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Everything posted by cantab

  1. It's a small thing, but have you thought of putting the version number in the name of the .zip file? It would make it easier for people to tell if the download is newer than the version they have or not.
  2. In fairness, in real life SRBs can be refurbished and re-used, and in KSP if you can land back at the runway you can recover and then launch the craft anew for only the cost of the fuel.
  3. All things considered I feel Unity was the right choice for KSP. It was an affordable off-the-shelf engine letting the project get started quickly and it's proven capable of handling a game on KSP's scale. Many game engines, the oft-vaunted Unreal Engine included, would have real trouble with it. However, I don't feel it still is the right choice. The problems are well-documented, and Squad now has the resources to make a KSP 2 on a much better game engine. KSP 1 needs performance tweaks and many many bugfixes, but I don't feel it can go much beyond what it is.
  4. If you're lousy at runway landings you can always equip your spaceplanes with parachutes.
  5. Nice! Now I wonder if one using a replaceable booster could work. Perhaps make a fuselage of cargo bays with the rear open and dock the booster inside.
  6. Do you know if this goes off currently active flights or flights ever? Ie will terminating/recovering craft reduced the stutter issues or is "the damage done" no matter what? If it's the former that's a partial workaround at least, and would also very well explain why some players are badly affected by it and others are not especially when you consider the debris count setting.
  7. Well, this is the cause of the problem! Squad, why did you think think that was a good idea? As far as the solution goes, three options spring to mind. 1: Shift the centre of mass back. You might add an extra empty fuel tank or a structural fuselage, putting the engine out somewhat behind the tailplane. 2: Reduce the wing sweep, which will bring the lift forward while the wing root stays in place. You can angle the swept wings, use the straight wing connector or even flip the swept wings round so they sweep forwards. 3: Shrink the tailplane. Unfortunately that's hard to do right now, the smallest elevons and wing pieces are in a 160 point node, but you could use a bare elevon. I think the second option will make the best looking plane.
  8. Laythe sea level is about equivalent to 3 km up on Kerbin, and you'll be helped by Laythe's weaker gravity too, so if you have a plane that can land at that altitude on Kerbin you should be fine landing it on Laythe. There is a somewhat flat area in the mountains west of KSC you might test at. If you have refuelling infrastructure on the surface you could use STOVL operation, ie make the plane able to VTOL when empty but not when full, the lift engines will still reduce the takeoff/landing speeds when fully laden.
  9. It's been discussed extensively on the forums. As for Squad not saying much, well do they say much about any bugs before they actually release an update that fixes them? Not that I remember. When it's noticeable it's one of the most obnoxious issues in the game and one that in my view Squad should fix. Passing the buck is unsatisfactory - if there's an issue with the game engine then the game developers just have to work around it. Squad already worked round Unity issues in fixing the original "deep space kraken". By the way, if you haven't seen it, put a low-part count ship in low Mun orbit, enter a low timewarp like 5 or 10x, and look down. The motion should be absolutely smooth making any stutter easy to see.
  10. Ooooh, Zing! Wide of the mark though IMHO. There's science that can only be done on a crewed space station, though the ISS we got might not have been the most cost-effective way to build such a station.
  11. Squad have and are showing support to Twitch streamers, streamers who are putting in their time and effort showcasing the game. It would be a slap in the face to them to suddenly stop Twitch Thursdays.
  12. I would put it in Mun orbit. Interplanetary ships can depart from there for about 500 m/s less than a departure from LKO, meaning they can be smaller. The Mun's orbit is quick enough that you won't miss transfer windows waiting for it to get into the right position, and when going to Eve or Duna you can depart directly from Munar orbit which makes life simpler. Mining operations on either the Mun or Minmus can reach the station for reasonably cheap delta-V costs. The problem with low Kerbin orbit stations is that your interplanetary ships still need to make their ejection burns from there and thus can be no smaller than if you just launched them full. Any ships too big to easily launch full are likely to be so big they'd drain a fuel station dry and so it's better to launch specific fuelling missions for them. The problem with Minmus is its long orbital period. You'll be waiting for it to move into the right position so you can drop your periapsis low over Kerbin, then burn there to go interplanetary. Getting the timing right is tricky. Unlike from the Mun, a direct interplanetary burn from Minmus orbit is always inefficient. The problem with high Kerbin orbit stations is they're just a bit annoying to get to. In particular if you supply them from the Mun or Minmus you'll always have to worry about transfer angles and phasing orbits. And yet again you'll always have to drop your periapsis low over Kerbin for an efficient departure. There *might* be a sweet spot for a Kerbin orbit station. High enough that interplanetary departures are cheaper than from LKO, low enough that simple direct departure burns are efficient. I've no idea where this is.
