importantly, cheapest worth buying. i am considering getting some for christmas ( i know its april) and would like to know some info that i could use thanks in advance TNT, or call me Gilly 8) (no gilly isnt my stage name, its just my nickname, stage name could possibly be: Drallig (un-confirmed))
  16. so, i just watched it. AND THAT WAS EPIC!!!!! time to watch from ep 1 of s1 again
  17. only if we can make it to the full mainstream, then this will happen.
  18. Granted, but since nobody knw what it is, you do not recive it. i wish to be a pokemon trainer.
  19. not now. but hopefully in the next update, you can
  20. haha yeah, never thought of it from that side.
  21. hahaha nice swich of topic. in my news i dug up my gameboy advanced and put pokemon emerald in (it was the only one i have, all right?)


    Hi magpie. and to answer your question, yes there are mods for the demo. just take a look around in the Addon release and project show case forum. click on the mods, and see if it is .13 compatible.
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