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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Or play Science or Career mode, in which a restricted selection of parts and having to earn more ones is central to the gameplay.
  2. Not at all a fair comparison, since the Iranian capsule only holds 1 person and the others there hold 3 or more I believe.
  3. You can't do much about the general skyglow, apart from travelling to a darker place, but what I call "local lights" spoil your dark adaptation and prevent you seeing the deep sky objects that would be visible. That said, while this works and causes no permanent damage I'm not sure it's a good idea. If there ever is an accident in the area you could find yourself being sued.
  4. I would design it based on current proven technology. Nuclear pulse propulsion for an initial boost to get us out of the danger area, then nuclear electric as a "sustainer". Fusion other than nuclear pulse propulsion is right out, it doesn't work now and there's no guarantee it will. I'd have to think about where it would go. Keep in mind that the closest star now isn't necessarily the one we can get to soonest because the stars are moving too! In the long term we need an external source of radiation, nuclear reactors won't run the ship forever. Actually I wonder if Jupiter orbit might not work. It does give off a fair bit of infrared radiation, and while that low-grade radiation would be difficult to exploit I wouldn't count it out. Of course this assumes that whatever killed the Sun won't kill Jupiter too. It would take generations, we're talking generation ship stuff. Now as for how many people would go and whether the world would be behind it, I'm afraid this is where it turns ugly. The politicians, generals, and plutocrats will go, and the rest of the world will be screwed.
  5. Dix. For anyone who doesn't remember their year 7 French, that means 10
  6. Personally, I never built planes for a long time because I knew the aerodynamic model was atrocious. Then once I was done with my old rockets that were built for the stock aerodynamic, I installed FAR and started a new save.
  7. What kind of boosts you can get depends on the hardware. My own system has a Phenom II X3 710 clocked to 3.1 GHz, from the 2.6 GHz stock. The graphics card is "factory overclocked" but I've not touched it further. For CPUs, I'd say a gain of around 25% is typical. Some, but not all, multiplier locked CPUs have negligible overclocking ability though - so do your research and be careful. For GPUs I'm not sure about what clock speed boosts you can expect. I would keep in mind though that the overall range in performance among modern GPUs is rather larger than for modern CPUs, because while CPUs typically have 2-8 parallel cores, for GPUs the range is more like 50-2000. Thus the difference overclocking makes in the scheme of things is more modest.
  8. The intention behind patent law...you know, I don't think I can discuss this, since the law and the reasons for the law is basically politics.
  9. SASless flight of rockets is indeed hard. So far as I can your options are don't do it (use pilots until you unlock the OKTO), practice it, get a joystick or controller and practice it, or make an aerodynamically-tuned rocket that hardly needs control input. If the pilot gets out and no other source of SAS is available, it will be turned off. But you should be able to turn it back on once you get back in. Be careful not to bump an empty ship in space with your EVA kerbal! To unlock manoeuvre nodes in career you need to upgrade both the Tracking Station and Mission Control to level 2.
  10. http://kerbalx.com/KSpaceAcademy/KSA%20Majesty%20mkIa http://kerbalx.com/KSpaceAcademy/KSA%20Empress%20mkII What was that about the Hitchiker being the only suitable passenger compartment for spacecraft?
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modifier_key "The" mod(ifier) key is used in relation to KSP because the exact key used is different on different operating systems. On Windows it's Alt. On Linux Alt-clicking would drag the whole game window, so it's Right Shift instead. On OSX it's Option, because Macs don't have a key labelled Alt.
  12. I think it's because the tricoupler was the first to be added in the game - dating right back to 0.7.3. The bicoupler is IMHO the most useful, since if you want three or four stacks you can do that easily with radial attachment.
  13. 9/10. No kill like overkill! And my previous one was indeed a spaceship, the Lunar Whale from Final Fantasy IV. This one was a spaceship too, the Starfish Prime nuclear test.
  14. Eve for one way. Landing is a doddle. Duna for return. Returning from Eve orbit is somewhat more expensive delta-V wise, and returning from Eve's surface is a major end-game challenge. Duna can be malicious for landings though, the air is thin.
  15. Flew the Dirty Rascal 2, fully loaded, back to KSC. This was one of the toughest flights I've done. Takeoff speed was about 80 m/s and needed a huge takeoff roll over the bumpy deserts, I crashed lots of times before finally wrestling the thing into the air. Landing was tough as well and took three goes, with the third completely ignoring the runway as you see.
  16. I could say why that's no great surprise, but it would be talking about politics.
  17. 6/10. I just don't like those three core engines, I think the four that SLS is set to go with looks better.
  18. Big impacts on battery use: The screen. When indoors I use minimum brightness, I don't like having my retina seared. Apps that run on a schedule. Eg email checking every five minutes. Use, of course. I've gone as long as four days between charges on my Moto G.
  19. Unfortunately this is one space program I can't cheer on. It's about Iran showing it can build a missile that could carry a nuclear warhead, same way almost all space programs started out, but I don't want Iran building a nuclear missile.
  20. As far as cheaty ways go, establish an apoapsis outside the atmosphere and a periapsis above I think 23 km, then go to the Space Centre. Job done! For legitimate options, I think using a mechanical or decoupler catapult to make the final push to orbit is the only way. Or use a stack of Kerbodyne decouplers. For some stupid reason they're physicsless.
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