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Everything posted by chicknblender

  1. You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant. Just kidding. But seriously, not really. Reddit is going to put up an embarrassingly good show. Does anyone else feel like this challenge is lacking in some details though? Like: * All mods? Because Hyperedit is technically a mod. * In orbit or just in space? * SSTO, or drop tanks/boosters allowed? * Single launch or in-orbit assembly?
  2. Thanks man. You are right though; the improved ions make comparing our missions pretty unfair.
  3. Thanks for the kind words. No RCS was involved. It's really not needed on a small ship with good reaction wheel authority.
  4. Yup, there was some pretty intense planning going on here. I have no aerospace background, so this is probably quite primitive, but I will share my Excel planning file for review. Beware that this is the work of a crazy person, and I cannot support or even explain everything in there. Especially if it's on the top stage. Here's an album that I will call "The B List." It is all the screenshots I took that contain information to help elucidate how this mission was accomplished. It's long, and the pretty screenshots have all been culled to make room for the informative ones. I will be offline for awhile starting tomorrow morning, so you guys take care and I'll follow up when possible.
  5. That's reasonable, although if someone really wants to cheat they will find a way. I took over 200 screenshots and also kept an Excel file with all of my development process and actual burns documented. I will upload everything later this evening. I didn't cheat, unless F5/F9 second chances count.
  6. I just finished my Level 1 Sub-Challenge mission at 5.822 tonnes. It has taken an insane amount of planning and flying over the past two weeks. A full album is in the works, but for now, I'll just post a pic of the little beast on the launch pad.
  7. I took a screenshot after each burn, then overlayed them all in a photo editor (Gimp). Good luck with your mission -- I know how that lag feels.
  8. Hi folks! Seat of the Pants Industries has been working on the Level 1 Subchallenge for about a week now. A ship with a single ion engine for the interplanetary stage has been developed. Here is a composite image of the ejection burns. A full mission report will follow upon completion. Best wishes to all. http://imgur.com/OcGYFva
  9. What does the "no refueling" rule mean for the 1st Level Sub-Challenge? Is it OK to refuel your lander from your interplanetary ship? Is it OK to send fuel pods to different moons and rendezvous with them, as long as everything started as one launch? I'm obviously confused.
  10. Arrowstar, thanks again for this awesome tool. I have really been putting it to use. Here is an album from my ultralight mission to Moho: http://imgur.com/a/tjuan Using the flyby sequencer got my delta V down to 4.4 km/s total on the transfers, about 1.6 km/s less than direct transfers. Really great program, and I'll be exploring the other features in the future. Now for my question: If insertion delta V is already being considered, would it be possible to get this information displayed on the results screen?
  11. OK in trying to do the research to answer my own question, I have noted that the Flyby Maneuver Sequencer will come up with different maneuvers when given identical starting parameters. I am assuming there is some sort of randomness build into the algorithm that is then optimized? I am still trying to find an answer to finding flyby maneuvers that result in minimum expended ÃŽâ€v, including insertion ÃŽâ€v. So far I have found that variation in my flybys (leaving the same date from Kerbin and then "getting sloppy" at some point on the way to Eve) can change my insertion ÃŽâ€v at Moho by at least 500 m/s. (Yes this is with similar Moho periapses.) Additional advice would be appreciated.
  12. I'm still a noob when it comes to this tool specifically, but as far as I can tell it is only calculating orbital maneuvers (outside of atmosphere) so FAR should have no effect on it.
  13. After a lot more experimentation, I am starting to note that the insertion ÃŽâ€v at Moho (after a Kerbin-to-Eve TOT-calculated flyby) varies a good bit. I've gotten it as low as 1400 m/s and as high as 2500 m/s. Is insertion ÃŽâ€v factored into the flyby sequencer's calculations? Am I just not lining things up as perfect as they have to be? Another question: I haven't really used TOT for direct transfers since I'm mostly interested in gravity assists, but is there any consensus or opinions about how this tool compares (in terms of best-solution accuracy, not other features) to Alex Moon's browser-based calculator? Not trying to start a fight, just curious.
  14. I just discovered KSP TOT earlier this evening (referred from a user on Reddit). I had been trying (and failing) for many hours over the past week to make good use of a gravity assist. (I got it conceptually but couldn't really do anything useful.) Within 2 hours of download, I got to Moho for ÃŽâ€v of only 3,030 m/s. AWESOME tool! I had to create an account here just to say thanks! I guess now I've got a new site to get my KSP fix.
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