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Everything posted by WaveFunctionP

  1. Ok, so instead of just opening up body_resource_maps by making it public, I'm trying this. static Dictionary<string, ORSPlanetaryResourceInfo> body_resource_maps = new Dictionary<string, ORSPlanetaryResourceInfo>(); . . . public static Dictionary<string, ORSPlanetaryResourceInfo> getPlaneteryResourceMapData() { return body_resource_maps; } This opens up body_resource_maps along with all of it's keys and ORSPlanetaryResourceInfo's methods as well. And hopefully means that there can only ever be one list of osr resources....i think. I've been watching videos on access and inheritance, but to be honest, it turns my head to mush. Let me know if I'm being a goof... really... cause I'm making wild guesses here about what is the proper way to do things or if you need it to work a different way. I had to a change a couple of references to body_resource_maps in ORS, but the compiler didn't throw a fit. kspi experimental will most likely be pre-released today unless you guys need me to hold for something. I plan for pre-release to last a week or so assuming no major problems.
  2. Since kspi experimental has tweakscale, I played around with scaling on the IXS. Not that that is something that should be included with you part files. I just wanted to see what they felt like bigger. 5 and 10m! Verdict: I like bigger, in fact I'm not sure that there is a big enough. I love the model. You've done great work. I am hope you'll be able to sharpen up the textures a bit, the pixelation is visible and a bit distracting, and if I might suggest to tone down the blacks a bit and make the smoother. if I were suggest a color reference I'd look at parkjets colors and contrasts. I don't mean to be disrespectful, the ship is much better that I could have done and the idea itself is something that I would have never thought of. As far as balance it concerned, .12 will be removing many upgrade mechanics including radiators, reactors and generators. Your reactors is about 40 times as powerful at the am reactor in .12, not that it matters. You can't cool a reactor with the radiators you have ni .12. I'll be happy to work with you to get the part files the way you want them when .12 releases. here's a video is me messing with scale: http://www.twitch.tv/m/620757
  3. Just getting set up to stream tonight, I think you might find what is playing a bit interesting... http://www.twitch.tv/wavefunctionp
  4. The version in the OP isn't supported in .24.2 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-23-5-KSP-Interstellar-%28Toolbar-Integration-New-Models-New-Tech%29-Version-0-11?p=1329198&viewfull=1#post1329198
  5. The repo should contain the access fix. I think. ORS makes no sense to me. I'm fairly sure it is magic.
  6. The idea is that a part is a part. It should always behave the same no matter where you are on the tech tree. It also simplifies the code and chances for other mods and updates to break interstellar substantially.
  7. KIDS does not work with interstellar and there are a few resource conflict shenanigans with current experimental version. I am VERY close to the next version, which will break vessels in the transition. You may wish to hold out depending on how fast your progress through a save.
  8. Unless this can cause problem, I don't see why this can't be done. In other news, KSPI experimental is very very close to pre-release so this is definitely the time to be making those changes.
  9. I happen to agree, which is why I remove upgrades and buffed radiators in my next version. You'll even find the radial radiators are actually useful in general applications.
  10. Radiator behavior is confusing and complicated and not properly messaged to the player, so I am not surprised if you are having issues. You can turn off waste heat, but that will just stop modules from shutting down due to buildup. Modules that use efficiency calculation will still continue to behave in the normal manner no matter the setting. Your issue is unupgraded radiators and I'm gonna guess fusion, since fission seems to work fairly well with unupgraded radiators. The immediate solution is to get experimental electronics for the radiator and generator upgrades.
  11. Temperature increases isp, and isp decreases thrust. By messing with temperature you'll be boosting thrust on the thermal engines. The engines in kspi are more complex than stock style engines. They will not be compatible with a simple isp scalar.
  12. I'm pretty sure I was being myself in that instance. You missed it yesterday. A hour of digging through C# code to find an error, when the problem was a missing "T" in a tweakscale config. I am reasonable certain that the MM problem was a save issue. I get them a lot due to all the error that I try to create.
  13. Testing KSPInterstellar Experimental v0.12 pre-release. http://www.twitch.tv/wavefunctionp/dashboard
  14. You can download treeloader and load kspi's tree, not that I'm entirely sure why you'd want to do that.
  15. ORS uses a distribution map to resources instead of discrete pockets. Al on the Mun is widely available, but its not everywhere.
  16. I have a working conversion to Enriched Uranium, Water, ArgonGas, and DepletedUranium. Coverting to EC will take a bit more time, and I have a lot of other things to finish if I ever want to actually release.
  17. Open the warppluginsettings.cfg you should see a line that says what what is. Change LqdWater to Water. I'm and right now in the process of fixing cross mod resource compatibility as we speak. One of the patch notes for the next version is "Water is now Water.".
  18. So, what am I doing? I think I missed the whole crp bit. I've made an Interstellar folder for CRP. Those I don't know what common resources are what. Perhaps we should be placing our resourcedefs in those folders as well for mod specific resource so that they are all in a central location. Things like Water need a place for maps and points.
  19. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-23-5-KSP-Interstellar-%28Toolbar-Integration-New-Models-New-Tech%29-Version-0-11?p=1329198&viewfull=1#post1329198
  20. HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER needs to be replaced with (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER | HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SCIENCE_SANDBOX) I've tried to compile a fix, but the source is missing a definition for TreeListItemData. As far as I can tell, this means that the source provided is incomplete.
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