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Everything posted by cantab

  1. [quote name='KasperVld']Rocket Builders is a place that actually breaks our community rules constantly, in particular the 'thou shallt not roleplay' rule. You're still welcome to offer the craft you make, or even take requests in the Spacecraft Exchange forum though, the only thing that will change is the 'company' part of it, with the employee/director/ceo roles and inter-company drama that comes with it.[/QUOTE]It still seems like a rather drastic measure though, to just Delete Freaking Everything with very little notice.
  2. No such thing as too many books. We've got I reckon around 1500 in our house. Not all mine but a good couple hundred are.
  3. Arg of peri is where the closest point in the orbit to the Sun is. It doesn't affect the orbital plane at all.
  4. Should be absolutely possible in KSP. The original Skydiver looks like basically an SSTO docked in front of a submarine. No major trouble doing that in KSP. In real life it would probably be possible with current technology, but most likely by just launching a rocket vertically from the surfaced submarine. It's unlikely that such a launch approach would be worthwhile either economically or militarily.
  5. [quote name='Archgeek']Blast it sir, that one image has invalidated my entire XenonTempest series of high dv transfer craft. Why should I bother with heavy modular engine spars docked in orbit when I can put 'em in a ring on any size 2 part that lets cubic octagonals surface-attach? 'Provisional ship with my own fuel pod system has nearly 28km/s, shattering my previous record around 17km/s, which is about what it has with just the xenon in the spine. I feel stupid now.[/QUOTE]Well, the long "tail" on mine did make the launch a bit of a nuisance. But other than that it worked well. It's hard to see in the pic, but it goes 10 xenon tanks, decoupler, five tanks, decoupler, five tanks, letting me shed dry mass as I go to improve delta-V. If I wanted I could possibly also have added extra engines and solars further down the tail to keep the TWR up. I don't know if ion thrust gets blocked but even if it does I should be able to provide enough clearance. On an unrelated note, this thread's title was a missed opportunity. It should have been [I]I, am never ever ever, going back to Moho[/I]
  6. Pretty ---- Advice. You can insert the missing four-letter word.
  7. This won't help. Random overheat spikes are a bug in the laws of physics :D
  8. cantab


