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Everything posted by cantab

  1. cantab


    The shortcut on Rainbow Road in Mario Kart 64?
  2. If you have too much currency you aren't playing on a hard enough difficulty level :-P There's still a lot of game balance work to be done, but even when the game is well-balanced I expect the normal difficulty to be balanced for newish players, and old hands at the game will need to go for hard mode for a proper challenge.
  3. Granted. But the world is devastated by warring fans of sports teams. I wish that Man U would get relegated this year.
  4. cantab


    I was gonna make a guess, but then it suddenly rung a bell and I looked the answer up. So I shan't spoil it.
  5. My understanding is the timewarp limits are hand-specified, which means Squad can and have put oddities in. I think Pol is one of a couple of bodies that actually has terrain above the 5x warp level, which is Not A Good Thing.
  6. Granted. Your mother's cancer goes into remission and she survives for another five years. I wish for radially attached bacon.
  7. Granted. Kinda. I'm not sure what that is, but I think maple syrup should be an OK substitute. You won't notice the difference will you? I wish that Britain had won the Revolutionary War.
  8. Isn't that pic wrong anyway? Revert to launch should be about 20-30 seconds, but revert to VAB should be a day or so, after the boat affair.
  9. cantab


    Yup, Red Iron has it.
  10. Granted. A trashy reality TV show being behind the first Mars landing is corruption enough. I wish X Factor would just go away. And not to Mars
  11. cantab


    Durn, not feeling so inspired now. Oh well, silly joke one. What's brown and sticky?
  12. Granted. But it causes a critical existence failure. I wish people knew how to spell "phoenix".
  13. That's merely the difference between a popular game and an obscure or niche one. And while many popular games are great, not all great games become popular.
  14. Granted, it fell into the ocean intact. I wish I had twelve fingers.
  15. cantab


    Free Software/Open Source?
  16. cantab


    Correct, of course. Well, Antares and Cygnus in general.
  17. cantab


    This one came into my head pretty much You put the foodstuffs in, You take the rubbish out, In, out, in, out, You ship it all about, You do the orbit matching, And the arm's a-catching, That's what it's all about. Woooooah, it's going up, Woooooah, it's going down, Woooooah, it went kaboom, Anomaly, catastrophe, but we're all safe!
  18. Last I checked you could enable and disable resources without control, or has that been changed?
  19. Granted. Clothing ceases to exist. I wish for a legit 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Latias.
  20. Granted. But all your shoes turn into ones with buckles that you just cannot seem to do up. I wish for clean, dry, safe, well-fitting matching pairs of socks.
  21. So what this sounds like is that a full, enabled battery still takes in charge but then just dumps it. Which is actually somewhat realistic. A full battery connected to a charging power supply will "dump" that overcharging as heat into the battery.
  22. It's a truly great game, and probably my own most-played now. But I still feel the greatest game I've played is Chrono Trigger.
  23. Granted, since that's an obvious null operation. The corrupt remain corrupt. I wish for a moon base.
  24. Yes, it was stated in the press conference that they noticed a fault both visually and on telemetry and hit the self-destruct. If I remember rightly the timings were T+6s they spotted the issue and T+15 hit the button. Which would make the big explosion in the air the self-destruct system. That's a bit concerning actually because it didn't seem to fully destroy the rocket.
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