  13. The speed you'll come back with is about the same as the speed you leave with after finishing your Kerbin departure burn, which is the same as your LKO orbital speed plus your burn delta-V. That's going to be at about 4000-4500 m/s.Anyway three ways to slow down: Powered captures are simple and reliable but of course fuel-hungry. If you carry equipment to mine at Eeloo this could work well. Aerobraking costs no fuel, but is of course dangerous. Do keep in mind your initial aerobrake needs only get you into a closed Kerbin orbit, you don't have to go right into LKO on the first pass. Gravity assists cost next to no fuel and are safe, but tricky to set up. You can use Eve or Kerbin itself for this, and what you want is the assist to put you into a more circular orbit round the Sun that crosses Kerbin's orbit at a shallow angle or just touches it, and preferably secures you a Kerbin encounter again after a small number of orbits round the Sun. Then your second Kerbin encounter will be at lower speeds permitting an easier powered capture or safer aerobrake. For gravity assist work I always recommend Precise Node.
  14. With chemical or nuclear engines Moho is significantly more demanding. That said don't underestimate the Eeloo capture and Eeloo ejection burns if you go directly from Kerbin. A Jool assist can significantly reduce the delta-V required for those burns, at the cost of making an already long mission even longer. If you have the patience for ion engines they are very practical for Moho, you can easily pack loads of delta-V, and the new SAS modes mean you can set your burn going then watch some TV or something. My Moho ship had so much spare I was able to stop by Gilly and Bop afterwards! Do be mindful of the duration of the Moho capture burn, you might well need to start it before even entering Moho's SOI.
  15. Like 'lathe' the tool. And I think the New Horizons mod is being deliberately confusing adding a planet named Lave, which I pronounce la-vey to distinguish it. Though I haven't been anywhere near Lave yet.
  16. Reaction wheels and fins only give you control. Liquid-fuelled engines with big gimbal ranges give you power AND control.
  17. Provided you aren't descending pointy-end-first, this may be a bug. A picture of the problem spacecraft along with a list of any mods you have could help.
  18. Professor Phineas Kerbenstein's wonderous vertical propulsion emporium also Firespitter for your First World War biplane needs.
  19. Those magnificent men in their flying machines, they go up tiddly up up, they go down tiddly down down. They enchant all the ladies and steal all the scenes, with their up tiddly up up and their down tiddly down down. Up, down, flying around, looping the loop and defying the ground. They're all frightfully keen, those magnificent men in their flying machines. They can fly upside with their feet in the air, They don"t think of danger, they really don"t care. Newton would think he had made a mistake, To see those young men and the chances they take.
  20. Another very nice planet pack! Rocko and Pigge look fantastic, Namo is a really nice concept too. Yuil's icecaps do look like they have unnaturally sharp borders though, compare them to Duna's icecaps which have a bit of wiggle in them.
  21. There's a bug with rover wheels stopping the brakes from working. Reverse drive will still effectively stop you.
  22. If realism and aesthetics are your interest, get Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, and some nice engine packs.
  23. 17,000th reply, but 17,001st post. Anyway, I got trolled a lot and had to keep doing the same ground crew work. But eventually got my crazy flying machine fuelled up, maybe tomorrow I can use it.
  24. Try setting up spoilers. The elevons have a "Normal" and a "Deployed" state, and an option to flip the direction. Make it so they deploy upwards for spoilers, and then bind it to the brakes action group. That will hopefully reduce your lift when you touch the brakes, increasing the weight on the wheels and therefore increasing braking effectiveness.
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