So Today I was sending my Kerpollo 12 mission to the Mun's East Crater with a crew of Genemund, Herfal and Donlorf Kerman. I decided to take Donlorf out and get him to fly to the other Biomes with his EVA pack and transport scientific instruments (because I have the KAS installed) and get more SCIENCE! until I ran out of fuel on the return trip on my first try but what was even worse was I crashed into Genemund who was planting a flag at the time, so anyways I tried jumping back up to the ship before discovering I cant jump high enough so I got Herfal to try tip the ship over to its side which worked and Donlorf got back in again but tipping the ship back over again was a whole different story, I tried spamming the G key to try tip my ship over again before giving up. I then tried using the power of ENGINE GIMBAL! to tip it back over so I fired my engine (while the ship was still on its side) and this happend: Nice going, Herfal... anyways they are all safe and awaiting rescue in KERPOLLO 13! which hopefully wont explode too... (get it? ) Let this be a lesson to you (and me) TO ALWAYS BRING LADDERS where ever you go.