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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Flew DasValdez's KSA Munar Trainer, http://www.kerbalx.com/crafts/212 . Of course, I thought I'd stretch myself a bit.
  2. Granted. Everybody elſeſ though turnſ into an 'ſ'. I wiſh þe letter þorn waſ ſtill in þe alphabet.
  3. cantab


    Is it ants? Or termites?
  4. What did you use to make the windows?
  5. As said, start by deciding what exactly to do. It's probably best to focus on just one of its moons (or Jool itself, if you like) if it's your first mission. Then work out your delta-V needs. For the Jool system this is a little more complex than most, and simple delta-V maps often give values that are way too high. These charts http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalAcademy/comments/1qu5jv/deltav_charts/ are the most comprehensive I've found. In particular, you have two possible "simple" routes between Kerbin and any of the Joolian moons: you can either go directly to/from the moon, or you can go via a low pass of Jool. Depending on which moon and which direction one or other may require less delta-V. Then build your ship to meet the appropriate delta-V requirements, plus a margin for safety, and also to have sufficient TWR. Then fly it. Basic interplanetary transfer is well covered elsewhere. I'll add the advice that in order to get or avoid getting a moon encounter on your way through the system, set up a mid-course correction on your way between Kerbin and Jool and use a combination of pro/retrograde and radial on the manoeuvre node. This allows you to alter your time of arrival at Jool, and thus whether or not you'll meet a particular moon, while keeping your Jool periapsis the same. (That same technique, by the way, is how you can avoid Ike.)
  6. The current version and the previous version are available for download: at the time of writing .25 and .24 respectively. On the store I think you can just pick. On Steam the previous version is available under "Betas", by right-clicking on the game name in the library.
  7. cantab


    Fleas or lice? Lemmings?
  8. Ah man. I dun goofed. I was having a right job flying my refueller in to my Tylo ship - it's over 4000 tons, not got enough Vernors, and with the two ships together the lag was pretty awful. In the end I just forced it, and transferred the fuel. Now the refueller is severely clipped into the ship. If I unclaw, the ship just blows to pieces. The only option I can see is to disable all the Vernors on either the ship or the refueller, then free the pivot and I should be able to swing them clear. I have been having problems with the game not responding to right clicks.
  9. Granted, but the cheese is mouldy and the cats aren't funny. I wish for a bug-free KSP.
  10. cantab


    Ships/Boats? Or sailors?
  11. Got my refueller from the last page into orbit. It was an eventful launch. I had fixed drogue chutes to the boosters to help with separation, but forgot about Deadly Re-Entry: when deployed they simply cut. On booster separation I lost two engine clusters and two Kerbodyne tanks from the first stage core, and later a third engine from overheating. I held it on course - ish - by limiting thrust on the opposite engines. On first stage separation I lost another engine, again I shutdown the opposite engine to proceed. Once in orbit I did some fuel balancing and discarded part of the second stage to shed the weight, then found the fairings were not separating cleanly - they would often strike the payload and destroy the thrust plate, causing the ship to fall into bits. After a few trial and error attempts I managed to release them one at a time. Now to go and fill up my ship. EDIT: I think I had so much extra fuel because I'd had KER in atmo mode, and with KR-2Ls involved that has a big impact.
  12. The stock LV-N is pretty close to a "true nuclear rocket engine", it's based on the real-life NERVA that was ground tested but never used in any rocket. In the NERVA, LV-N, and any nuclear thermal rocket the nuclear reactor heats a propellant which is then expelled through the nozzle. So even though the reactor's nuclear fuel could last for years, the propellant gets used up quite quickly, though not as quickly for the same thrust as with a chemical rocket.
  13. Hence the "Begin". That can be just about anything you like really, though the obvious thing would be to survey potential sites. Eve can be reached with little delta-V, considerably less than even a one-way Mun landing. Landing is simple, though I'll grant that FAR+DRE will create challenges not in stock. Science returns are good even if you're transmitting, thanks to the high multipliers.
  14. Only done any sort of karting once. Slick tyres and rain made for some fun times, lots of spinning. We weren't actually racing seriously though, just got to drive around and see how fast we could go. Dunno how powerful they were, not crazy power though.
  15. Have a look through the kethane config files. The price should be specified there.
  16. Mission proposal: Even with the powerful Interstellar-grade technologies being developed, it could yet be decades before an ascent from the surface of Eve is possible. Yet the public yearn to see more of this vividly-coloured ocean-bearing world, so like Kerbin and yet so unlike. The only option is Eve To Stay. Begin your colonisation of the purple planet.
  17. I don't have a current "serious" save. Although considering I'm doing a huge Tylo mission in my "messing about" save, maybe it's getting a bit serious. I didn't finish my .23.5 one (which was technically the then-career but with parts hacked unlocked, so sandbox really) until after .25 came out. Then the .26/.90 upgradable buildings were announced so I decided to wait for them.
  18. Yeah, I can't see Orion flying that many missions. Visiting an asteroid would be cool, but if you drag it into LEO then pretty much anything can do that. Telerobotics on Mars could work really well, but it might struggle to get much popularity, everyone will be like "If we're sending people all that way why don't we land them?" or on the other hand "Why don't we drive the robots from Earth? It worked for Curiosity." And I've not heard much about serious development on a lander for anywhere.
  19. Those dots in the background aren't stars. Those are giant Kerbodyne tanks, KS-25x4s, and KR-2Ls.
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