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Everything posted by WaveFunctionP

  1. More like *will* use charged particles, as there does not appear to be a check to see if a more efficient source is using them currently. I'll be glad when I figure out how to remove that little annoyance.
  2. It's in the changelog on my version. Located in the warpplugin directory.
  3. Whew. Just got through recording my reactor tutorial. Over 1 hour and 40 minutes of me jabbering. I have no idea how I'm going to break it up into digestible bits. Or if I should. The editing is going to be tricky.
  4. Yes, there can be problem with scaling if you have upgraded reactors, but not upgraded radiators. It's pretty ridiculous actually, the upgrades are like 40 times better than the base parts. I've stated before that is creates a gameplay issue, but fractal seems to be more concerned about realism than gameplay, which is fine, it is his mod after all. It's one of the reasons that I decided to fork my own version. I started with integrating enhancements, but I do plan to get around to rebalancing the progression to be more linear like stock ksp instead of the exponential scaling of stock kspi.
  5. Are you using enough radiators on the power station and probe? The video in my sig may help.
  6. New Update. v 0.23.5-2 - Experiment Automation Experiments will now run automatically when enabled. For some reason I can't edit the thread title, I see if I figure that out. edit: I'm a dummy, I figured it out.
  7. The deployable radiators weigh more, and if you have FAR, they are going to cause significantly more drag. The thermal nozzles will get rid of any waste heat while they are running, but if you intend to go into space, you'll need more than the inline radiators to dissipate waste heat if you are generating or receiving power for anything other than for the nozzles.
  8. WIP. Throttling transmission. Doesn't yet appear to resolve unfocused fusion reactors shutting down if they don't have a backup source. But at least it shows exactly how much power is being throttled (actually available). This code is very confusing. I removed the bit about thermal generators consuming charged particles until I can find a more robust solution.
  9. It would still not be correct, since you are assuming maximum power output. Which is not always the case. Remember the that thermal generators will only consume charged particles if it runs out of thermal power to meet demand. Which gives us the problem that fusion reactors are having right now with two generators. There also appears to be a bug with fuel modes. protected void setupFuelMode() { if (fuel_mode == 0) { fuelmodeStr = GameConstants.deuterium_tritium_fuel_mode; powerRequirements = initial_laser_consumption; chargedParticleRatio = 0.21f; resourceRate = initial_resource_rate; if (isTokomak) { ThermalPower = initial_thermal_power; } } else if (fuel_mode == 1) { fuelmodeStr = GameConstants.deuterium_helium3_fuel_mode; powerRequirements = initial_laser_consumption*4f; chargedParticleRatio = 0.8f; if (isTokomak) { resourceRate = resourceRate / 13.25f; ThermalPower = initial_thermal_power / 13.25f * 1.03977f; } else { resourceRate = initial_resource_rate / 1.03977f; } } else { fuelmodeStr = GameConstants.helium3_fuel_mode; powerRequirements = initial_laser_consumption*7.31f; chargedParticleRatio = 1.0f; if (isTokomak) { resourceRate = resourceRate / 17; ThermalPower = initial_thermal_power / 17 * 0.7329545f; } else { resourceRate = initial_resource_rate / 0.7329545f; } } } It is slight, but I'm pretty sure that d/t mode is supposed to be .2f charged particles, and d/he3 is supposed to be .79f.
  10. You could use a thermal thruster. or higher thrust fuel. Fission is best suited for long term power generation, as such it does not produce as much peak power. For that you'll want to use fusion or antimatter. KSPI parts aren't really meant to outclass stock parts until very high in the tech tree.
  11. Fractal's tweak isn't public, so the experimental version doesn't have that functionality.
  12. It is more of a test bed for tweaks I'd like to see put into the game as well as community fixes to existing bugs in the release version. I have considered moving to a version a bit more highly modified that I like to call stockalite that revamps kpsi to look more stock and simplifies many of the confusing and/or redundant elements of the addon and removes a good chunk of the power creep.
