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Everything posted by WaveFunctionP

  1. rls stockalike has true monopropellant engines which may be more what you are looking for. Personally, I'd like to see those tiny low thrust engines converted to monopropellant engines, since they aren't really that useful. It would be simple enough to do with an MM config if you don't want to use rla.
  2. You should update to the latest version, the current version should have fixed this issue.
  3. Where are the candleators? I've noticed another mod (surfacelights) using what appears to be very similar parts.
  4. You could start work by improving the rather simplistic function used to calculate launch trajectories in mechjeb, the code is public. Most of your needed variables should be located in the unity reference un flightglobals.activevessel. And most of the needed math operations are located in Math. I've found it decently easy to program in C#, learning the libraries used by ksp are a bit harder to learn. As there is very little documentation.
  5. The receivers have efficiencies (along with other variables that affect reception), as do the engines (based on which fuel you are using). This produces waste heat, of which your vessel has a maximum capacity based upon the parts you use. You must deal with this waste heat with radiators. Or the components that are generating waste heat will shut down. Engines also have power caps for each size engine. The difficulty of transmitted power is supposed to be in the building and maintenance of network. Sure it's easy enough to launch with a network at kerbin, but maneuvering around the solar system without additional infracture can be problematic. Launching from kerbin by the time you get the technologies needed to do what you are describing is already an easy feat by normal means. If you are looking for more realism and limitations, there are several realism mods, in fact whole collections to choose from. All this isn't to say that I don't think some things are overpowered in kspi, the exponential scaling of reactors and upgrades plays havoc on the balance of the game, but there are indeed plenty of limitations which you are glossing over.
  6. I don't play with any of those. I've played mostly only with stocklike mods, I do use the stock rebalance now, and I've dropped a lot of parts mods. I do play interstellar as I like it's angle of deeper progression, but I run a custom version that I'm tweaking and it's mostly why I still find it fun. I don't go for realism so much as just wacky fun, so I tend towards those. I tried RT, but it was just tedium, same with scansat, though it was at least useful. I'm somewhat annoyed by kspi power network limitations for similar reasons, but I hardly use the networks on nay playthroughs now. I don't use far, because I don't find planes that useful in the game. And deadly reentry just makes one do more calculations and add some parts to ships. Since there is no way to simulate a reentry in-game, you just end up going to a website or doing some math, or quicksaving. Not really my style of fun. Essentials right now are: (custom) kspi, stock rebalance, realchutes (so much better), For Science! (mod I'm developing), mechjeb (for all sorts of reasons), and the boulderco stuff for more pretties and performance. various non-essentials are useability stuff like custom navballs, indicators, toolbar, editor extensions, ship manifest, kac, resource window, and lots of stockalike parts I really don't need. I don't like using so many mods, especially part mods. (.5 let me get rid of KW) But it's very hard to get away from the non-parts stuff. Thankfully, they don't tend to bog the game down much.
  7. Well then, I guess I was talking out me @#$ again. Sounds about right. It is my speciality. I saw the listed unit conversion change in the RF thread and assumed that would have an effect on the stock unit assumptions in KSPI.
  8. is there a warpconfig in your save file? Try deleting that. Otherwise, I would just reinstall the mod. The game should be fine if you used steam or the patcher.
  9. Real fuels changes the behavior of resource consumption and add a thrust to isp relationship. The mod are incompatible on a very basic level, not to mention the conflicts in gameplay experience they are trying to create. You are really trying to use two mods that change the way the game works in opposed directions. Either you want realism based on existing technological limitations, or you want speculative future technologies. You'll need to choose one if you aren't will to put up with idiosyncrasies that the combination provides.
  10. It takes like 36 hours. The generated science in KSPI is written directly to your total pool. There is no log or RnD entry that tracks this number.
  11. edit: Delete tree.cfg in your save's folder. Choose the interstellar tree on treeloader, and then click to update the tree on the top right window prompt. Exit and restart the game.
  12. Not currently. You can completely ignore it, however. You might want to talk to the maker of your modded tree, since this is the interstellar mod thread.
  13. Use a solar cell farm to transmit microwave power to a thermal receiver.
  14. You can easily create an inline microwave receiver using module manager if you wish. I added it to the structural fuselage for kicks once. Or just attach a generator to a thermal receiver.
  15. Yeah, that'll get you max power reception in a pinch. But I'll update the code to get all active thermal nozzles and register their demand appropriately, along with a couple of other enhancements. I've still yet to figure out the power curve for electric engines though. It's annoying.
  16. I haven't done anything to the thermal receivers yet. The modifications I made to reception are located in MicrowavePowerReciever. (Wonderfully commented for clarity, if I say so. ) The only thing I changed in ElectricEngineController was automatic switching to vacuum plasma mode. I been busy working on my science plugin, but I've learned some things since that should make configuring the thermal receivers much easier. I'll try to get to it this week. edit: I think I see the issue, it should be fairly straightforward to fix.
  17. No, they will beam all available power. In transmission and relay mode, array area/size and orientation have no impact either.