    [quote name='Randazzo']It's the freakin' beach*! [size=1]* - Not necessarily correct[/size][/QUOTE]Bingo! Well, or the coast more generally. [I]Two great states meet[/I] - solid land and liquid sea [I]in ceaseless war,[/I] - constant erosion and deposition of land [I]Those of one seek treasure galore,[/I] - people, from the land, fish, drill for oil, etc [I]Or perhaps just some tranquil moments[/I] - we want calm seas to sail on [I]from the other who knows only violence.[/I] - the sea can be very violent [I]The border shifts with gain and loss,[/I] - again, erosion and deposition shifting the coastline [I]Though some say its measure's meaningless.[/I] - [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coastline_paradox[/url] [I]On this battlefield many come, To work and toil, or just for fun.[/I] - Loads of people work on the coast and it's also popular for tourism [I]Much is written in web and press,[/I] - Pretty much what it says. Generic I suppose. [I]So don't you know what is this mess?[/I] Largely filler, but the coastline can be described as "mess" on many levels
  9. Well it depends what you want to do. You can probably pick up a Core 2 Quad for £20-30, CeX have them, and that will be a decent upgrade for programs that can use four cores (ie not KSP). I found [url=http://www.ocaholic.ch/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=817]one review from 2012 pitting a fast C2Q against an Ivy Bridge i7 and an AMD FX[/url] all with a fast graphics card and the C2Q did well in games then. It's hard to find tests on newer games but I reckon anything your GT 630 can handle a C2Q will be fine with too. Don't forget that the Pentium's cooler won't handle the hotter-running C2Q, so if you don't get a cooler with your processor upgrade you'll need to buy one separately. Your big problem is the same as I had with my old PC though: only two DDR2 slots. 4 GB DDR2 sticks exist but they're usually stupidly overpriced so unless you get lucky you'll be stuck at 4 GB total and nowadays that gets to be a struggle.
  10. [quote name='cybutek']There's a whole interface devoted to key binding in 1.0.19.x that can be accessed via an option under the 'Settings' button on the Build Engineer in the editor. Because of the above issue where the backslash as been hijacked, I have felt it fit to leave the key-binds unbound as the default, so must be manually set. This will be until a decent alternative default binding is decided upon.[/QUOTE]Latest I heard is that backslash can be remapped through KSP's [I]settings.cfg[/I] but is not listed in the UI. It would be rather hackish, but perhaps KER could have an option "Disable Backslash Camera Look" or similar, to help players retain the old behaviour without having to do manual file edits. (FWIW the same undisplayed keybinding thing applies to the modifier key.) As for a new binding, maybe one of the F-keys that isn't already used by KSP?
  11. My usual approach is one burn from low Mun orbit, in the right position, to put my Kerbin periapsis at my chosen value for re-entry. This should take 270-310 m/s or so, depending on how high your Mun orbit is. Of course this method is hard without trajectory predictions and manoeuvre nodes.
  12. I'd heard the horror stories about Moho, and was determined that whatever happened I was [I]not[/I] going to run out of delta-V. [url=https://flic.kr/p/vbgELJ][img]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/402/19150568338_a8e1c6cd22_h.jpg[/img][/url] Over 20 km/s in the orbiter there. Sure, TWR is low, but that's what clicking hold manoeuvre and watching a TV show is for. The mission was a resounding success - after the Moho landing I had enough dV left over to detour via Gilly and Bop doing jetpack landings on both before returning to Kerbin. Only thing that did catch me out: In 1.0.4 at least once you're closer to the Sun than about Eve's orbit your heatshield ablator will slowly vapourise :O I returned to Kerbin with basically none left. I was OK but don't count on surviving a fast aerocapture on the return from Moho!
  13. [quote name='SpaceplaneAddict']4. (-) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] LOLZ! Ima pull a fast one on you negatives and say this. Right after this post, the one quoted, two people ninjad each other, with conflicting operations. In this event, the post I am quoting is real the last [B]valid[/B] post. So, I say -2, (-)[/QUOTE] Still incorrect, as I see it. As per rule 7, when conflicting posts occur within a minute or two the last one stands, you don't nullify both. Which would make this post valid: [quote name='lukethecoder64']-2 [-][/QUOTE] 129829's post invalid, and consequently the stuff following that invalid. So I'll continue with [I]down to minus 3[/I].
  14. Width I consider the real enemy, but a too-long fairing is still extra drag without the corresponding extra mass.
  15. [quote name='Camacha']Why not? The simple solution is that you do not own them, just lease/rent/swap them. Who cares whether you get an old or a new battery then?[/QUOTE]Well, maybe. But then the swapping stations have a lot of value sitting around.
  16. I still feel battery swapping may be the way to go. It should be possible to make it pretty quick and simple to pull out a drained battery pack and put in a new one. Infrastructure requirements are fairly modest, much easier than hydrogen fuelling for example. The packs would be recharged steadily and could do most of the charging overnight, being much easier on the electricity grid than fast-charging would be. It does though require something of a change in direction. Battery packs would need to be somewhat commodity items, you can't be swapping cutting-edge-technology batteries that cost several thousand dollars. Historically this line of development was crippled by patents on the use of cheap NiMH batteries in electric vehicles, but getting into the details of that would probably fall foul of the forum's NO POLITICS rule. The relevant patents have I believe expired but it seems like the automakers are too far down the approach of expensive batteries to maximise range between charges.
  17. cantab


    Still not rignt. Hmmm...guess I'd better give a clue. [I]Clue 1: Look at words that can have more than one meaning. That might give you an insight.[/I]
  18. [quote name='GregroxMun']We were gonna name our school robotics team "It's Pronounced .gif" and whoever was asked or was telling the name would pronounce gif however they wanted.[/QUOTE]I pronounce it "pea en gee" :D
  19. Land Rover too, though they are quite notorious for unreliability. Go anywhere you like - and break down there :D
  20. [quote name='Norpo']I tried it on Minmus and it didn't work there either[/QUOTE]Minmus entry works fine but you need to get the periapsis *exactly* right. For some reason wheels make good heatshields there.
  21. That PC *should* run KSP well enough. First test using the bone stock game, but copy your usual settings.cfg over, if that's fine your problem is a mod. Then check graphics drivers I'd say.
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