  13. it's a branch of the main interstellar release on github https://github.com/WaveFunctionP/KSPInterstellar
  14. Should be correct now. If you only knew the trouble I have had with random dlls popping up in places. I think it creeped in when the toolbar was added. What I need is a better version control and publishing system. I got my hands full learning c#, unity/ksp and git. It would be really nice to push a compiled version to git and use their publish system, but it is sorely lacking.
  15. ^^ Even with parachutes, a little thrust to control decent until you have stable buoyancy is recommended. note: I made a minor fix to power reception on the experimental version to increase power reception while there is unfilled resource capacity.
  16. Just merge everything and if you run into problems, delete and copy over fresh.
  17. It only runs on start, so I'm not sure that it will have much effect. It''s in the latest version now. I didn't merge. It was easier to copy and paste than to deal with git.
  18. You won't need the scoops, or tanks for anything other than fuel. You can top up on fuel with water on many moons and any ocean, and you can get more deuterium in oceans, the stock supply of lithium on those reactors is enough to do a grand tour. I didn't even have a ladder on mine. I simply went down the ladder on the pod and stood on top of the science lab to get ground science. An appropriately placed goo canister will work too.
  19. New experimental version: Version Experimental - Fixed data collection on magnetometer. - Added more details to generator, reactor and radiator modules. - Added atmospheric intake functionality to atmospheric scoops. - Charging is now disabled by default on the alcubierre drives. - Added 1000 EC to computer core, and increased torque to 5/5/5. - Added a more detailed tooltip description for the computer core. - Added details about power transmission to array and reciever to tooltip descriptions. - Added details about generator attachment and modes to tooltip descriptions. - Added detail to the GC/MS tooltip to indicate that it is also a science experiment. - Added details to the GRS description to indicate that it is useful for detecting concentrations of uranium and thorium. - Added a more detailed description of the science labs capabilities. - Added a clarification of the crygenic helium tank, and its use with the IR telescope. - Added details about the magnetometer is also a science experiment to the tooltip desciption. - Added details to the helium-3 container to clarify that it does not store helium, and is used as a reator fuel. - Added tooltip to antimatter containers to indicate maximum capacity. - The UN tank now uses the correct model. - Charging is now disabled by default for antimatter containers. - Microwave recievers will now attempt to throttle reception to equal demand. (experimental) - Plasma engines now have the capability to automatically toggle between quantum vacuum plasma and normal fuel. (experimental) - Added "radial" warp drive models. - Fixed thermal receiver power reception throttling. (experimental) - Fixed improper power calculation for AM reactors. (code: ArtForz) - Fixed improper fuel/waste transfer on nuclear reactors. (code: ArtForz) - Fixed tritium breed rate when using unloaded lithium. (code: ArtForz) - Added detail to IR telescope description to indicate it's requirements. - Corrected many node sizes in part configs. (feedback: arcfurnace) - Limited visibility of toolbar icons to their appropriate mode. (code: blizzy78) - Power reception will now increase to meet unfilled resource capacity. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3im5o8t4ahxnyx7/oO9MQ45um7/KSPInterstellar
  20. Put this part config in your magnetometer folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e4qtsxlnulo8y34/part.cfg
  21. Which leaves us with the initial problem. Transmitters are outputting more energy than is being produced.
  22. Well, the thermal nozzles are the big power draw, and they get rid of waste heat as they run. The Vistas and other odds and ends don't really draw that much power comparatively, so not that much waste heat is generated under those conditions. I don't use deadly reentry, but you could do a powered descent with all the dv available. The nozzles are for lifting off in heavy gravity and atmosphere. The vistas are the primary engines when in space due to their due to their insane isp and decent thrust. I was using KW rocketry at the time, it has some radial reaction wheels, though one could make due with the stock ones. You can place them anywhere on the ship and they work, it doesn't need to be center mass or anything. Yellow on the thermal helper isn't bad, depending on the circumstances. Just like red isn't bad if you are using a thermal receiver. It's all relative, and specific to your implementation.
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