  18. For Science! is a plugin designed to help improve the science gameplay. Science can start to be a "grindy/tedious" experience after some time playing KSP. This plugin has goals intended to help improve the experience in various ways. Current Features: Automatic data collection from experiments. Automatic data storage selection. Automatically runs repeatable experiments when available. Future Project Goals: (in no particular order) - Manually select which science container you wish to store the data. - Reset one time use experiments if desired. - Science "difficulty" sliders for both transmitted and returned data. Make science as hard or easy as you like without editing config files. - Disable science diminishing returns if desired - Enable experiments to return full science value per biome if desired (no need to return to a biome) - Automatically run experiments when new science is available. (Done. Mostly.) - Display all available science and locations in an SOI while in flight. (In a much more intelligible format than the RnD facility.) - A science "completion" meter per SOI. - Improve the Mobile Science to give it more purpose and fun. - Hopefully an unobtrusive, but informative user interface. Pie in the Sky Goals: - Experiment mini-games. Do them better (accurately/faster), get more science. A more skill based and (hopefully) appropriately thematic gameplay experience to fit with KSP's quirky/goofy/fun mood. - Improve the IVA experience with science to do inside. - Overlay biome locations on map view. - Improve the rover/probe experience to make them more useful and interactive. Managing Expectations: I'm not a professional programmer. I've done some scripting in pascal and basic way back when, played with various web languages, and I've taken a course each on C++ and FORTRAN. All many years ago. This project is my way to forcing myself to learn to code c#, navigate around Unity and have some fun. Don't expect that development will be fast or that issues won't arise that I may not be able to fix. I'm just a guy trying to make one of his favorite games more fun. I'm always open to feedback, but don't expect that I am able and willing to do everything requested. I also intend to keep each release stable before adding features. I do a lot of testing for each version. Both for performance and bugs. This may be slower than most developers, as I said I'm learning, but hopefully I will have a dependable product. I also consider myself to be a gameplay first kind of guy. This project will not likely stick to realism at the expense of the gameplay experience. KSP is goofy and lighthearted with a smidgen of simulation where needed to provide challenge. You can expect a similar bias in my development of this plugin. I do understand that there are players, maybe even a great many, that are really into the simulation and realistic aspects of KSP. This plugin in not likely to meet your criteria for fun, nor do I wish to make it so. I'm not saying that your opinion about fun isn't valid by wanting more realism. I'm just saying that this project is not intended to meet that goal explicitly, nor should you expect it to. Changes: https://github.com/WaveFunctionP/ForScience/blob/master/Source/ChangeLog.txt Known Issues: - None. Download: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220264-for-science Repo: https://github.com/WaveFunctionP/ForScience (Source code, for developers.) License: CC by SA Acknowledgements: Special Thanks to stupid_chris, DMagic and xEvilReeperx for helping me navigate my initial issues developing this plugin.
  19. You need to make a copy of the seismic probe's part folder. Put it someplace safe so that it doesn't get overwritten by updates. You can rename the folder to impactorProbe if you like. Open the config file, change the name to something unique, impactorProbe is fine. Change the title and description so that you can identify which part is which in the vab. Replace: MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = seismicScan experimentActionName = Log Seismic Data resetActionName = Delete Data useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = False xmitDataScalar = 0.45 dataIsCollectable = True collectActionName = Take Data interactionRange = 1.2 rerunnable = True } with: MODULE { name = FNSeismicProbe experimentID = FNSeismicProbeExperiment rerunnable = true deployEventName = Collect Impact Data reviewEventName = Review Impact Data resetEventName = Reset Impact Data } Delete the science.cfg file. (You'll need to delete science.cfg each time you update the mod, as a new version will be placed in the warpfolder unless fractal decides to make the impactor a separate part, instead of overriding a stock part.) Reload the game, and it "should" work.
  20. It doesn't do anything currently. Which was said just two post above the quoted post I might add.
  21. It's a work in progress, it hasn't been balanced yet or even fully implemented. It's not simply disabled.
  22. Retrograde and prograde don't really have anything to do with warp drives. When you activate the warp drive, the only thing that changes is your position based upon the vector your ship was facing when activated. You cannot change this vector while the drive is active. When you drop of of warp, your previous velocity vector is still present. Which may be more or less than it was previously relative to your current body of reference. It is not an engine, it does not produce thrust or change your velocity in any way. There was ways to use it to modify your velocity using gravity wells and aerobraking, but the engine itself does nothing more than change your position along an initial vector a fractions of the speed of light.
  23. Thank you, to all of you. The setting true to false on the kspaddon line did the trick for swapping vessels. I had tried using the isciencecontainer, but didn't know how to use it. It works perfectly for removing and setting experiments non-repeatable experiments inoperable. I was using dumpdata() and/or resetexperiment() just to try and stop duplicates. There's still so much I need to learn about programming. I was trying to cast using something like (ThingIWantToCastTo) thingIWantRecast. That FindPartModulesImplimenting method is a godsend. Now I can hopefully start working on features and adding a gui. Thanks again.
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