It looks like KSP is misleading a lot of non-scientists on what "doing science" actually involves. If you think "doing science" is picking up moon rocks, inserting them into a box with flashing lights and out comes iPhone 8 and flying robotic uber cars; you are very mistaken. Science is not laying around on the surface of moon/mars/kepler186-f waiting to be picked up and transmitted back to earth. All of the science "happened" on earth while the Apollo missions were being planned/built, not after they landed on the moon. There simply is no incentive to go anywhere else right now. Sending humans to other bodies is like the super-rich buying art they don't really appreciate at auctions, They do it just to show others how rich they are. Planning a vast array of robotic missions would lead to giant leaps in hardware, electronics and AI which will directly lead to better quality of life for everyone on earth.